By Edward L. Kunze (Born 2/11/50)
Table of Contents:
I – Surname Origin
II – Fredrick Kunze (1820-1901)
III – Edward Kunze (1875-1959)
IV – Frank Kunze (1919 – 2007)
V - Edward L. Kunze (1950 - )
VI – Elaine Diane Kunze (1952 - )
VII – Ronald Frank Kunze (1979 - )
VIII – Descendents of Fredrick Kunze – Genealogy Chart
IX – 1st Appendix - i) Fredrick Kunze ii) Edward Kunze iii) Frank R. Kunze
iv) Edward L. Kunze v) Ronald F. Kunze
X – 2nd Appendix – i) The Art of Cooking ii) Memories of the Blackfoot iii) Article written about Captain Ed Kunze
XI - 3rd Appendix – Amelia’s Story
XII - 4th Appendix –Remember these? The 50s and 60s.
XIII - 5th Appendix – Kunze Family Recipes and Origins
XIV - 6th Appendix – Additional Research
I - Surname: Kunze
This famous German surname and original personal name of the pre 7th century, is recorded in over one hundred spellings throughout Europe and Scandanavia. These include the basic forms of Conrad (Medieval German and post medieval English and French), Konrad, Kohrt, Kordt, Kunrad, Kuhndert, Kuhnt, and Kurth found mainly in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, to Koenraad (Czech), Kondrat (Russia), Corradi (Italian), Cunradi (Tuscany), Korlat (Hungary), diminutives such as Kienzle, Kunc, Kunz, Kuntz, Kunzel, Zunzelman, and patronymics Kurten, Coners, Conerding, Conradsen, Coenraets, and Kondratovich, and many, many, more. The origination is the ancient compound given name 'Kuoni-rad', which loosely translates as 'brave counsel', and is one of a very large group of similar Germanic names from about fifteen hundred years ago that include Albert, Frederick, and Willhelm. All have similar meanings associated with strength (of both mind and body), victory and courage. It may be that all relate to 'wishful thinking' or hope for the future, as the development of these names coincided with a period of total chaos and seemingly endless war and invasion throughout Europe, following the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. The name has been recorded since time immemorial, and the first of what might loosely be called a hereditary surname recording, may be that of Conrad Conradi, (Conrad, the son of Little Conrad), in the charters of the German town of Elsabe in the year 1297, with Rudolf Kunzelman or Cunzelman being recorded in Ulm, Switzerland, in 1337.
II Fredrick Kunze – 1820 - 1901
b: 30 Apr 1820 in Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Preussen
.. +Christanna Lanya 1822 - 1857 b: Abt. 1822 in Germany m: Abt. 1838
Lanya, Christanna
Birth : ABT 1822 Germany, Prussia
Death : ABT 1857 Austin, Texas (?)
I have not been able to find any children by this marriage. Nor is the location of her death correct either (I do not think). She may have come to America, but surly not with Fredrick, his second wife, Augusta, and their 4 kids.
From Amelia’s Story (Appendix vi): Fred Kunze – Born in Berlin Germany, April 30, 1820. Married to Johanna Christiana Lanya at age of 20. Fred Kunze had two brothers, Karl F. and August, and one sister named Dora.
*2nd Wife of [1] Fredric Kunze:
.. +Agusta Unknown - 1953 b: in Prussia m: 15 Aug 1845
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Unknown, Agusta
Kunze, August
Birth: 15 Aug 1845 in Germany
Kunze, Henrietta
Birth : 3 MAY 1847 Germany
Kunze, Mary
Birth : 20 APR 1849 Germany
Kunze, John Charles
Birth : 24 DEC 1851 Germany
Death : 28 JUN 1932
Kunze, Agusta
Birth : 8 APR 1853 Austin, Texas
I include this following section on Mulligan because I am trying to determine the actual date Fredrick emigrated from Germany to the U.S. And, Henrietta is my true aunt, 3 times removed, with their children being my first cousins. Edward Layton Kunze
ETER H. MULLIGAN, whose home is on section 14, township 9, range 63 west, Elbert County, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, August 15, 1846, a son of John and Bridget Mulligan. He was about ten years of age when his parents moved to Lancashire, England, and there he was employed in cotton mills for some years. In 1864, at the age of eighteen, he emigrated to America, and for a year made his home in New York, but afterward went to Jackson County, Mo., and from there a few months later removed to Leavenworth, Kan.
While in the latter city Mr. Mulligan enlisted in Company G, Third United States Infantry, of the regular army. He remained in the service for three years, then was discharged at Fort Lyon, Colo., but after some time re-enlisted in the same company for five years, then was discharged at Conchoda, La. He re-enlisted for five years and was discharged at Fort Shaw, Mont. In the fall of 1868 he took part in the battle of Wichita Mountains under General Custer. In September, 1874, he took part in the quelling of the riot at New Orleans, and in 1877 he was similarly engaged at Pittsburg. On being ordered west, he went to Montana to watch the movements of Sitting Bull and was stationed at Fort Logan, Mont., for some time, but from there went to Milk River, Mont., and then came to Fort Shaw, where he was discharged September 20, 1881.
Note: The following link gives a decent account of the battle
In 1870, in Fort Lyon, Mr. Mulligan married Miss Henrietta Kunze, daughter of Frederick Kunze, and a native of Germany. She was quite small when brought to America by her parents and was given a fair education in the common schools of this country. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan, namely: August, who was born at Lamar, Mo., in 1873; Frederick, who was born at Jefferson Barracks, La., in 1875, and is a private in Company G, First Colorado Infantry, now on duty on the Philippine Islands; Isabelle, who was born at Fort Shaw, Mont.; Richard and John, who were born in Elbert County, the latter June 13, 1886.
In 1881 Mr. Mulligan bought one hundred and sixty acres that form the nucleus of his present property. To it he added from time to time until his possessions now aggregate nine hundred and twenty acres, lying on Comanche Creek and containing valuable improvements. The location of the property makes it desirable for cattle-raising, and we find that Mr. Mulligan has made a specialty of this business, in which the larger portion of his property has been accumulated. He is identified with Elbert Lodge No. 86, I. O. O. F., in which he has filled all of the chairs and is now past grand. He is also a charter member of the Home Forum. In 1872 he voted for Grant, but is now an advocate of the People's party, and in 1895 was the Populist candidate for sheriff of Elbert County.
... 3 August Mulligan 1867 - b: 18 Aug 1867
... 3 Fredrick Mulligan 1875 - b: 23 Feb 1875
....... +Unknown
..... 4 Henry F. Mulligan 1904 - b: 08 May 1904
..... 4 Donald F. Mulligan 1906 - b: 08 Nov 1906
........ 5 Donald Mulligan 1945 - b: 01 Dec 1945
..... 4 Harold C. Mulligan 1915 - b: 25 Aug 1915
... 3 Richard Mulligan 1878 - b: 18 Aug 1878
... 3 Isobel Mulligan 1880 - b: 01 Jan 1880
....... +Unknown Jones
So far, I have been able to determine Fredrick Immigrated to the U.S. in 1852. This is based on the account of Henrietta being quite small when coming to the U.S, and I assume she was between 3 and 5 years old. However, the most convincing evidence is the dates of the birth of Fredrick’s and Augusta’s children, where John Charles was the last one born in Germany on Dec. 24, 1851 and Agusta was born in Austin on April 8, 1853. They probably took off to America shortly after John Charles was born. Plus, it must have taken a few months to get to Austin, so this makes their arrival in the U.S between March and December of 1852.
Even though many people went through customs in New Orleans, it appears most German immigrants heading for Texas landed in Port Galveston. I assume this is also where Fredrick and his family first stepped on U.S. soil.
I have to question the date of death of Fredrick’s 2nd wife, Augusta. Is the 1953 date a typo, and maybe the date should be 1853? They were married Aug 15, 1845, an assuming she was about 17 years old, means she was born in 1828, making her 125 years old, which makes no sense. But, it does make sense she may have died while giving birth to her daughter Agusta in Austin in April of 1853. And, no other children by her were born after that date.
Plus, the date of the 2nd marriage is the same as the date of the birth of the first child, August. This is certainly possible, because they may have waited to see if the child would be born healthy, but it is still a bit suspicious. Ed L. Kunze
Fredrick immigrated to the U.S in 1852 to escape from religious prosecution – he was a Free Thinker.
Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that beliefs should be formed on the basis of science and logic and should not be influenced by emotion, authority, tradition, or any dogma. The cognitive application of freethought is known as freethinking, and practitioners of freethought are known as freethinkers.
Freethinkers tended to be liberal, espousing ideals such as racial, social, and sexual equality, and the abolition of slavery.[3] In Texas, these newcomers were persecuted and sometimes killed for their opposition to slavery.
Per The American Heritage of the Civil War (1960): In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s cabin. 300,000 copies were sold in the first year alone. Plus, later editions were even printed in German, so it is for sure many Germans were aware of this anti-slavery book. The Kunze family has an original edition of this book, which I read when I was 15.
Because they are not influenced by non scientific facts, Freethinkers are also generally known as agnostics or atheists.
Fredric worked as a stone mason / plasterer and teamster in Austin, Texas and in Lamar, Barton County Missouri. It appears he mostly lived in areas where several German families had settled.
Per “The American Heritage of the Civil War” (1960): Between 1844 and 1854 there were 1,300,000 Irish and 1,000,000 Germans who emigrated to the U.S.
Family Legend: When Fredrick got to one of the small German colonies in the Texas Hill Country, Quantrill’s Raiders had just come through the following day and killed all the men of the colony who were 14 years or older. This was not long after the August 1863 Lawrence, Kansas massacre where the 450 Raiders had killed 183 men and boys from the age of 14 to 90. (“Anyone old enough to hold a gun”) The raiders fled to Texas, and continued their pillaging. Among Quantrill’s Raiders were the brothers Cole and Jim Younger, and Frank and Jessie James.
Without any ties to the South or to slavery, he chose the Confederacy apparently because in Missouri this allowed him to attack all symbols of authority. He attracted to his gang some of the most psychopathic killers in American history. --James McPherson on Quantrill
Several famous would-be outlaws joined his ruffian group including Frank and Jesse James and the Younger Brothers. Justifying his actions for perceived wrongs done to them by Kansas Jayhawkers and the Federal Authorities, the band robbed Union mail, ambushed federal patrols, and attacked boats on the Missouri River throughout the year.
Fredrick helped the women bury the men by the river, and stayed. He married one of the widows, Lucy Henderson - *3rd Wife of [1] Fredric Kunze: +Lucy Henderson Scribner 1835 - 1910 b: Abt. 1835 in Illinois m: 16 Feb 1865,_Texas
Comfort, TX was established in 1854 by German immigrants which were Freethinkers and Abolitionists in the 1800s. The first churches were not established in Comfort till 1900. The downtown area is possibly one of the most well-preserved business districts in Texas. There are well over 100 structures in the area dating back to the 1800s, and seven of them were designed by the noted architect, Alfred Giles. Mr. Giles lived in San Antonio and he would ride horses, the stagecoach, and later the train to check his building sites in Comfort. Most of the population today are composed of the descendants of those original pioneer families of the 1850s and the 1860s. Ernst Altgelt, at the young age of 22, is credited with surveying and measuring the lots that would later be sold to the incoming German immigrants. He stayed and married Emma (Murck) Altgelt and they raised their nine children in the township of Comfort.
Comfort is also known for a not-so-pleasant event that took place during the Civil War. The Treue Der Union Monument was dedicated in honor of 35 men who died at the Battle of the Nueces which took place because they opposed the state's secession from the Union. The German settlers were killed on their way to Mexico during the Civil War. They were attacked by Confederate forces near Brackettville on August 10, 1862. The bodies were not buried and the bones were retrieved and placed here in 1865. The monument was erected in 1866.
Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Birth : ABT 1835 Illinois
Death : 1910 Ada, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Gender: Female
Marriage: BEF 1864
Spouse: 1st husband
Snow, Unknown
Gender: Male
Snow, Mary Jane
Gender: Female
Snow, Willie
Gender: Male
Marriage: 16 FEB 1865 in Travis County, Texas (near Austin)
Spouse: 2’nd husband
Kunze, Fredric
Fredrick and Lucy had a daughter Amelia Amelia Kunze 1865 - 1955 b: 28 Dec 1865 in Austin, Travis, Texas, a daughter Dora 2 [58] Dora Belle Kunze 1868 - 1902 b: 17 Jan 1868 in Lamar, Missouri, a son, Edward 2 Edward Kunze 1875 - 1959 b: 01 Apr 1875 in Lamar, Missouri. And, another daughter Hattie Lee. 2 [59] Hattie Lee Kunze 1877 - 1964 b: 10 Feb 1877 in Lamar, Missouri
Aunt Amelia was Granddad (Edward) Kunze's oldest full sister. He had many half sisters and brothers. When Fredrick divorced the wife Lucy, he took Amelia and Granddad Kunze with him to Colorado. He said "Woman, I divorce you." He gave her the boarding house and something else. I can't remember all the details. (Eleanor Kunze) The Cherokee Indian Princess Myth: It's always a Cherokee princess, almost never Navajo or Apache or Pueblo or Lumbee. Native American ancestry is an extremely common family story, and it seems it is always (married) to an Indian princess. The Cherokee, of course, are a large tribe with a diverse culture, divided by the Trail of Tears. They intermarried widely, perhaps increasing the likelihood of Cherokee/white ancestry.
Here is our Indian princess family myth: At some time during the period they were in Texas, a nephew had married a Comanche Indian princess. (Probably on the side of the family of Fredrick’s wife, Lucy. Her previous husband, Will Snow, was part Indian) Some time after the wedding, the two brothers then killed the girl, and took off with the horses. They were caught by the law (possibly by the Texas Rangers), and hanged…not for murder, but horse stealing.
Texas seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy by action of a convention January 28, 1861, ratified February 23, 1861. While not much of the War Between the States (1861-1865) was fought on Texas soil, Texans contributed much to Confederate strength. A notable organization, Terry's Texas Rangers, was organized in Houston in 1861, and derived its name from the brilliant leadership of Colonel Benjamin Franklin Terry. Many of the Texas Rangers and former members enlisted in "Terry's Texas Rangers," and made an enviable record in the Confederate Army. Texas was readmitted to the Union on March 30, 1870.
The darkest period in the history of the organization, the Period of Reconstruction (1865-1873), was the re-regimentation of the Rangers as the "State Police". Under the administration of the Reconstructionist Governor E. J. Davis (January 8, 1870 - January 15, 1874), while charged with the enforcement of the unpopular carpetbagger laws, the State Police fell into disrepute among the war-weary citizens of Texas. Reconstruction and carpetbag rule was ended in 1873.
PAISANO RANCH - Paisano Ranch, fourteen miles southwest of Austin in the Hill Country, was the country retreat of J. Frank Dobie until his death in 1964. He had previously owned a larger place, Cherry Springs Ranch, near Marble Falls. In 1959, after a severe illness, he sold Cherry Springs Ranch and bought the 254-acre Paisano Ranch, which had been called Shady Creek Ranch by the previous owners, George and Pearl Turney. The first owner of the land was James S. Burton, who surveyed and received 160 acres of it about 1860. On August 14, 1863, Burton sold the property to Frederick and Lucy Kunze, who built a log cabin on it. The cabin is hidden within the walls of the present house, though a part of it can be seen since renovation in 1979. The property was sold on September 15, 1865, to John Daniel and Mary Wende, who increased the size of the ranch to its present acreage, built additional rooms on the cabin, and built stone walls that still crosscut the property. Wende died in 1897, but his wife lived there five more years.
….deer and wild turkey and other wildlife found in abundance on the property.
Barton Creek, still thirty or so twisting miles from its mouth, runs clear and sweet most years. It curls and chatters among the rocks, and whispers into dark, tree hung places and pools where the imagination pictures both delights and dangers. Dominating the natural scenery are massive limestone bluffs which form the pictorial backdrop for views from the front gallery. Here the canyon wren's tumbling, crystal song pours out in season, the chuck-will's widow calls through the spring nights. Dripping springs, fern surrounded, chime from the rocks and on rare winter days, icicles form like beards off their ledges." The ranch has been left very much in its natural state since Dobie's occupancy-native grasses rarely seen elsewhere today are abundant, a profusion of wildflowers, cactus, vines, and bushes covers the land, and tall live oaks shade the house. A log cabin, at least a part of which dates from the middle of the nineteenth century, sits on a far corner of the property.
The ranch was gifted to the University of Texas in 1966 - "Paisano will be operated by the University as a permanent memorial to J. Frank Dobie, and the primary use will be to encourage creative artistic effort in all fields, particularly in writing. It will be kept in its present more or less natural state and the ranch house will be kept in simple style, very much as it was when Frank Dobie occupied it."
Did the ranch actually record as the buyers being Fredrick and Lucy Kunze, or did they live together for two years before they were married and have both their names on the title pretending they were married? Or, is her name even on the title when Fredrick bought it. I assume her name is on the title when they sold it, because they were married by then.
Fredrick sold the ranch on Sept. 15, 1865, with the recorded sellers being Fredrick and Lucy Kunze, not long after their marriage in Texas on Feb 16, 1865. Amelia was born in Austin on Dec. 28, 1865. “Probably about 9 months and 10 minutes after the wedding”. (per Frank Rivett Kunze).
Birth : 28 DEC 1865 Austin, Travis, Texas
Death : 30 JUN 1955 Puyallup, Washington
2) Dora Belle Birth : 17 JAN 1868 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 3 NOV 1902 Lamar, Missouri
3) Kunze, Fred
Birth : 11 APR 1870 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 11 APR 1870 Lamar, Missouri
4) Edward
Birth : 1 APR 1875 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 19 JUL 1959
5) Hattie Lee Birth : 10 FEB 1877 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 2 MAY 1964 Puyallup, Washington
Left to right: Mildred Wall, Clyde Wall, Hattie Lee Edmondson Wall, Leo Wall, and Mary Wall
From Amelia’s Notes: Fall of 1866, Frederick started north from Texas with herd of stock, 3 children suffered malaria. They stopped at Lamar, Barton Co., Mo. Here, owning 40 acres of land and being a stone mason, he built a house and barn of stone. He lived there 17 years until 1883.
In 1883 he traveled by team to Colorado, buying a Homestead of 160 acres near Monument, El Paso Co. Lived there 15 years.
Dec. 24, 1899 he went to Oklahoma to visit his daughters, Mary and Augusta. He died at Augusta's home on Feb. 2, 190l.
From Frank Kunze’s notes about his Grandfather Fredrick……. Fredrick August Kunze, was born in Strasberg Germany, now a part of France. (Author’s Note: The ancestry shows him born in Berlin, plus Amelia’s hand written notes say Berlin, but Dad always insisted it was Strasberg). He migrated from Germany to Austin Texas in about 1853, where he worked his trade as a stone mason. He acquired a ranch along the Colorado river, where he stayed until after the Civil War. In 1866 he moved to Lamar Missouri. He was a Free Thinker and there was a large colony of Free Thinkers at Lamar.
In 1885 he moved to Palmer Lake Colorado. He had a ranch there and for a time operated a freight business from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek. About 1899 he moved to Oklahoma to live with his two daughters, which is were he died at 81 years of age on Feb. 2, 1901.
My Dad (Edward) related some incidents about my Grandfather Fredrick that I should write about. One such incident was during the Civil War. Six Union soldiers had got lost and were starving. My grandfather gave them something to eat. While they were eating, a troop of Confederate Calvary came by. They promptly hung the Union soldiers, and had a rope around Fredrick’s neck. They were going to hang him for helping the enemy, but he was babbling in German and the troop commander let him go.
When Quantrill’s raiders came through that part of Texas, they decided the Germans were not loyal enough to the South. So they killed several of them. They tied wire around their necks, and then to large rocks, and dumped them into the Colorado River. When the wire cut through the decomposed bodies, they floated to the top. The women retrieved the bodies and buried their husbands. My Grand Mother was one of those women. She had two children by Will Snow, who was killed in the raid. She moved in with my Grandfather, and they got married when a preacher made his rounds.
In 1866 Fredrick decided to leave Texas and to move to Lamar, Missouri. They took cattle, horses and wagons. They were one year on the road. They wintered in Arkansas. The trip was an arduous one. They were harassed by Indians, and had several river crossings. He had all of his children with him except August, who stayed on the Ranch in Texas, and two of the older girls who had married in Texas.
In 1883, he decided to move again. They went to Colorado. His son Charlie had been there and told him they could do well by raising and selling beef to the miners. They moved to Monument, El Paso County. My Dad, Edward, went to school at Palmer Lake, which is close by. They went, like they did from Texas to Lamar, by wagon train. They had horses and cattle. In Kansas City, he bought my Grandmother a boarding house. He then sold 10 head of horses, and with the $1,500 from the sale, gave it to her for operating expenses, which she ran for several years. He told her they were now divorced. My dad, Edward, later came back and spent some time with his Mother. He said the boarders were mostly glass blowers, and probably because they did not live very long, they were very heavy drinkers.
Not long after the family moved to Colorado, they had a tremendous gold strike at Cripple Creek. The miners were desperate for supplies, and grandfather had a lot of good horses. For about 5 years, until the railroad was completed, they ran a freight line from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek. My dad said he spent many long hard days driving teams on that route. It was a very steep, hard trip.
Cripple Creek History: Elevation: 9,494 feet above sea level
Gold fever put Cripple Creek on the map in 1890. The district's mines are responsible for making the area the fourth largest producing gold camp in the world. In the first year of production, early day mines reported about $250,000 taken from the ground. By 1893, miners had dug up $3 million in gold ore; by 1899 about $59 million in ore was sent out of the camp. By the end of the gold rush, area mines produced $432 million.
About my Dad’s older brother Charlie (John Charles Kunze); he was a great hunter and sharpshooter with a rifle, and very good with a Colt revolver. His rifle was a .50 Sharps.
A Shiloh Sharps Rifle with .50–90 cartridges (2.5 inches long)
The .50-90 was created specifically with buffalo in mind. At the time, the killing power of a cartridge could only really be altered by making a heavier bullet or increasing the powder charge. The wide variety of specialty bullets and powders was not available. The buffalo is an extremely large animal and difficult to take down reliably, thus the need for a large diameter cartridge, capable of carrying a heavier bullet, more powder, and a greater cross-section on the bullet, creating a larger hole. [3]
Billy Dixon used a Sharps .50-90 at the Second Battle of Adobe Walls in June 27, 1874 to make his legendary 1538 yard shot.[4] [5]
Charlie was so good with the Sharps rifle, at the local turkey shoots they would only let him shoot for one turkey. No one else would have had a chance if he was allowed to shoot all of them. My Dad also said Charlie could put 6 potatoes on fence posts, and shoot all six of them riding by on his horse with his old Colt cap and ball percussion revolver.
The Colt .44-caliber “Army" Model was one of the most widely-used revolvers of the Civil War. More than 200,000 were manufactured from 1860 through 1873. Colt's biggest customer was the US Government with over 127,000 units being purchased and issued to the troops. The weapon was a single-action, six-shot weapon accurate up to 75 to 100 yards, where the fixed sights were typically set when manufactured. The rear sight was a notch in the hammer, clearly visible only when the revolver was cocked.
Charlie’s reputation was such that when the sheriff would go out to get an outlaw or horse thief, he would stop by and pick up Charlie to go with him. Usually the man would give up without incident.
My Grandfather Fredrick was a very big man for those times. He was about 6’5” and weighed about 250 pounds. Most of his children and grandchildren were tall. I had at least two aunts who were over six feet tall. (Author’s note - As mentioned earlier, he would lift a 400 pound keg of nails off the floor and put it up on the counter, while the store keeper collected his bets.)
Edward and Iva Kunze
II Edward Kunze – 1875 - 1959
b: 01 Apr 1875 in Lamar, Missouri
.... +Iva Rivet m: 1918
From Frank Kunze’s notes about his Dad Edward: He had no middle name that he would admit to. (Author’s Note: Edward’s draft registration shows no middle name either. Plus, this was the full extent on Frank’s notes about his Dad. For some reason he wrote a lot about his Grandfather, and nothing about his Dad, and he was the one who would have known the most. ).
When Fredrick moved to Cripple Creek, Colorado, having divorced his wife, it appears he only went with his two oldest children, Amelia and Edward. They went with wagons and mules, and made their living hauling supplies for the gold mines.
I am not sure, but it makes sense it was Edward Kunze who “Americanized” the Kunze name. He was over 40 years old and with a family when World War I broke out. And, there was a lot of animosity towards people of German descent in the U.S. He did not change the spelling, but rather changed the pronunciation of the name Kunze from Koon sa in German to Koons ee.
Plus, I do not think his dad Fredrick ever really learned to speak English well, so it was unlikely Fredrick changed the pronunciation. It is for sure Edward spoke German; however, my Dad told me his dad had told him “We are Americans. We will speak English”.
Some Germans during this time "Americanized" their names (e.g. Schmidt to Smith, Müller to Miller, and limited their use of the German language in public places. This went on when newspapers printed black-lists of names of Germans including their addresses, headlined as German Enemy Aliens.
At some point in time (?), Edward struck out on his own and went to Idaho.
Twin Falls County, Idaho - 1917-1918
Kunze, Edward 1 Apr 1875 relative lives Newport WA
Ralston was the name of the relatives (Puyallup, WA & Salem, OR) –Eleanor
Iva Rivett,
Born Shepherd, Isabella County Michigan, (b 1883- d Dec. 6, 1956) - was Edward’s 1st wife, but Edward was Iva’s second husband. She was previously married to a McClellan. They had one boy named Ed McClellan (Mac). Mac then had two sons named Ed McClellan (Sony), and Gary.
Isabella County:
Location – Central Michigan
Isabella County Republican --- Feb. 7, 1957
Mrs. Myra Vredenburg has received word of the death of her niece, Iva Rivett Kunze who passed away, December 6th at Boardman, Oregon.
Mrs. Kunze was 73 years old and was born in
Shepherd to Ed and Mary Rivett and lived here during her girlhood.
Left to right – Eleanor Kunze, Mildred McClellan, Edward (Mac) McClellan, Edward Kunze, Hattie Lee Kunze (Edmondson), Frank R. Kunze. (about 1957).
From Frank Kunze’s notes about his Mother, Iva: Born in Isabella County, Michigan. Her father was Edward Rivett, a French Canadian who migrated from Picton, Ontario to Shepherd Michigan. He operated a blacksmith shop. He and his sister, Katherine, were orphans who came over from France to live with and aunt and an uncle in Picton. He was about 8 years old and she was about 10 when they came from France.
He was indentured to his uncle and worked in the blacksmith shop. When he was 21, his uncle gave him a wagon and team of horses, a set of blacksmith tools, and $1,000 to start his own business.
Iva’s Mother was Mary Meyers Rivett. Her family came from Pennsylvania via the Eire Canal. They were of German decent and bought 1500 acres of land from an Indian Chief, for $1,500. Mary was born May 6, 1859. Died Dec. 16, 1938 (Salt River Cemetery). Brothers and sisters of Mary were Mrs. Barton Allen of Clare Michigan, Mrs. Maher Walker of Cadillac, MI, Mrs. E.C. Wilson of Santa Ana CA, Ralph and Grant Meyers of Cheney Washington, and Will Meyers of Sheppard MI.
Iva had two brothers. One brother, Byron John Rivett, later became principal of Northwestern High School in Detroit, Michigan. The other, Arthur, was a bridge engineer, and died young.
Photo about 1955 – Iva Rivett Kunze. Ed Skoubo, Edward Kunze, Janet Skoubo, and Janelle Skoubo in the Skoubo home in Boardman. (Their property was close to the Columbia River and they moved to Corvallis after the John Day Dam flooded the properties and most of the town of Boardman.)
Edward and Iva had three children: Mary, Frank and Ruth.
Mary married Alvin Deulen. Mary and Alvin had 7 children – Rosemary, Cora, Richard, Bob, Neil and Alan (Plus another child who died in infancy)
The Deulens - Alvin, Mary, Rosemary, Cora, Richard, Bob, and (?) On the right is Hattie and Edward Kunze
Ruth married Irwin (Butch) Flock
Butch and Ruth Flock had two children – Charmalee and Frank
About 1961 – Ruth Flock, Charmalee and Frank – This photo was taken in front of Frank R. Kunze’s house in Westminster, California.
Frank married Eleanor Fern Crane.
Edward Kunze became a carpenter by trade.
From Sony’s (Ed McClellan) e-mail to me on 4/18/09.
I have thought about "Grandad Kunze" all week. Although I had a fairly long tenure with him in Boardman I never did learn much about his early years. I was in Boardman off and on from about 1930 to 1945. I think they moved to Boardman in the late 1920's. Very tough times. It must have been sort of a homesteading venture. Difficult ... no electricity, and a shallow well water. I vaguely remember being assigned the task of pumping water for the cows. Seemed to take forever (I was about 5 or 6) I do know that their cash flow in those early years was very meager ... $20 or $30 a month from cream sales. Grandad Kunze would go sheep shearing every spring. I think he covered Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. My father (Mac McClellan) went a couple of times. "Kunze" earned enough to see the farm through the rest of the year. He was an outstanding shearer. No one apparently could beat him. Since it was piece work he did very well.
Kunze was skilled at most trades. He must have worked in a variety of fields, mostly in or around farms ... horses. Pretty good carpenter. I do remember him talking of making and selling hamburgers at fairs. As most people at that time he must have tried anything that would keep body and soul together. No welfare in those days.
He had relatives all over the northwest. Apparently his father married several times and each time had a number of children. I remember he could go to almost any northwest town and find a relative to stay with. Mostly cousins.
I am not sure how much formal schooling he had. Not much I am sure. But like your father (Frank) he was an avid reader ... of anything. One time he got hold of a set of encyclopedias. He started at the "A" and read to the "Z's". A very well read, intelligent, and generous man. They never turned anyone away that needed a meal.
Sorry I can't be more help. I wish now that I had asked more questions.
Sonny, the other Ed
Frank always said that his grandfather was 55 years old when his Dad was born, and his Dad was 44 years old when HE was born, which darned near covered a century. Eleanor (Crane) Kunze
From Twin Falls, when Frank was very young, they moved to Boardman, Oregon and homesteaded a 160 acre farm there. /......Boardman was homesteaded in 1903, by its namesake, Samuel Herbert Boardman. Sam Boardman was the first Superintendent of the Oregon State Parks System, as well as the creator of the "rest stop" after he began planting trees to make little parks where travelers could stop and rest in the shade along our country's first highway.
After the John Day Dam was built on the Columbia River, flooding the old town of Boardman, the town was relocated back to the shores of the new reservoir. This made (present day) Kunze Lane (named for Edward Kunze) one of the principle streets of the town. The old homestead was on Edward Kunze Road. John Day Dam is a hydroelectric dam spanning the Columbia River in the northwestern United States. The dam features a navigation lock plus fish ladders on both sides. The reservoir impounded by the dam is Lake Umatilla, and it runs 76.4 miles (123 kilometers) up the river channel to the foot of the McNary Dam. Construction of the dam began in 1958 and was completed in 1971,
III Frank Rivett Kunze - Born Oct.28, 1919, Twin Falls, ID
Died Dec. 18, 2007- Temecula, CA
Married Eleanor Fern Crane Dec. 29, 1947. They had two children- Edward Layton (Born Feb. 11, 1950), and Elaine Diane (Born May 6, 1952).
Eleanor Fern Crane, born March 28, 1925 in Traverse City, Michigan was the daughter of Ardath Lake (maiden name) and Layton Crane. She had one brother, Gerald. Gerald Crane married Dalice Gay Hamon and they had one son, Dale. Another boy, Dennis, was the son of Dalice from her previous marriage with Hamon.
This was Frank’s 1st marriage, but Eleanor’s 2nd. Just before the war, she was briefly married to John Hahn in June of 1942. He was drafted in the service. There were no children. I worked in a bank in Missoula for awhile, but followed Alice and family to Portland, probably fall or winter of '43. I thought I was in heaven because Portland actually had GRASS that time of year and rain, not SNOW. - Eleanor Kunze
Frank was drafted into the U.S. Army on Oct. 10, 1941, just a few weeks short of his 22’nd birthday. He served in the Pacific theater in the Philippines and New Guinea, in the 116th Engineers, Company “C”. He was discharged from the Army on Oct. 26, 1945.
This is the poem Eleanor Kunze cut out of a newspaper 42 years before her husband’s death. She had it read at Frank Kunze’s Memorial Service because it described her husband perfectly:
By Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
IV) Edward Layton Kunze – born Feb. 11, 1950
Born in the Saint Anthony Hospital at Pendleton, Umatilla County OR, but resided in Boardman.
Ed Kunze – photo 2005 (age 55)
Married Roberta Beard in 1972. Roberta Beard was born in Arkansas in 1950. They had one son, Ronald Frank Kunze, born Riverside, CA. (Parkview Hospital) Jan. 22, 1979. Attending physician - Dr. Childs.
Note: Shortly after the delivery Dr. Childs asked me if I wanted to “watch” my son being circumcised, and being I was so rattled about having a son, I said “no way”! He got down the hall a ways, and I had time to collect my thoughts and asked him what he had said. He had asked if I “want” him…..anyway, Ali… say thank you when you read this.
Divorced – 1984
In an e-mail to me, Roberta had this to say:
I was born Roberta Ann Beard on September 23, 1950 in Malvern, AR
Mother was Margaret Lena Chaffin Beard and born October 9, 1920.
Daddy was Robert Andrew Beard and born November 8, 1903 or 1907. He was either 13 or 17 years older than my mother, he died in 1963 and she died in 1983.
Your son was born January 24, 1979 - he is going to be 30 soon! He is so proud of the house (his first) - you know there is so very much to do but he is chipping away at it. They are hosting Thanksgiving dinner - only have four chairs but we can scrounge up chairs and tables, he is b b quing a turkey on our Weber and Ali is doing a ham in the oven. First holiday in many years I will not be slaving in my kitchen. You know, I still remember Eleanor's pies - she would put them away in the freezer and they were such a treat on the holidays. Of course, she could make a pie crust!
I was drafted into the U.S services while in college in 1969 because of the Vietnam War. I flunked the physical due to too many sports injuries which had accumulated over the years. At first I was given a 1Y classification, which meant non combat duty, but only in times of extreme emergency. This was later changed to 4F (not fit). When the military doctor pronounced “Uncle Sam does not want you”, I was elated, because I had to be back to the football practice field in only a couple of hours.
Married Martha Leticia Atilano in 1986. Born Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, Mexico. We had one son, Edward Layton Kunze II, Born CA (June 5, 1989).
Divorced – 1986
Our short marriage was very tumulus at best. We tried to get back together many times, but it did not work out.
Current location unknown…. Update – August 2009 – Ed showed up at Mom’s house. It was a major surprise to all of us. I have not seen him for at least 10 years, but now I have a few photos and I at least got to talk to him on the phone. The best part is Ron was in California on vacation with his wife, Ali, and Ron and Ken got to spend a bit of time together with Ed and get reacquainted. The timing was perfect, because Ron, working as a master mechanic at BMW in Little rock, AR, told me he will get no more two week vacations because they are too busy. Without the two weeks, Ron and Ali could not have made the drive from Arkansas to California.
Married Martha (Cuquis) Salas Cruz in 1988. Born Mexico City D. F., Colonia Coyuacan 1965…Had one son, Kenneth Daryl Kunze, born Riverside, CA, August 4, 1994 (Kaiser Hospital). Separated – 2000
Ken and his mother live in Riverside CA.
Cuquis (pronounced Cook – eez) illegally emigrated from Mexico with her two children, Antonio and Ivonne. Antonio was less than three years old, and Ivonne was less than a year.
I raised Antonio and Ivonne as if they were my children. While married to me, we got Cuquis her green card and legal status to be in the U.S. After we separated she continued on and received her U.S. citizenship.
I am currently (2009) residing in Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, México. Moved to Mexico from Riverside, California on August 4, 1998.
Ed Kunze’s three sons. Left to right- Ed Jr.(20), Ken (15), and Ron (30) - August, 2009
Three sons – three different wives – three different decades.
V) Elaine Diane Kunze- Born May 6, 1952, Portland, OR
Married Bruce Halby. They had one son, Ryan Halby, and a daughter, Charlotte.
Charlotte is autistic.
2nd marriage to Milton Reyes – no children.
Elaine currently resides in Temecula, CA
Elaine and Milt - 2009
She is a school teacher for mentally handicapped children.
Elaine, on the left in about 1961. She was a majorette for the LA Rams football team.
Ryan Halby, Elaine and Ken Kunze
Ronald Frank Kunze – Born Jan 24, 1979
Unmarried, Ron had one son Nicholas Blain Kunze. Nick’s Mother is Kristina (Kristi) Johnston and his Grand Parents are Bo and Angie Johnson, from Linden, Texas. Nicholas Blain Kunze was born on May 20, 2002 in Arkadelphia, AR. Nick lives with his Mom and her husband in Shreveport, LA
Ron and Nick - 2009
Ron lives in Littlerock, Arkansas and is a master mechanic for BMW. He and his (unmarried) wife, Ali, bought a house in Littlerock.
Ron and Ali in Las Vegas on her birthday. - I had told Ali to have Ron use soap when he washes his face.
It would help clean up that stuff on his chin. If he keeps this up, it will not be long before he looks like
Fredrick….his great, great grandfather (but with less hair on the head of course).
(By email on 2/19/10) Now you guys are married, I need to update the family history. Welcome to the Kunzes.
Are you keeping your name Skidmore, or using Kunze? What is your full name now, birth date, date you got married (I assume Littlerock), etc.
Ok….. my full name is Sarah Allison Kunze. I prefer to be called Ali . I was born on the K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base near Marquette Michigan on august 21st, 1971. My parents were Agnes Reetha Hutchinson and Harry Eugene Skidmore. They are both deceased …. Mom died of cervical cancer 10/31/03 and dad died of colon cancer 9/XX/05. I have three sisters and one brother. Dolly Kathleen Stamper (56), Samantha Kay Williams (51), Samuel Presley McCumpsey (50), Elizabeth Faith Linsley (40) . I have two children, Garion Allen Hill (17) and Nicholas Alexander Hill (13). Ron and I were legally married at the Little Rock courthouse by J.P. Kathy Lewison on January 5th, 2010. We are going to have a wedding ceremony at Cajun’s Wharf in Little Rock on May 1st, 2010
If that isn’t enough info, let me know and I will send more
Descendants of Fredric Kunze:
1 [1] Fredric Kunze 1820 - 1901 b: 30 Apr 1820 in Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Preussen
.. +Christanna Lanya 1822 - 1857 b: Abt. 1822 in Germany m: Abt. 1838
*2nd Wife of [1] Fredric Kunze:
.. +Agusta Unknown - 1953 b: in Prussia m: 15 Aug 1845
2 August Kunze 1845 - b: 15 Aug 1845 in Germany
2 Henrietta Kunze 1847 - b: 03 May 1847 in Germany
.... +Unknown Mulligan
... 3 Augest Mulligan 1867 - b: 18 Aug 1867
... 3 Fredrick Mulligan 1875 - b: 23 Feb 1875
....... +Unknown
..... 4 Henery F. Mulligan 1904 - b: 08 May 1904
..... 4 Donald F. Mulligan 1906 - b: 08 Nov 1906
........ 5 Donald Mulligan 1945 - b: 01 Dec 1945
..... 4 Harold C. Mulligan 1915 - b: 25 Aug 1915
... 3 Richard Mulligan 1878 - b: 18 Aug 1878
... 3 Isobel Mulligan 1880 - b: 01 Jan 1880
....... +Unknown Jones
..... 4 Alice Jones 1904 - b: 28 Jun 1904
..... 4 Jessie Alice Jones 1912 - b: 23 Jan 1912
......... +Unknown Knight
........ 5 Jessie Alice Knight 1937 - b: 02 Jan 1937
..... 4 Marjorie Edna Jones 1918 - b: 20 Feb 1918
......... +Unknown Mitchel
........ 5 Paul A. Mitchel 1938 - b: 23 Feb 1938
..... 4 Alma Louise 1920 - b: 18 Feb 1920
......... +Unknown Shaw
........ 5 Robert Leigh Shaw 1947 - b: 23 Apr 1947
........ 5 Janatta K. Shaw 1958 - b: 12 Dec 1958
..... 4 Marion Alice Jones 1937 - b: 02 Jan 1937
... 3 John Henery Mulligan 1886 - b: 15 Jun 1886
..... 4 Norman Allen Mulligan 1932 - b: 16 Dec 1932
..... 4 Margaret Mulligan 1934 - b: 18 Feb 1934
......... +Unknown Crusin
2 [2] Mary Kunze 1849 - b: 20 Apr 1849 in Germany
.... +Unknown Harkless
... 3 Abraham Harkless 1880 - b: 24 Aug 1880 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
..... 4 Marie Harkless 1910 - b: 1910 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
..... 4 Martha Harkless 1912 - b: 26 Jul 1912 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
......... +Unknown Morgan
........ 5 Joseph Morgan
........ 5 Ann Morgan
*2nd Husband of [2] Mary Kunze:
.... +Unknown Burnham
... 3 Maud Burnham 1867 - 1961 b: 09 Aug 1867 in Texas
....... +Unknown Crabb
..... 4 Edward DeKalb Crabb 1892 - b: 12 Mar 1892 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
........ 5 Paul Edward Crabb 1918 - b: 05 Aug 1918 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
........ 5 John Robert Crabb 1919 - b: 08 Dec 1919 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
........... 6 Linda Crabb 1945 - b: 17 Jun 1945
........... 6 Margaret Ann Crabb 1947 - b: 10 Feb 1947
........... 6 Robert Edward Crabb 1960 - b: 21 Dec 1960
........ 5 Mary Maxine Crabb 1922 - b: 27 Mar 1922 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
............ +Unknown Quigle
..... 4 Floyd M. Crabb 1894 - b: 16 Feb 1894 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
..... 4 James H. Crabb 1895 - b: 12 Nov 1895 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
........ 5 Nettie Ann Crabb 1947 - b: 19 Jul 1947 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 Jimmie Crabb 1950 - b: 01 Aug 1950 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 Larry Floyd Crabb 1954 - b: 14 Jun 1954 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 Frank Alvin Crabb 1955 - b: 14 Dec 1955 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 Gertrude Lynn Crabb 1957 - b: 02 Jun 1957 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 John Ray Crabb 1959 - b: 26 Mar 1959 in Spencer, Oklahoma
........ 5 Baby Girl Crabb 1960 - b: 1960 in Spencer, Oklahoma
..... 4 Ruby C. Crabb 1897 - b: 06 Oct 1897 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
......... +Unknown Mason
........ 5 Carl Ivan Mason 1920 - b: 16 Jun 1920 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........... 6 Katherine Elaine Mason 1943 - b: 08 Nov 1943 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........... 6 Harold Ivan Mason 1946 - b: 27 Jan 1946 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........ 5 Lottie Mae Mason 1922 - b: 24 Oct 1922 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
............ +Unknown Naxon
........... 6 Charlotte Jean Naxon 1944 - b: 17 May 1944 in Cashion, Oklahoma
........... 6 Richard Lee Naxon 1948 - b: 14 Aug 1948 in Cashion, Oklahoma
........... 6 Edward Lynn Naxon 1957 - b: 19 Feb 1957 in Cashion, Oklahoma
........ 5 James Wilber Mason 1925 - b: 08 Nov 1925 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........ 5 Audrey Lou Mason 1931 - b: 16 Oct 1931 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........ 5 Donna Ester Mason 1935 - b: 01 Aug 1935 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
............ +Unknown Wakefield
........... 6 Robert Eugene Wakefield 1955 - b: 27 Apr 1955 in Salina, Kansas
........... 6 Sandra Jean Wakefield 1956 - b: 28 Jun 1956 in Salina, Kansas
........... 6 Jerry Dean Wakefield 1960 - b: 17 Nov 1960 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........... 6 Terry Eugene Wakefield 1961 - b: 14 Nov 1961 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........ 5 Twin1 Mason 1938 - 1938 b: 1938 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
........ 5 Twin2 Mason 1938 - 1938 b: 1938 in Edmonds, Oklahoma
..... 4 Walter M. Crabb 1901 - b: 14 May 1901 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
..... 4 Dewey A. Crabb 1904 - b: 14 Feb 1904 in Arcadia, Oklahoma
... 3 DeKalb Burnham 1870 - b: 29 Sep 1870 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
..... 4 Ruth Burnham 1902 - b: 24 Dec 1902
..... 4 Mary Burnham 1904 - 1921 b: 02 Apr 1904
..... 4 Paul Burnham 1905 - 1918 b: 11 Dec 1905
... 3 Maggie Burnham 1873 - b: 11 Feb 1873
....... +Unknown Benner
..... 4 Ruth Benner 1900 - b: 08 Nov 1900
......... +Unknown Nagel
........ 5 Bettie Nagel
........ 5 Jack Nagel
..... 4 Marjorie Benner 1902 - b: 30 Dec 1902
......... +Unknown Brayner
..... 4 Addison Benner 1905 - b: 24 Jul 1905
2 John Charles Kunze 1851 - 1932 b: 24 Dec 1851 in Germany
.... +Margaret Hendricks m: 03 Jul 1870
... 3 John Fredrick Kunze 1871 - b: 01 May 1871 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
..... 4 Eva Kunze 1898 - b: 1898 in Monument, Colorado
..... 4 Alice Lillian Kunze 1900 - b: 04 Mar 1900
..... 4 John Fredrick Kunze 1906 - b: 09 Jul 1906 in Crested Butte, Colorado
..... 4 William Kunze
..... 4 Charles Monrow Kunze 1904 - b: 23 Mar 1904
..... 4 Patrick Kunze
..... 4 Michael Kunze
... 3 Addie May Kunze 1873 - b: 11 Feb 1873 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
... 3 Robert Esall Kunze 1875 - b: 11 Jan 1875 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
... 3 Charles Franklin Kunze 1877 - b: 22 May 1877
... 3 Mary Etta Kunze 1879 - b: 26 Jul 1879
... 3 Christanna Kunze 1882 - b: 11 May 1882
... 3 Laura Agusta Kunze 1884 - b: 04 Mar 1884
... 3 Kate Maud Kunze 1887 - b: 08 Aug 1887
2 Agusta Kunze 1853 - b: 08 Apr 1853 in Austin, Texas
.... +William Ralston m: 1868
*3rd Wife of [1] Fredric Kunze:
.. +Lucy Henderson Scribner 1835 - 1910 b: Abt. 1835 in Illinois m: 16 Feb 1865
2 Amelia Kunze 1865 - 1955 b: 28 Dec 1865 in Austin, Travis, Texas
Amelia married Jesse Calvert. We have her life story somewhere. Elaine has it and will find it for us. It was written late in life and rambles and repeats a lot. Eleanor Kunze
.... +Jesse Thomas Calvert 1861 - 1939 b: 23 Feb 1861 in Ponee, Sangaman County, Illinois m: 01 May 1881
... 3 [3] Olive May Calvert 1883 - 1964 b: 04 Feb 1883 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
....... +Jacob Six 1873 - 1943 b: 30 Aug 1873 m: 03 Jun 1903
..... 4 Merle Edward Six 1906 - 1965 b: 01 Jun 1906
......... +Myrtle Engdahl m: 08 Oct 1932
........ 5 Darrell Warren Six 1939 - b: 04 Jun 1939 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Jean Elizabeth Love m: 02 Mar 1963
........... 6 Kaaren Christine Six 1967 - b: 02 Jan 1967
........... 6 Kristin Diana Six 1969 - b: 30 May 1969
........... 6 Jacob John Six 1972 - b: 14 Jul 1972
........ 5 Sandra Marie Six 1943 - b: 19 Jan 1943
............ +Martin Donald Auseth m: 14 Aug 1965
........... 6 Aaron Emil Auseth 1969 - b: 14 Jul 1969
........... 6 Karena Astrid Auseth 1973 - b: 05 Dec 1973
..... 4 Nelda Marie Six 1908 - 1934 b: 11 Oct 1908 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
......... +Earl Percival m: 23 Aug 1931
........ 5 Earl Lynwood Percival 1934 - b: 13 May 1934
... *2nd Husband of [3] Olive May Calvert:
....... +Robert Alward m: 07 Jan 1947
... 3 [9] Roy Harrison Calvert 1888 - 1961 b: 24 Aug 1888 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
....... +Martha Lucille Bergenholtz 1893 - b: 27 Aug 1893 m: 1910
..... 4 George Laverne Calvert 1911 - 1990 b: 21 Jul 1911 in Everett, Snohomish, Washington
......... +Martha Emma Harber m: 23 Nov 1936
........ 5 Elaine Shirley Calvert 1937 - b: 21 Oct 1937 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Bruce King Osborne 1937 - b: 19 Feb 1937 m: 04 Jun 1960
........... 6 Shirley Alaine Osborne 1961 - b: 12 Nov 1961 in Quincy, Grant, Washington
............... +Jay Holland m: 23 Aug 1980
............. 7 Bryce David Holland 1988 - b: 22 Nov 1988 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 David Ralph Osborne 1963 - b: 03 Nov 1963 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........ 5 [4] George Charles Calvert 1939 - b: 12 May 1939 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Mary Jo Wilson m: 12 Mar 1960
........... 6 Tammie Jo Calvert 1961 - b: 05 Jan 1961 in Moses Lake, Grant, Washington
............... +William Hershel Oakley II 1961 - b: 17 Jun 1961 m: 13 Nov 1981
............. 7 William Hershel Oakley III 1983 - b: 05 Mar 1983 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington
............. 7 Nicholas Charles Oakley 1984 - b: 01 Jun 1984 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington
............. 7 Andrew Jay Oakley 1986 - b: 15 Jul 1986 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington
........... 6 Shannon Troy Calvert 1963 - b: 28 Feb 1963 in Moses Lake, Grant, Washington
............... +Lanette Ellen Durfey 1964 - b: 30 Oct 1964 m: 26 May 1984
............. 7 Brendan Troy Calvert 1988 - b: 21 Mar 1988 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............. 7 Nathan Mackenzie Calvert 1990 - b: 06 Jun 1990 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........ *2nd Wife of [4] George Charles Calvert:
............ +Judy Ann McClure 1945 - b: 05 Feb 1945 m: 16 Dec 1973
........ 5 Joseph Calvert 1939 - b: 12 May 1939
........ 5 [5] Phillip Jerome Calvert 1940 - b: 03 Apr 1940 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Loretta Edwards m: 1964
........ *2nd Wife of [5] Phillip Jerome Calvert:
............ +Gladys Belle Schweisinger 1945 - b: 10 Dec 1945 m: 01 May 1971
........... 6 Philip Jerome Calvert 1972 - b: 17 Sep 1972 in Anacortes, Skagit, Washington
........... 6 Sheila Beth Calvert 1973 - b: 03 Aug 1973 in Anacortes, Skagit, Washington
........ 5 [6] Kenneth Raymond Calvert 1942 - b: 29 Nov 1942 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Molly B. Lane m: Bef. 1969
........ *2nd Wife of [6] Kenneth Raymond Calvert:
............ +Margaret Pearl Lupon 1938 - b: 31 Jul 1938 m: 30 Sep 1969
..... 4 Earl Leroy Calvert 1912 - 1990 b: 12 Dec 1912 in Leahy, Douglas, Washington
......... +Dorothy M. Piper 1915 - b: 05 Apr 1915 m: 12 Dec 1934
........ 5 Roy Harold Calvert 1935 - b: 05 Sep 1935 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Shirley Davis 1941 - b: 06 Jun 1941 m: 06 Jun 1963
........... 6 Jeanne Ann Calvert 1971 - b: 08 Nov 1971
........... 6 Earl Lawrence Calvert 1974 - b: 02 Jun 1974
........ 5 John William Calvert 1939 - b: 17 Apr 1939 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Mildred W. Walton m: 17 Nov 1961
........... 6 [7] John Wade Calvert 1962 - b: 22 Sep 1962 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts
............... +Dawn Raye Powell m: 27 Aug 1981
............. 7 Benjamin Robert Calvert 1981 - b: 16 Mar 1981
............. 7 Jessica Ann Calvert 1982 - b: 22 Aug 1982 in San Diego, San Diego, California
............. 7 Holly Elizabeth Calvert 1986 - b: 24 Oct 1986 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington
........... *2nd Wife of [7] John Wade Calvert:
............... +Debra Gausnell m: 18 Apr 1987
............. 7 Baby Calvert 1990 - b: Dec 1990
........... 6 Cathleen Carrie Calvert 1963 - b: 25 Sep 1963 in Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina
............... +Terry Axel m: 03 Jul 1982
............. 7 Tory John Axel 1983 - b: 11 Jan 1983 in Sacramento, Sacramento, California
............. 7 Aaron James Axel 1988 - b: 11 Apr 1988 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington
............. 7 Amy Joy Axel 1990 - b: 22 Jun 1990 in Crescent City, Del Norte, California
........ 5 Sharron Ray Calvert 1940 - b: 06 Dec 1940 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Gustav Adolph Wiebe m: 20 May 1961
........... 6 Margie Wiebe 1962 - b: 28 Aug 1962 in Moses Lake, Grant, Washington
............... +Charles Lavaughn Mayo m: 04 Oct 1985
............. 7 Samantha Sharron Mayo 1990 - b: 11 Aug 1990 in Idaho
........... 6 John Aaron Wiebe 1964 - b: 01 Jan 1964 in Juneau, Juneau Borough, Alaska
............... +Deanne Summers m: 10 Aug 1985
............. 7 Cody Wiebe 1986 - b: 01 Nov 1986 in Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming
............. 7 Tabitha Sharon Wiebe 1988 - b: Jun 1988 in Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming
............. 7 Thomas Luke Wiebe 1990 - b: 01 Feb 1990 in Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming
............. 7 Zachery Daniel Wiebe 1990 - b: 01 Feb 1990 in Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming
........ 5 [8] Jesse Thomas Calvert 1946 - b: 29 May 1946 in Ephrata, Grant, Washington
............ +Pam Warmath m: May 1959
........ *2nd Wife of [8] Jesse Thomas Calvert:
............ +Susan Powell m: 14 Mar 1987
........... 6 Katie Calvert 1987 - b: 29 Aug 1987 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon
........ 5 Susan Rae Calvert 1947 - b: 25 Nov 1947 in Ephrata, Grant, Washington
............ +Jerry Scott m: 08 Jun 1968
........... 6 Thomas Earl Scott 1971 - b: 21 Jan 1971 in Gordon, Sheridan, Nebraska
........... 6 Laurie L. Scott 1973 - b: 04 Jul 1973 in Gordon, Sheridan, Nebraska
........... 6 Julie Ann Scott 1979 - b: 23 Aug 1979 in Gordon, Sheridan, Nebraska
... *2nd Wife of [9] Roy Harrison Calvert:
....... +Fern Butler m: 1918
... *3rd Wife of [9] Roy Harrison Calvert:
....... +Eva Barber 1890 - 1975 b: 05 Apr 1890 m: 1938
... 3 Edith Lee Calvert 1892 - 1893 b: 11 May 1892 in Manitou, Colorado
... 3 Edna Maud Calvert 1894 - 1974 b: 11 May 1894 in Manitou Springs, El Paso, Colorado
....... +Edward Thoren 1885 - 1961 b: 15 Feb 1885 m: 04 Jun 1911
..... 4 [10] Dorothea Marie Thoren 1912 - b: 18 Aug 1912 in Coulee City, Grant, Washington
......... +Robert Cheney 1909 - 1977 b: 19 Feb 1909 m: 23 Jul 1933
........ 5 Carol Marie Cheney 1936 - b: 27 Jul 1936 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +John Gordon Odell m: 15 Jun 1958
........... 6 Kathryn Marie Odell 1961 - b: 28 Jul 1961 in Moses Lake, Grant, Washington
............... +Daniel Clark Quigley 1961 - b: 07 Feb 1961 m: 16 Jun 1984
........... 6 Karen Allene Odell 1961 - b: 28 Jul 1961 in Moses Lake, Grant, Washington
............... +James Lee West 1936 - b: 20 Feb 1936 m: 10 Aug 1985
........... 6 Carolyn Sue Odell 1965 - b: 31 Jan 1965 in Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado
........... 6 John Gordon Odell 1974 - b: 05 Feb 1974
........ 5 Robert Sheldon Cheney 1939 - b: 13 Sep 1939 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +Carolyn Ann Deming 1940 - b: 25 Oct 1940 m: 17 Sep 1959
........... 6 Deborah Marie Cheney 1960 - b: 29 Apr 1960 in Seattle, King, Washington
............... +Michael R. Albrecht 1939 - b: 04 Nov 1939 m: 10 Apr 1983
............. 7 Shelby Marie Albrecht 1986 - b: 04 Feb 1986 in Redmond, King, Washington
............. 7 Kaitlyn Elizabeth Albrecht 1989 - b: 23 Jun 1989 in Redmond, King, Washington
........... 6 Susan Renee Cheney 1963 - b: 25 Mar 1963 in Ft. Dix, New Jersey
............... +Craig Edward Green 1962 - b: 24 Nov 1962 m: 03 Jul 1989
............. 7 Erin Renee Green 1988 - b: 05 Sep 1988 in Renton, King, Washington
........... 6 Victoria Ann Cheney 1965 - b: 24 Aug 1965 in Ft. Dix, New Jersey
............... +Gary Arthur Edwards 1956 - b: 07 Apr 1956 m: Bef. 1986
............. 7 Allison Lauren Edwards 1986 - b: 17 Dec 1986 in Renton, King, Washington
............. 7 Callie Anne Edwards 1990 - b: 02 Mar 1990 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 Jennifer Lynne Cheney 1968 - b: 11 Dec 1968 in Seattle, King, Washington
..... *2nd Husband of [10] Dorothea Marie Thoren:
......... +Sanford C. Barnes 1910 - b: 24 Apr 1910 m: 10 Apr 1983
..... 4 [11] Robert Edward Thoren 1913 - b: 23 Nov 1913 in Leahy, Douglas, Washington
......... +Barbara Marsh m: 1935
..... *2nd Wife of [11] Robert Edward Thoren:
......... +Vivian Adelle Sheppard 1909 - b: 22 Feb 1909 m: 25 Apr 1943
........ 5 Roberta Lee Thoren 1944 - b: 16 Jan 1944 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +William Dean Schouten 1939 - b: 28 Sep 1939 m: 24 Oct 1964
........... 6 Brent Alan Schouten 1968 - b: 09 Jul 1968 in Houston, Harris, Texas
........... 6 Bryan Dean Schouten 1974 - b: 04 Sep 1974 in Houston, Harris, Texas
........ 5 Joanne Marie Thoren 1945 - b: 06 Sep 1945 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +George William Bell 1942 - b: 12 Oct 1942 m: 14 Jun 1964
........... 6 Tracy Marie Bell 1966 - b: 08 Jul 1966 in Seattle, King, Washington
............... +Darren Johnson 1964 - b: 10 Sep 1964 m: 09 Mar 1985
............. 7 Andrew Brady Johnson 1986 - b: 14 Jul 1986 in Athens, Henderson, Texas
........... 6 Karen Renee Bell 1971 - b: 11 Aug 1971 in Houston, Harris, Texas
..... 4 James Benjamin Thoren 1922 - b: 08 Apr 1922 in Patricia, Alberta, Canada
......... +Ruth Adelhaid Gunderson 1928 - b: 23 Jan 1928 m: 30 Jan 1943
........ 5 James Michael Thoren 1944 - b: 07 Jan 1944 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +Nancy Ellen Krenick 1942 - b: 05 Dec 1942 m: 18 Mar 1967
........... 6 Jeffrey Bruce Thoren 1970 - b: 20 Feb 1970 in Misawa, Japan
........... 6 Robin Diane Thoren 1979 - b: 13 Feb 1979 in Washington, District of Columbia
........ 5 Christine Marie Thoren 1945 - b: 04 Oct 1945 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +David Switzer 1943 - b: 17 Jul 1943 m: 29 Aug 1969
........... 6 Michael Lee Switzer 1970 - b: 18 Dec 1970 in Seattle, King, Washington
........... 6 Karie Lee Switzer 1974 - b: 17 Apr 1974 in Seattle, King, Washington
........ 5 Susan Kamilla Thoren 1954 - b: 19 Dec 1954 in Washington, District of Columbia
............ +Donald Lee 1957 - b: 08 Apr 1957 m: 29 Dec 1979
........... 6 Jennifer Anya Lee 1983 - b: 31 Dec 1983 in Redmond, King, Washington
........... 6 Kathryn Amanda Lee 1988 - b: 30 May 1988 in Redmond, King, Washington
... 3 [12] Jessie Fay Calvert 1896 - 1977 b: 29 Apr 1896 in Colorado City, Pueblo, Colorado
....... +Henry Pontius
... *2nd Husband of [12] Jessie Fay Calvert:
....... +Ray Blake
... *3rd Husband of [12] Jessie Fay Calvert:
....... +Leonard Smith m: Bef. 1914
..... 4 [14] Lloyd Smith 1914 - 1977 b: 08 Jun 1914 in Filer, Twin Falls, Idaho
......... +Florence Sabol m: Bef. 1943
........ 5 [13] Judy Smith 1943 - b: 23 Aug 1943
............ +Unknown Sumich m: Bef. 1964
........... 6 Michael John Sumich 1964 - b: 18 Jul 1964 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 James Edward Sumich 1965 - b: 27 Sep 1965 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 Cathy Lynn Sumich 1970 - b: 26 Jul 1970 in Altus, Jackson, Oklahoma
........ *2nd Husband of [13] Judy Smith:
............ +Robert Hedstrom m: Unknown
........ 5 Richard Smith 1949 - b: 17 Oct 1949 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Deanna Church m: 31 Aug 1969
..... *2nd Wife of [14] Lloyd Smith:
......... +Connie Hayes m: Unknown
..... 4 [15] Lola Faye Smith 1921 - 1983 b: 01 Sep 1921
......... +Charles Kasten
........ 5 [16] Lloyd Farrel Jones Kasten 1939 - b: 02 Jan 1939 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +[17] Unknown m: Bef. 1962
........... 6 [18] Charles Vern Kasten 1962 - b: 24 Sep 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
........... 6 [19] Melissa Lynn Kasten
........... 6 [20] Christopher Kasten
..... *2nd Husband of [15] Lola Faye Smith:
......... +Harry Jones m: Bef. 1939
........ 5 [16] Lloyd Farrel Jones Kasten 1939 - b: 02 Jan 1939 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +[17] Unknown m: Bef. 1962
........... 6 [18] Charles Vern Kasten 1962 - b: 24 Sep 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
........... 6 [19] Melissa Lynn Kasten
........... 6 [20] Christopher Kasten
... 3 Dora Grace Calvert 1898 - 1979 b: 29 Nov 1898 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
....... +James Gilbert Hurd 1886 - 1980 b: 14 Apr 1886 in Edison, Hawkins, Tennessee m: 18 May 1919
..... 4 [22] Wanda Gilberta Hurd 1920 - b: 08 Jan 1920 in Rupert, Minidoka, Idaho
......... +Albert Milburn m: 28 Dec 1938
........ 5 [23] Barbara Ann Milburn Lombardo 1940 - b: 04 May 1940 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +[24] William Henry Hartle 1937 - b: 15 Nov 1937 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington m: 02 Jun 1957
........... 6 [21] Tracie Hartle 1957 - b: 23 Sep 1957 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[25] Lonnie Anderson m: 26 Sep 1975
............. 7 [26] Lance Anderson 1978 - b: 23 Sep 1978 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... *2nd Husband of [21] Tracie Hartle:
............... +[27] Russell Gloor 1960 - b: 20 Jan 1960 m: 29 Jun 1982
............. 7 [28] Chad Gloor 1983 - b: 13 Jan 1983 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 [29] Ty William Hartle 1960 - b: 22 Mar 1960 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[30] Kathryn Ellen King m: 02 Mar 1979
............. 7 [31] Jessica Florence Hartle 1979 - b: 04 Sep 1979 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............. 7 [32] Jacqueline Barbara Hartle 1982 - b: 13 Sep 1982 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 [33] Jan William Hartle 1962 - b: 10 Apr 1962 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[34] Jean Baker 1961 - b: 09 Nov 1961 m: 18 Aug 1984
........... 6 [35] Jay Warren Hartle 1962 - b: 10 Apr 1962 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[36] Jane E. Zulauf 1964 - b: 07 Apr 1964 m: 23 Aug 1987
............. 7 [37] Jacob Ryan Hartle 1987 - 1987 b: 16 Aug 1987 in Renton, King, Washington
............. 7 [38] Alexandra Louise Hartle 1989 - b: 16 Aug 1989 in Renton, King, Washington
..... *2nd Husband of [22] Wanda Gilberta Hurd:
......... +Gaspar August Lombardo 1911 - 1988 b: 10 May 1911 in New York, Brooklyn Borough, Kings, New York m: 27
Feb 1943
........ 5 [23] Barbara Ann Milburn Lombardo 1940 - b: 04 May 1940 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +[24] William Henry Hartle 1937 - b: 15 Nov 1937 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington m: 02 Jun 1957
........... 6 [21] Tracie Hartle 1957 - b: 23 Sep 1957 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[25] Lonnie Anderson m: 26 Sep 1975
............. 7 [26] Lance Anderson 1978 - b: 23 Sep 1978 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... *2nd Husband of [21] Tracie Hartle:
............... +[27] Russell Gloor 1960 - b: 20 Jan 1960 m: 29 Jun 1982
............. 7 [28] Chad Gloor 1983 - b: 13 Jan 1983 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 [29] Ty William Hartle 1960 - b: 22 Mar 1960 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[30] Kathryn Ellen King m: 02 Mar 1979
............. 7 [31] Jessica Florence Hartle 1979 - b: 04 Sep 1979 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............. 7 [32] Jacqueline Barbara Hartle 1982 - b: 13 Sep 1982 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 [33] Jan William Hartle 1962 - b: 10 Apr 1962 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[34] Jean Baker 1961 - b: 09 Nov 1961 m: 18 Aug 1984
........... 6 [35] Jay Warren Hartle 1962 - b: 10 Apr 1962 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +[36] Jane E. Zulauf 1964 - b: 07 Apr 1964 m: 23 Aug 1987
............. 7 [37] Jacob Ryan Hartle 1987 - 1987 b: 16 Aug 1987 in Renton, King, Washington
............. 7 [38] Alexandra Louise Hartle 1989 - b: 16 Aug 1989 in Renton, King, Washington
........ 5 Jan Gilbert Lombardo 1945 - 1945 b: 04 Jul 1945 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
........ 5 Stephen G. Lombardo 1954 - b: 13 Feb 1954 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............ +Jodi Jean Chandler 1954 - b: 14 Aug 1954 m: 10 Sep 1976
........... 6 Jason Gilbert Lombardo 1977 - b: 22 Aug 1977 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 Jarah Jean Lombardo 1981 - b: 22 Jan 1981 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +Chris Snelling 1981 - b: 03 Dec 1981 in Gorokan, Australia m: Nov 2006
..... *3rd Husband of [22] Wanda Gilberta Hurd:
......... +Arthur Glen Gregory 1917 - 1999 b: 25 May 1917 in Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho m: 21 Nov 1991
..... 4 Wilma Grace Hurd 1921 - 1993 b: 12 Apr 1921 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
......... +Clarence Marshall Shaw 1912 - 1994 b: 15 Mar 1912 in Mullinville, Kiowa, Kansas m: 25 Feb 1939
........ 5 [39] Michael Gilbert Shaw 1942 - b: 09 Aug 1942 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Judith Marie Schmid 1943 - b: 11 Jun 1943 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington m: 11 Nov 1960
........... 6 Michael Rex (Shaw) Slemp 1961 - b: 04 May 1961 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +Deborah Ann Magnusen 1961 - b: 16 Dec 1961 in Chehalis, Lewis, Washington m: 25 Apr 1981
............. 7 Adam Michael Slemp 1983 - b: 28 Apr 1983 in Centralia, Lewis, Washington
............. 7 Andrea Kate Slemp 1984 - b: 26 May 1984 in Centralia, Lewis, Washington
........ *2nd Wife of [39] Michael Gilbert Shaw:
............ +Anna Marie Salazar 1942 - b: 09 Oct 1942 in Kingsville, Kleburg, Texas m: 05 May 1965
........... 6 Renee Yvette Shaw 1966 - b: 08 Jan 1966 in NAS Quonset Point, RI
............... +Gerald Thomas Winkler 1966 - b: 02 Aug 1966 in Wisconsin m: 10 Dec 1988
............. 7 Jourdan Elyssa Winkler 1992 - b: 03 Jul 1992 in Montego Bay, Jamaica
............. 7 Kalen Isaac Winkler 1994 - b: 04 Dec 1994 in Dallas, Texas
............. 7 Nelson Mandela Winkler b: in Montego Bay, Jamaica
............. 7 Alex Winkler b: in Jamaica
............. 7 Ricardo Winkler
............. 7 Naidia Winkler
........... 6 Michael Rihn Shaw 1967 - b: 22 Apr 1967 in Corpus Christi, Tex
............... +Sharon Andrea Bush 1968 - b: 16 Jul 1968 m: 24 Dec 2002
........... 6 Tonya Korin Shaw 1969 - b: 01 Sep 1969 in Meridian, Lauderdale, Mississippi
............... +Danny Willis Jr. 1968 - b: 10 Jan 1968 in Louisiana m: 05 Aug 1989
............. 7 Caleb Andrew Willis 1995 - b: 10 Oct 1995 in Dallas, Texas
............. 7 Mikayla Danielle Willis 2000 - b: 12 Jan 2000 in Dallas, Texas
........ *3rd Wife of [39] Michael Gilbert Shaw:
............ +Debra Lynn Dreher 1960 - b: 04 Jul 1960 in Stoughton, Dane, Wisconsin m: 20 Jun 1982
........... 6 Erin Corinne Shaw 1983 - b: 16 Sep 1983 in NAS Lemoore, Kings, California
........... 6 Matthew Robert Shaw 1986 - b: 16 Feb 1986 in Fairfax, Fairfax, Virginia
............... +Britnee Hallmark 1985 - b: 28 Oct 1985 m: 04 Jun 2006
........... 6 Thomas Krieger Shaw 1988 - b: 13 May 1988 in Madison, Rock, Wisconsin
........ 5 Richard Lyn Shaw 1949 - 1993 b: 09 Apr 1949 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Kevin Lynn Cook 1951 - b: 03 May 1951 in Albany, Linn, Oregon m: 11 Mar 1972
........... 6 Jorgan Kate Shaw 1972 - b: 30 Sep 1972 in Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico
............. 7 Savannah Mary Jennings Shaw 2001 - b: 19 Oct 2001
........... 6 Megan Kris Raynell Shaw 1981 - b: 25 Jul 1981 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............... +James
............. 7 Alexis Raynelle Shaw 2002 - b: 09 Sep 2002
........... 6 Richard Lyn Shaw II 1983 - b: 29 Jul 1983 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
... 3 Frances Amelia Calvert 1901 - 1922 b: 20 Apr 1901 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
....... +Joseph Onewein 1898 - 1958 b: 10 May 1898 m: 19 May 1917
..... 4 Lawrence Joseph Onewein 1918 - b: 01 Sep 1918
......... +Phyllis Virginia Penfold 1919 - 1975 b: 03 Feb 1919 m: 1946
........ 5 Gregg Joseph Onewein 1949 - b: 03 Jan 1949
............ +Jill Elissa Abraham 1947 - b: 27 Aug 1947 m: 19 Jul 1979
........... 6 Haven Joseph Onewein 1980 - b: 25 Sep 1980 in Seattle, King, Washington
........... 6 Harte Abraham Onewein 1985 - b: 30 Dec 1985 in Seattle, King, Washington
... 3 [40] James Harold Calvert 1905 - 1991 b: 11 Oct 1905 in Coulee City, Grant, Washington
....... +Mary Huff - 1972 m: 01 Jun 1927
..... 4 James Robert Calvert 1934 - b: 27 Sep 1934 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
......... +Anna Marie Gilmore 1934 - b: 02 Jun 1934 m: 10 Jul 1953
........ 5 Rebecca Ann Calvert 1954 - b: 30 Aug 1954 in Pullman, Whitman, Washington
............ +John Petrik 1953 - b: 02 Mar 1953 m: 29 Jul 1978
........... 6 Molly Petrik 1983 - b: 28 Jul 1983 in Minot, Ward, North Dakota
........... 6 Will Petrik 1985 - b: 17 Dec 1985 in Minot, Ward, North Dakota
........... 6 Emily Petrik 1987 - b: 15 Feb 1987 in Minot, Ward, North Dakota
........ 5 Marlaine Louise Calvert 1956 - b: 21 Feb 1956 in Pullman, Whitman, Washington
............ +Terry Campbell 1955 - b: 27 Sep 1955 m: 07 Jan 1977
........... 6 Jessica Campbell 1978 - b: 01 Dec 1978 in Pullman, Whitman, Washington
........... 6 Kelli Campbell 1981 - b: 05 Jan 1981 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 Heidi Campbell 1983 - b: 05 Aug 1983 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........... 6 Ryan Campbell 1983 - b: 05 Aug 1983 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
........ 5 Jana Marie Calvert 1958 - b: 14 Nov 1958 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
............ +Dan Quinlen 1958 - b: 30 May 1958 m: 17 Jul 1982
........... 6 Christine Quinlen 1983 - b: 07 Aug 1983
..... 4 Bruce Edwin Calvert 1936 - 1951 b: 29 Dec 1936 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington
... *2nd Wife of [40] James Harold Calvert:
....... +Lulu Tehee - 1983 m: 26 Jan 1973
... 3 Donald Arthur Calvert 1910 - 1979 b: 07 Apr 1910 in Everett, Snohomish, Washington
....... +Elsie Lorenda Markham 1912 - 1985 b: 27 Nov 1912 m: 21 Jan 1931
..... 4 [41] Constance Carolyn Calvert 1933 - b: 18 Sep 1933 in Seattle, King, Washington
......... +John M. Larsen 1928 - b: 07 Dec 1928 m: Aug 1952
........ 5 [42] Randy Calvert Larsen Demler 1953 - b: 31 May 1953 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +[43] Tracy Lee Sundquist 1959 - b: 04 Nov 1959 m: 24 Jun 1978
........... 6 [44] Charles Seth Demler 1978 - b: 11 Nov 1978
........... 6 [45] Elizabeth Elsie Demler 1980 - b: 02 Jan 1980
........... 6 [46] Darla Noel Demler 1981 - b: 01 Mar 1981
........... 6 [47] James Arthur Demler 1983 - b: 30 Jun 1983
........... 6 [48] Sarah Victoria Demler 1984 - b: 12 Jul 1984
........... 6 [49] Rachel Anne Demler 1985 - 1985 b: 11 Oct 1985
........... 6 [50] Ryan Andrew Demler 1987 - b: 07 Feb 1987
........... 6 [51] Benjamin Christopher Demler 1989 - b: 29 Jul 1989
........ 5 [52] Cynthia Marie Larsen Demler 1954 - b: 15 Dec 1954 in Renton, King, Washington
............ +[53] Robert Joseph Smith 1955 - b: 29 Apr 1955 m: 28 Dec 1974
........... 6 [54] Jason Joseph Smith 1975 - b: 08 May 1975
........... 6 [55] Bryan Robert Smith 1977 - b: 28 Mar 1977
........... 6 [56] Heather Donelle Smith 1980 - b: 09 May 1980
..... *2nd Husband of [41] Constance Carolyn Calvert:
......... +Ronald R. Demler 1936 - b: 20 Jun 1936 m: 05 Mar 1959
........ 5 [42] Randy Calvert Larsen Demler 1953 - b: 31 May 1953 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +[43] Tracy Lee Sundquist 1959 - b: 04 Nov 1959 m: 24 Jun 1978
........... 6 [44] Charles Seth Demler 1978 - b: 11 Nov 1978
........... 6 [45] Elizabeth Elsie Demler 1980 - b: 02 Jan 1980
........... 6 [46] Darla Noel Demler 1981 - b: 01 Mar 1981
........... 6 [47] James Arthur Demler 1983 - b: 30 Jun 1983
........... 6 [48] Sarah Victoria Demler 1984 - b: 12 Jul 1984
........... 6 [49] Rachel Anne Demler 1985 - 1985 b: 11 Oct 1985
........... 6 [50] Ryan Andrew Demler 1987 - b: 07 Feb 1987
........... 6 [51] Benjamin Christopher Demler 1989 - b: 29 Jul 1989
........ 5 [52] Cynthia Marie Larsen Demler 1954 - b: 15 Dec 1954 in Renton, King, Washington
............ +[53] Robert Joseph Smith 1955 - b: 29 Apr 1955 m: 28 Dec 1974
........... 6 [54] Jason Joseph Smith 1975 - b: 08 May 1975
........... 6 [55] Bryan Robert Smith 1977 - b: 28 Mar 1977
........... 6 [56] Heather Donelle Smith 1980 - b: 09 May 1980
........ 5 Claudia Coral Demler 1959 - b: 18 May 1959 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +Roger Lee Mathison 1957 - b: 21 May 1957 m: 25 Jun 1977
........... 6 Donovan Lee Mathison 1977 - b: 12 Dec 1977
........... 6 Candace Marie Mathison 1979 - b: 25 May 1979
........... 6 Corissa Kimberly Mathison 1984 - b: 28 Mar 1984
........ 5 Carolyn Delight Demler 1964 - b: 05 May 1964 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
............ +Thomas Diemert 1954 - b: 29 Apr 1954 m: 06 Jun 1986
........... 6 Brittany Suzanne Diemert 1987 - b: 03 Mar 1987
........... 6 Samantha Christine Diemert 1988 - b: 27 Sep 1988
........ 5 Christine Kimberly Demler 1968 - b: 06 Jun 1968
............ +Dean Kelly Miller 1966 - b: 27 Jan 1966 m: 13 Aug 1988
..... 4 Jesse Markham Calvert 1937 - b: 05 Aug 1937 in Seattle, King, Washington
......... +Norma Jewell 1939 - b: 20 Oct 1939 m: 21 Aug 1955
........ 5 [57] Catherine Carolyn Calvert 1956 - b: 18 Sep 1956 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +David Steven Graden 1955 - b: 17 Sep 1955
........... 6 Jared David Graden 1980 - b: 24 Jan 1980 in Edmonds, Snohomish, Washington
........ *2nd Husband of [57] Catherine Carolyn Calvert:
............ +Darce Dwayne Dammann 1955 - b: 04 Dec 1955 m: 02 Jan 1985
........... 6 Ryan Alexander Dammann 1985 - b: 10 Aug 1985 in Bellevue, King, Washington
........... 6 Tiana Jean Dammann 1989 - b: 21 Jun 1989 in Kirkland, King, Washington
........ 5 Mark Thomas Calvert 1958 - b: 13 Jun 1958 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +Kathryn Jan McKeown 1958 - b: 05 Dec 1958 m: 28 Mar 1987
........... 6 Alex Markham Calvert 1990 - b: 13 Aug 1990
........ 5 Vicki Lee Calvert 1960 - b: 21 Nov 1960
........ 5 Todd Miles Calvert 1962 - b: 13 Oct 1962 in Seattle, King, Washington
............ +Linda Sue McDonald 1964 - b: 02 Aug 1964 m: 06 Dec 1986
........... 6 Miles Markham Calvert 1988 - b: 17 Oct 1988 in Seattle, King, Washington
2 [58] Dora Belle Kunze 1868 - 1902 b: 17 Jan 1868 in Lamar, Missouri
.... +Charles Magee m: 1882
*2nd Husband of [58] Dora Belle Kunze:
.... +William Henry Geivet m: 1888
2 Fred Kunze 1870 - 1870 b: 11 Apr 1870 in Lamar, Missouri
2 Edward Kunze 1875 - 1959 b: 01 Apr 1875 in Lamar, Missouri
.... +Iva Rivet m: 1918
2 [59] Hattie Lee Kunze 1877 - 1964 b: 10 Feb 1877 in Lamar, Missouri
Hattie Kunze was Dad Kunze and Amelia's sister. She married an Edmundson and her son was Howard Edmundson in Torrance. We all went to their house to visit somewhere around 1960. Aunt Hattie visited when we lived in Westminster on Jefferson St. Don't know if you remember or not. You were only about 10. Eleanor replying to an e-mail sent by Ed Kunze.
.... +Howard Henery Edmundson - 1952
... 3 Howard Lee Edmundson 1905 - b: 27 Aug 1905
....... +Aletha Fay Peckham 1912 - b: 06 Dec 1912
*2nd Husband of [59] Hattie Lee Kunze:
.... +Joseph Andrew Wall 1870 - b: Abt. 1870 m: 28 Jun 1894
... 3 Leo Edgebert Wall 1897 - 1974 b: 12 Mar 1897
....... +Mary Alice Brown 1901 - 1974 b: 06 Aug 1901 in Hepner, Oregon m: 26 Feb 1948
..... 4 [60] Marie Josephine Wall 1920 - 1984 b: 29 Mar 1920 in Priest River, Idaho
......... +Charles Robert Bartlett 1915 - 1960 b: 1915
..... *2nd Husband of [60] Marie Josephine Wall:
......... +James Brown
..... 4 Leona Lee Wall 1921 - 1988 b: 02 Aug 1921 in Priest River, Idaho
......... +Edward Barrett
... 3 Clyde R Wall 1895 - 1980 b: 07 Aug 1895 in Manitou, Colorado
....... +Mildred Hattie Peckham 1910 - b: 29 Apr 1910 m: Dec 1927
..... 4 Robert Clyde Wall 1928 - b: 16 Sep 1928
..... 4 Carlton Edward Wall 1930 - b: 11 Dec 1930
..... 4 Allen Francis Wall 1932 - b: 20 Nov 1932
..... 4 Sharon Wall
..... 4 Arthur Wall
... 3 [61] Lucy Opal Wall 1899 - 1947 b: 12 Mar 1899
....... +Unk Cox
..... 4 Evelyn Elain Cox 1917 - b: 29 Nov 1917
..... 4 John Edward Cox 1919 - 1935 b: 04 May 1919
... *2nd Husband of [61] Lucy Opal Wall:
....... +Jerome Farr
..... 4 Jean Darrell Farr 1924 - b: 01 Feb 1924
..... 4 James Homer Farr 1925 - b: 17 Jul 1925
..... 4 Daughter Farr
..... 4 Daughter2 Farr
1’st Appendix: (By Edward Layton Kunze)
i) Fredrick Kunze
a) Inventions – Inventions Fredrick saw, and being utilized from 1820 to the turn of the century included the rubber tire, the internal combustible engine, bicycle, motor cycle, automobile, and the camera, are just a few.
It seems like the era from 1820 to 1850 was more of an age for expansion than the incredible invention age about to take place in another 50 years or so. When Fredrick was born in Germany, the Lewis and Clark Expedition was just 14 years earlier, and the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The 1820’s were the start of the Mountain Man, the pioneer expansion to the West, and the connecting of the railroad from coast to coast. Plus, the obtaining of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona territories and California from Mexico, and annexing them as U.S. territories.
There were several advancements in inventions in the military, and these inventions have often been incorporated into, and enhance civilian life. Most of these inventions came about as a direct need arising from the war between Mexico and the U.S, and the Civil War. The rim fire bullet and smokeless powder was one. Before this era, it was musket, black powder and ball. The Winchester Repeating Rifle - the rifle that won the West, the Colt 45 single action “Peace Maker”, the Gatling gun, and the manufacturing of interchangeable parts are but of few more of the inventions.
b) Occupation – From Amelia’s Notes (4th Appendix): Fall of 1866, Frederick started north from Texas with herd of stock, 3 children suffered malaria. They stopped at Lamar, Barton Co., Mo. Here, owning 80 acres of land and being a stone mason, he built a house and barn of stone. 1884. He lived there 17 years.
I have heard of stories of his incredible strength, and a stone mason would certainly be a strong man. In Missouri he would go into the local general store to buy something, and one of the locals there would make a side bet with a newcomer in town and say: “ Hey Kunze, can you help me lift this keg of nails up onto the counter?”
“Ja, ja, better I alone” would be the reply. And he would lift the 400 pound keg up onto the counter.
Another saying I often heard when I was around the elders in my younger years was “Throw the cow over the fence some hay”. I am sure that is just because of the reverse word order from German to English, but we are talking about very large and very strong men. It makes you wonder.
When Fredrick was in Colorado, my dad Frank told me stories of his dad and Fredrick working as teamsters, and hauling supplies to the gold mines. I am not sure if his wagons were pulled by horses, mules, or oxen, but mules were probably used the most in his day. Plus, it would be interesting to learn where the old saying “stubborn as a Missouri mule” came from. Were they talking about the mule, or Fredrick?
Aside from the use of a saw and a turning lathe, everything about the Conestoga wagon was crafted with hand tools. Its bed, sloping upward from the middle, was usually fashioned out of white oak for the frame and poplar for the boards. Flooring and side boards were a half-inch to five-eighths of an inch thick; if the wagon was to be used for carrying ore at an iron furnace, the boards would be cut even thicker. Many parts of the wagon bed were braced with iron, and handmade rivets secured the boards to the frame. Although there was little uniformity in its dimensions, the wagon bed generally measured sixteen feet in length, four feet in width, and four feet in depth. A dip toward the center took the weight of the load off the end gates in case the cargo shifted as the wagon made its way up and down hilly country. The end gates were held in position by a chain and staple that allowed the gate to be dropped for loading and unloading.
c) Legend:
Names on the Comfort Monument
West Side: Killed in Battle at Nueces, Aug. 10, 1862 -- Leopold Bauer, F. Behrens, Ernst Boerner, Albert Bruns, Hugo Degener, Fritz Vater, Hilmar Degener, Pablo Dias, Adolph Vater, Johann Geo. Kalenberg, Heinrich Markwart, Christian Schaefer, Louis Schierholz, Heinrich Steves, Amrey Schreiner, Wilhelm Telgmann, Michael Weirich, Heinrich Weyerhausen.
North Side: Captured (or taken prisoner) and murdered -- Wilheim Boerner, Theodore Buckisch, Conrad Bock, F. Tays, Heinrich Stieler, Herman Flick, August Luckenbach, Louis Ruebsamen, Adolph Ruebseman.
South Side: Killed at Rio Grande, October 18, 1862 -- Joseph Elster, Ernst Felsing, Peter Bonnet, Franz Weiss, H. Hermann, Valentine Hohmann, Moritz Weiss.
None of these names belong to Lucy Henderson Scribner’s husband Will “Snow”.
The facts are hard to separate from the legend, but it does appear Fredrick was there in the time period to help bury the men from at least the battle of Nueces, but no one was allowed to bury the bodies. The German dead at the Nueces campsite were never buried, and Confederate troops barred everyone – families, friends, wives, children – from the area until the Civil War ended. The actual raid by Quantrill in Kansas was a year later, but he and his raiders were in Texas for a while shortly after the raid, and continued their lawless ways, hence the confusion of the dates and facts in the legend.
When news of the Nueces Massacre, or The Battle of the Nueces, as it is alternately called, reached San Antonio and the German settlements, new waves of rioting broke out. Duff dispatched a second force that rounded up another fifty men, including some of the twenty-eight who had fled the camp before the battle and were now hiding in the hills, and even more lifeless German bodies were soon hanging from tree limbs and scaffolds hastily-raised by Confederate troops.
The monument lists thirty-five names, but the exact number killed, and the manner of their deaths, obviously will never be known. Nor will their names.
I believe the legend is correct as far as Fredrick helping the women bury the dead men folk. But, it was not the actual Battle of Nueces, and it is a big question mark as to if it was Quantrill’s Raiders. It was probably due to the retaliation raids later on, and, most probably one of the 28 men who had fled the battle and were hiding in the hills.
From Amelia’s story (4th Appendix):
Mother, with several neighbors and their husbands were taken prisoners, to make them tell where a certain man they wanted was. They kept the families overnight, and then sent the women home. They told the men to run for their lives, and shot them in the back as they ran.
They tied weights to their bodies and threw them in a deep body of water. (I would assume it was a river, as I had heard from various times over the years) After the weather got warm, the rocks slipped, or a head came off, and the bodies floated to the top. (This consistent with the legend. The ground was too hard to bury the men quickly, so they dumped them in the river.) Mother, with her lady neighbors went with an ox team ten miles and got the bodies, dug the graves, and buried their men. A possibility was they were looking for one of the 28 men who had fled the Nueces battle field. Another possibility was Quantrill’s Raiders were looking for a man, hence the brutality of the slaughter.
ii) Edward Kunze
a) Inventions –
This was probably the most incredible age of discovery since man discovered how to make fire. From Edward’s birth in 1875 and until his death in 1959, he saw the first flight of man by the Wright Brothers, on through to a satellite in space. The discovery of electricity, the telephone, the automobile, the fact that mosquitoes carried the disease malaria, and inside the house bathroom plumbing. All of this led to the jet age and the computer age. The jet age and atomic age were a reality in his time, but the actual timing of the computer age was still a bit later. In a very short time of history, he literally went from horse and wagon to commercial jet airplanes transporting passengers across oceans.
Imagine trying to read a book by a whale oil lamp, whereas about 50 years later you could flip a switch and a whole city would light up. In fact this is why a lot of people today in Mexico eat dinner around 4:00 in the afternoon. Mexico is about 50 years behind the U.S. in public infrastructure advancements, so people are still used to eating dinner and getting everything ready for the next day before it gets dark.
Advancements in industry included the assembly line made popular by Henry Ford, automation, unions and workers rights. Setbacks in our history included the KKK, prohibition, and the Great depression.
The Indian wars were a reality in the areas they lived in as children.
PER AMELIA'S STORY: Amelia was 15 and Jessie Calvert was 19 when they married. Jessie Calvert's father, George Calvert, hunted squirrels with Abraham Lincoln in Ill. Jessie's father, George, and his wife, Amanda, were 1st cousins.
Aunt Amelia paints a colorful picture of a covered wagon, Indians in Texas, cows returned to her Mother with arrows sticking out of them, etc.
And, the civil war veterans were only about an average of 40 years old when Edward was born. But, he saw the Spanish American War, Two Great World Wars, and the Korean conflict.
He saw it all.
This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!
The year is 1909.
One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1909 :
************ ********* *********
The average life expectancy was 47 years.
Fuel for the Ford 1909 Model R car was sold in drug stores only
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles
Of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average wage in 1909 was 22 cents per hour.
The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year ....
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME .
Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard. '
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used
Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from
Entering into their country for any reason.
Five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea Hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school..
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help..
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A.!
Plus one more sad thought; 95 percent of the taxes we have now did not exist in 1909
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
b) Hunting in the Kunze family was not just a hobby or past time, it was a
necessity at times. Edward Kunze was an exceptional shot. He had to be. Money was scarce in the Great Depression, and game often graced the table. He would tell his wife “I think I will go get a couple of chickens for dinner”. He would lift the double barreled 12 gauge Parker off the pegs on the wall, and take two shells from the box on shelf next to it. In a few minutes you would hear a shot, and in a couple of minutes more, another shot. Shortly, he would walk into the kitchen with two nice rooster pheasants. Granny would cook them up.
As early as the 1930’s, with the country going into the Great Depression, he would tell his son Frank, “The game means a lot to us. If we take care of the game, they will take care of us. Always leave 10% of the crop to the game by never cutting (harvesting) the corners. This provides them food. Never burn the fence lines and ditch banks. This provides them cover.”
This statement, when small farms are now almost non-existent, and the loss of 10% of a crop in a time of need, is incredible! A normal ranch today is miles and miles of crop land, with not a single weed in the ditches for irrigation, nor are there any fence lines. But, there is also no game.
Frank always described how his Dad had a test every year as to whether he was going to make another deer season or not. He would hold a broom handle horizontal, with his hands spread apart. He would then jump over the broom handle. His last deer season was when he was 74. (I saw my Dad, Frank, jump through the broom handle when he was 80. But, Dad had quit deer hunting when we moved to California. His test was to see if he could still make the drive to Oregon in the motor home and hunt pheasants, quail and chucker. His last hunting trip was with his Grandson Ryan when they went chucker hunting in the Red Mountain area of California. He was 85).
c) Did I mention Granny’s cooking? My mouth still waters today when I think about it. She had an old solid oak table, about 2” thick. Granny Kunze would sprinkle a layer of flour over it, and then roll out her thick noodles and let them sit for a few hours. Her chicken and noodle dinner was fantastic; as was anything else she cooked. My dad, Frank, told me that the “art of cooking” has been lost in the U.S. He was specifically referring to his Mother and their German background; how the women made good tasting and nutritional meals for their hard working men by using all of the body parts of an animal. I wrote an article for a magazine from his comment. It is in the 2nd Appendix.
d) Occupation – Edward started out with his Dad as a teamster, and hauling supplies by mule and wagon to the gold mines in Colorado. At some point in time, he learned carpentry. I remember Dad telling me about a house he and a helper built in Colorado (Cripple Creek, I think) shortly after the turn of the century. It was a Victorian two story structure with an attic. It took at least two years to build, because the men could not just go down to Home Depot and get what they needed. They may have been able to utilize the services of a local saw mill, but the planks still had to be cured out. Then they had to be cut to size. The two carpenters did all of that work before they could even drive a single nail.
Unknown carpenter in the era of about 1890, with a buck saw. The finished planks are behind him.
There were no table saws, electric planers, nailing guns, electric drills, or any other power tool considered to be indispensible to today’s carpenter. It was all done by hand, with the types of tools which had helped build the Mayflower centuries earlier. They used two man buck saws for the heavy work, and precision hand planers for the finish work, with everything else in between being a hand operation also.
Finish work planes, measuring devices, a level, and scribes from the late 1890s.
When the house was nearing completion, the work which really showed the skills of the carpenter was tested thoroughly in the finish. The molding for the ceilings was all hand carved and ornate. The floor moldings and wood flooring had to show absolute minimal joints. The window trimming was hand carved, as well as some of the exterior trims. They did not have the size variety of nails and small brads as we have today, so most cabinet work was done by making precision joints, and all held together without a single nail.
Two hand cross cut saw.
It is not clear how many houses Edward was involved with the construction of, but I would have to assume by the time he reached Boardman to start a small farm, he must have also supplemented his income as a carpenter.
e) Limburger Cheese - One memory which has always stuck in my mind was the Kunze family’s taste for Limburger cheese. I believe an almost 100 year old tradition stopped cold with me. I cannot stand the smell of it, and I tasted it just once. That was enough. But, if you got Granddad Kunze, Ruth, and my Dad all together at a family gathering in Boardman, and after a couple of beers, the Limburger would appear like magic. Enough said.
Another occasional event in Boardman, and of course involving limburger cheese, was when Edward’s Swiss friend from a nearby farm would come over to the house. His name was Wasmer. After more than a few beers, (and lots of the other before mentioned stuff), they would be outside and have yodeling contests. Both were very accomplished, and the Columbia River Basin would sound like the Swiss Alps on those evenings.
Limburger cheese originated in the historical Duchy of Limburg, which is now divided between modern-day Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Limburger is especially known for its pungent odor. The bacterium used to ferment Limburger cheese and other rind-washed cheeses is Brevibacterium linens; this same bacterium is found on human skin and is partially responsible for human body odor.[1]
Herve cheese is a particular kind of Limburger cheese produced in the municipality of Herve.
Limburger cheese and its characteristic odor are a frequent butt of jokes and gags. In 2006 a study showing that the malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae) is attracted equally to the smell of Limburger cheese and to the smell of human feet[2] earned the Ig Nobel Prize in the area of biology. [3]
Despite its birth location, most of the Limburger cheese made today comes from Germany, and has since about the nineteenth century. It was first produced by Rudolph Benkerts in 1867 in his cellar from pasteurized goat’s milk. [4] A few years later, there were about 25 factories that produced this cheese. The Chalet Cheese Cooperative, located in Monroe, Wisconsin, is the one company which makes this cheese in the United States.[5
One thing that struck me odd is I never saw my dad drink milk. In his final years of life, he would use skim milk on his cereal for breakfast, but that sure went against what he liked when he was younger. I must have been only about 13 or 14 and somehow the conversation got around to milk. He said, other than buttermilk, he would only drink milk warm, and straight out of the teat of the cow. I did not even know what buttermilk was. I do seem to remember they stocked it the dairy section in stores, and when I once sampled it, it was real sour. I do not even know if you can even buy buttermilk anymore. Anyway, I never took a liking to buttermilk, and it disappeared like the limburger cheese.
Cultured buttermilk is probably the easiest and most fool proof fermented milk product to make. (Note that cultured is different than "old fashioned buttermilk.") All you need is active cultured buttermilk for the starter, and fresh milk for it to act on (store bought is fine). The formation of buttermilk is based on the fermentation by the starter bacteria which turns milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid. As lactic acid is formed, the pH of the milk drops and it gets tart. Milk proteins, most notably casein, are no longer as soluble under acid conditions and they precipitate out, causing what we recognize as clabbering. Thus the two marked characteristics of buttermilk, its tartness and its thickened nature, are both explained by the presence or the action of lactic acid. Additional by-products of fermentation give subtle variations in buttermilk flavor.
The acidity of buttermilk also explains its long refrigerator shelf life. Acid is a natural preservative because it inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Thus buttermilk keeps easily for weeks in your refrigerator. If you keep it longer, it may develop mold on the inner walls of the jar. This mold belongs to the same group of fungi which grow on cheese and is not dangerous. Remove it and the buttermilk can still be used for baking. However, because the desired bacteria may have died in older samples, buttermilk older than three to four weeks may not work as inoculums to make buttermilk.
SOUR CREAM can be made with the same procedure as buttermilk, using one cup of cream mixed thoroughly with 2 Tbl fresh active buttermilk and letting it sit for 12-24 hours at room temperature. The higher the butter fat in the cream, the thicker the finished sour cream.
iii) Frank Kunze
a) Inventions he saw put to practical use in his 87 years of life were the polio vaccine, penicillin and antibiotics, computers, lasers, putting men on the moon, splitting the atom and the atom bomb, television, jet engines, passenger service for airlines, carbon dating, cell phones, air-conditioning, refrigerators, rubber tired earth movers, satellites, trans ocean communications, aerosol spray cans, plastic, carbon fiber, the electric razor, micro wave ovens, DNA, radar, automatic washing machines and dryers, electric kitchen appliances.
It is very difficult for me to imagine a life without plastics, or air-conditioning. But, as future generations depend on things which have not even been invented yet, they will say the same things about us.
Dad told me “the true reality that I never wanted to ride a horse again was from the first time I road in a car”. When growing up in Boardman, apparently a close by farmer had bought a model “T” Ford and gave Dad his first ride. County roads in those days made sharp 90º turns and were dictated by the property corners, and not the road right of way. The farmer would set the speed on the lever attached to the steering wheel column, and off they went. When they got to a corner, they usually took it on two wheels.
Dad really did not like horses, even though they were very much a part of his younger life. He once told me “You shovel in shit at one end, and then you shovel out shit from the other”.
B) Education - Due to the Great Depression, he did not finish school, but received his high school equivalency in the Army. Money was so tight there was no cash for anything except to survive. They were trying to farm a 160 acre piece of desert near the Columbia River, and he was needed to bring in any cash he could contribute with.
During the war, Dad only carried two personal items with him which were not Government Issue. He had a chess set, and a book on new math. He was a self educated man, and even became a surveyor in the army, and a fairly accomplished chess player.
C) Garnet, Montana - One spring during the Depression, when he was about 18 years old, he and his dad, Edward, sheared sheep for cash. They “followed the spring;” moving into the higher elevations and following the receding snow melt. They ended up in Missoula, Montana in 1937. Edward went back to the farm in Boardman to get the planting done, but Dad got hired on with a road crew through the President Roosevelt sponsored Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC).
He was a laborer at first, and would manhandle 55 gallon drums of fuel to a point ahead of the dozer doing the pioneering work for the new road. He told me “The Cat skinner was a mean son of a bitch. If I did not get the fuel drum right where he ended up for the day, he would go over to it and kick it down the hill. I had to wrestle it back up and fuel the Cat on my own time”.
One day the Cat skinner got drunk and did not show up for work. The crew foreman liked Dad and asked him if he could run the Cat. Dad said “Yes!”….and didn’t have a clue. But, he learned fast. He stayed on the Cat for the summer and until the freeze shut the project down. They worked right up until the ground froze solid. It would be so cold in the mornings, the equipment would not start. So they drained the engine out of the Cat, and warmed it up over a fire. When the oil was hot, they would put it back in and the Cat would start. They then used the Cat to push start the other equipment.
After the freeze up, Dad did not want to go back to the farm in Oregon and waste away a winter, so he got a job working in the 4th of July gold mine in Garnet Montana. He worked for Angus Gunn, the stepfather to his future wife Eleanor. It was a tough life and only tough men survived in the mines. I remember my uncle Jerry looking at the wedding ring on my finger. He said, “In Garnet, where your Dad, Mom, and I lived during the depression, a man would just as soon cut your finger off for that much gold”.
He boarded in a house owned by a man named Walt Moore, whom Dad developed a lot of respect for. In the two years he was in Garnet, he ran the rock drill in the mines, set the dynamite, and drove truck. He was only 19 years old.
If he was driving truck, and the snow was not too deep, he would bring in supplies to the camp. But, when the snow was bad, he and Walt would snowshoe out, and hitch a ride to Missoula. There they would pick up the mail for the miners, salt and flour. And hitch their way back.
He once told me how it would get bitter cold; “It had to be over 40 below, and I could hear John about a half mile away come out of his cabin, get his fire wood, and go back in. I could hear his every step crunching in the snow”.
I remember Dad telling me he would need to go out and find meat. He would strap on a pair of snow shoes, and sling skis and his 30-40 Krag rifle across his back. Once he got a deer, he would then take a hind quarter down to the creek where the “poor people” had set up canvas tents with wood floors and were trying to make a living by panning for gold from the tailings of the mines. This is where my Dad met my Mom. She lived with her brother Jerry, her Mom, a step brother Kenneth Gunn, and her Mom’s second husband Angus Gunn. Angus must have really been something else. Thirty years later, this is what Ken said about his Dad: “He was a drunk… and a mean bastard”. She (Eleanor’s Mom Ardath) finally left him and moved to Missoula. She, Jerry and I lived in an apartment on E. Broadway. She worked as a dispatcher for the Yellow Cab Co. It was also that period of time that Kenny came to our door (he was about 14). He had an old battered suit case and he said, "I've come to live with you, Maw"- per Eleanor Kunze
Eleanor was partially crippled in her right foot, due to Layton’s hunting rifle slipping to the floor and going off. She had several operations, and the foot would always be a problem for her the rest of her life. Frank was 6’3” and she was 5 foot, with one leg slightly shorter than the other. She would wear specially made shoes to compensate. I think one of the first full sentences I understood as a baby, and heard it for the next 57 years was “Frank! Now you just slow down!”
Garnet is now a preserved Historical Land Mark Ghost Town.
Garnet did experience a revival of sorts in 1934 following the rise in gold prices instituted by President Roosevelt. When gold skyrocketed from $16 to $32, miners moved back into Garnet’s abandoned buildings and once again, mines were worked. Just as World War I had stripped Garnet of the remnants of its first population, World War II did the town in once again. Mining became more challenging as dynamite use was restricted and Garnet was abandoned once and for all by 1940
D) Portland, OR - After working the mines for a couple of years, Frank got a letter from his older half brother “Mac” offering him work as a carpenter in Portland for building houses. He worked with Mac for about two years and then was drafted into the Army. Nicknamed “Slim”, a lot of years of hard work had honed him into a very powerful man. He stood 6’3”, weighed 190 pounds, had a 19” neck, and a 32” waist. Mom wrote him letters when he was in Portland, and continued so throughout the war. This is what brought them together after the war was over.
E) World War II – Dad never talked much about the war. Over the years I would only pick up bits and pieces here and there. But, he would talk a lot about the R&R time he spent in Australia. He really loved that country, and the women.
I do know he was in the Engineers and made airstrips, roads and supply depots shortly after the main combat action had taken place. There still were usually a few Japanese in the areas they were working, so it was not a behind the lines safe haven job for them. And, sometimes when they had mine clearing duty or had to build a bridge, they were right up there on the front (actually even ahead of the front, with those guys providing cover).
I guess from his size, agility, and the tremendous amount of fighting experience he picked up in Garnet, they made him the unit hand to hand combat teacher. Which, I found out in a very round about way, was a very fortunate thing. He got more hand to hand combat experience by teaching the troops, than any other man in the unit. I am sure it saved his life in the Philippines.
He and a few guys in his company did get cut off from their unit for a few weeks while in New Guinea. They actually ended up behind the Japanese lines when the Japs had made a counter attack. They hid out in a cave and scouted around try to find a way back. Plus, they used the local natives to help them a lot. This is when he contacted malaria. The only medicine they had available was the opium the natives supplied them with. When I was about 14, Dad told me “drugs are a powerful thing. They can get a hold of you fast. For two years after I had been using that opium to combat the malaria, I would have taken it if it had been offered”. I do not know if he told me his “war story” as an educational tool to stay away from drugs or not, but it was effective. I have never taken anything but a prescription drug in my life.
They shipped Dad to a hospital in San Francisco, and he only weighted about 140 pounds. Then they shipped him back.
Dad used to fish for yellowtail and albacore with me a lot out of San Diego on the limited party charter boats. On one trip he told me how in New Guinea they were just craving fresh meat of any kind. “We had killed a few wild boars and roasted them up, but there were a lot of guys in the same situation, and a pig did not last long. Plus, we found a dead Jap soldier in a cave, and the hogs had been feeding on him. That put an end to the pig roasts”. However they did find a way to get fresh fish, at least until the Captain put an end to that too. Here is the incident on why the captain stopped it. “The albacore would come right in tight to the beach. You could see them coming down the beach by the ripples in the water. When they got to us, we would toss grenades, run out into the small surf, and grab as many as we could. We were eating pretty good then. But, the sharks learned too. The grenades were like a dinner bell for them. Soon we had to run out, get one in each hand, and get back quick. Once, a guy in my outfit had thought he had dropped one of the fish on his way back in, but when he was standing there on the beach, he had a 30 pound albacore in one hand and a tail in the other”.
On our last albacore trip together, he had been very sea sick. On the drive home he commented how he had been shot at; a bomb fragment had hit him, had malaria, and never got sea sick once while crossing the Pacific Ocean on a ship 4 times, with two of them being a hospital ship. “And now, because I am getting old, I get sea sick and can’t fish albacore any more”.
At some point in the war he was walking with a couple of guys in his unit and he came across a Japanese soldier who had fallen asleep after he had become separated from his unit. Dad just reached down and picked him up…right off the ground and about 5 feet into the air. The soldier woke up and saw he was being hoisted into the air by a huge giant of a man, he just started babbling. Dad kind of set him down, but kept a firm grip, while his buddy collected the rifle and the soldier’s gear. They walked him back to camp and turned him over to an officer.
Dad had this to say about the natives of New Guinea. “We hadn’t seen a decent woman for months. When I was surveying for a new airstrip, off in the distance I saw one of the young native girls through the telescope of the transit. She was almost completely bare, with just a few strips of grass for a skirt covering the front of her lower body. She didn’t even look good at a distance, but if that did not deter you, when she got about 25 yards away and you smelled her coming, that certainly would”.
The only other thing I experienced was when the whole family once went to a drive in theater and saw the movie From Here to Eternity. There was a low chanting in the sound effects near the end of the movie and dad excused himself and went to the bathroom. The low chanting soon became a roar, with thousands of voices screaming “BANZI”. Then the big Banzi charge came at the Americans. It was an awesome fight for a 14 year old kid. The movie was almost over, and dad returned. He had been gone a long time.
A couple of years later, I overheard Ed Skoubo talking to Dad. Ed had said “that was after that Banzi charge in the Philippines wasn’t it?” Both men saw me come into the room and Dad changed the subject back to fishing. Even then it did not hit me until I saw the movie again on TV. Near the end of the movie I was thinking “this is when Dad went to the bathroom and missed the best part”….And, it just floored me.
Those are the only “war stories” I know. As I said, he would not talk about it.
B) Boardman – After they got married, He moved them back to Boardman and rented an apartment above the post office. This is where I spend my earliest years. He tried raising water melons one year. I guess it was not a good year for prices, because they ended up with a total profit of $12.00. That ended the farming. He also spent some time at the Hanford works building the now infamous containers for radioactive material containment.
Frank then got a job on the new construction of the new McNary Dam being built a few miles away and up stream from Boardman. McNary Dam is a 1.4 mile (2.2 km) long hydroelectric dam which spans the Columbia River. It joins Umatilla County, Oregon with Benton County, Washington, 292 miles (470 km) upriver from the mouth of the Columbia at Astoria, Oregon. It is operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' McNary Lock and Dam office. The dam is located a mile (2 km) east of the town of Umatilla, Oregon, and 8 miles (13 km) north of Hermiston, Oregon
Starting out hanging from a boson chair, he worked the finish on the face of the dam. Promoted to foreman, he did the calculations and surveying of building the forms and the concrete pour for the 40 ton steel locks to be installed. He was working with tolerances of less than 1/16”. The locks, to allow boat traffic to continue up river, are still working to this day. He then got a job as superintendant to set the first pipeline across the Columbia River. It was a 16” gas line with the main obstacle being the 7.5 mile an hour current.
The population of Boardman was less than 200 people. The area was a dream for people who hunted, fished, and enjoyed the out doors, but not for making money. Dad shot 32 greater Canadian geese and innumerable pheasants, quail and mallards in one winter. The women would make goose down pillows and beds with the feathers. For years I did not know there was any other kind of a pillow.
He usually hunted with Ed Skoubo, a childhood friend whose family had emigrated from Denmark. Ed had even been shipped back to Denmark when he was only 4 or 5 years old to visit family there. When he got back two years later, they had to teach him English all over again.
Once, a friend of theirs came over from the Willamette Valley for his first vacation in years. He came to hunt geese. He liked it so much he called his boss at the lumber mill and asked for a few more days off. The boss refused the time, so he flat out quit. He spent the winter hunting geese every day. The three of them would shoot geese in the morning before work, and the friend would take the geese and decoys back to town while Ed Skoubo and Dad went on to work.
It was cold outside, and the men usually picked the geese indoors. If you have never picked a goose before, you would not have a clue as to how much feathers and fine down they have. The air becomes thick with very fine floating feathers. They end up under the couch, behind the fridge, and even in your clothes dresser. Mom said it would take till the end of summer to finally get the goose down and feathers out of the house, and just in time for the new hunting season.
When I was about 18 months old, Dad build a forest ranger station for his half brother Mac at Detroit, OR. A huge forest fire swept through the area, and I guess that is when I decided to take off on my own and go see the fire. It sure gave Mom a scare. We moved to Portland, and Dad built homes for Mac, and Elaine was born there.
Dad often mentioned about a tribe of Indians who died one winter by white man’s disease on the island in the middle of the Columbia River, and just opposite Boardman. He said as a kid he would go out there and find beads and artifacts where the ants would bring them to the surface. He always claimed it was small pox which killed them, and he put the estimate at 2,000 Indians, but it could have been measles. One of the thing he told me was how they would get a fever, and try and sweat it out in a sweat house. Then they would make a dash for the river and jump into the icy Columbia. That would kill anybody. Cayuse Indians were located in the Columbia Basin and were nomadic, even moving day by day. They lived in houses called teepees, which many nomadic tribes used. Cayuse women would have to assemble and disassemble the teepees, either of which process could take an hour. The Cayuse were skilled horsemen, and used horses for catching animals and for their trip over the Rocky Mountains each year to bring a supply of buffalo back to their women and children. (Skilled horsemanship proved beneficial to the Indians and the neighboring cowboys who adopted the Cayuse pony.) The women would use the animal skins for food, shelter and clothing. The men considered bravery to be an important quality, with brave warriors being held in high esteem, the strongest was made chief. The culture clash was enormous, and resentment built. In 1847, measles brought by a rapid influx of white settlers killed off a large part of the tribe, and the Cayuse were convinced the missionaries were the cause. As a result, the Whitman Massacre occurred when Cayuse and Umatilla Indians killed Marcus and Narcissa Whitman, two Protestant missionaries, and twelve other travelers residing at their camp. This soon led to the Cayuse War, one of the many in the Indian Wars. The Cayuse experienced great difficulties as white settlers moved in in large numbers following the opening of the Oregon Trail in 1842, and the discovery of gold in California after 1848 and then in Eastern Oregon in 1862.
c) Washington – We then moved to Kennewick and Pasco. Dad had construction projects going and we then went to Othello in the Pot Holes / Moses Lake region in Central Washington. He was the superintendent on a fairly sizable irrigation canal, siphon and pipe line project for the local irrigation district and the Bureau of Land Management. I was about 6 years old and going to school at Ludacaga School in Othello. Snowball fights, from well constructed snow forts were great.
d) California - In 1956, Dad got Reynaud’s, a disorder where the circulation in your hands and feet shuts off in cold temperatures. The doctor told him to quit smoking, and move to a warmer state, or he would have cut his toes and fingers off. He only had a couple of weeks, so he took off for California. He actually had gangrene in the end of one finger.
While Elaine and I were young, we were mobile. The 4 of us lived in a 32 foot trailer, with one hunting dog. Dad came back from California and we moved there in Feb. 1957. First we lived in a Torrance trailer park, then Paramount. On our first day of school in California, Elaine and I were so ecstatic about the warm weather, we went to school dressed as any kid would in warm weather. We were immediately jerked out of the classrooms and sent to the principle’s office. Mom was called and received a severe chewing out about her kids not having coats or sweaters in “this cold weather”. Of course, by the time the next February came around, we were acclimated, so we took our coats to school, just like any other kid does in Southern California.
Mom did not have a problem of us bouncing around from school to school while we were young. But she insisted on Dad buying a house, and having a permanent base of operations when we reached Jr. High School age. Dad bought our first house in Westminster, Orange County, in 1959. He paid $12,000 for it. The second house was only a few blocks away, but in Garden Grove. They paid $22,500 for it in 1963. The short move was mostly Mom’s instance to keep us kids with our friends and in the Huntington Beach School District. Mom and Dad stayed in the house in Garden Grove until Elaine and I were off to college and gone. They bought a small avocado ranch in Temecula, moved there in 1980, and have stayed since.
A few notable instances I remember while living in Westminster was when I was 12 or 13. Mom was a real disciplinarian, and Dad left all discipline matters to her.
Dad only struck me once in his life, and I was soon to find out why he left it all to my Mom. My sister was a majorette for the LA Ram football team. This was in the era of their greatness, with Deacon Jones, Lamar Lundy, Rosie Grier, and Merlin Olson making up the Fearsome Foursome defensive line. It was fantastic, because Elaine and the other Ramettes would twirl their batons on the field and we got 50 yard line seats. We got to go to all the home games free. Anyway, Elaine was practicing in the front yard one day and was angry at me about something. She hit me with the baton like she was swinging a baseball bat, and right across my back. I tried to deflect the baton, but backhanded her on the shoulder. Dad only saw me hit her. With two giant strides, he came over and back handed me in the chest. I flew through the air, clear to the other side of the drive way, and landed on the grass there. He picked me up on the second bounce. That was my first real life experience of the strength and quickness of the Kunze family.
When I was 5 years old, I had run away from my Mom when she pulled out the pancake tuner. That was her favorite. I was running down the street in the trailer park screaming my head of, and she was chasing me. She finally caught me, and from the beating I got after that, I never ran away again. But, I did walk away once, and you would think I should have known they are one and the same. I was about 13 and she hit my tail end with a pancake turner over something I probably deserved to be hit about. I had Levi’s on, and IT DID NOT HURT! I looked (down) at her and laughed, and walked out the door. The next thing I remember was being face down in the grass. I rolled over and looked up. There was Mom shaking her finger at me with one hand, a rolling pin in the other, and saying “don’t ever walk away from me again”!
Actually, Dad and I both tried to couple of years later on, and we both paid the price. Mom was going through an experimental era for cooking various foods. One night she served Allah…and who knows what it was? Anyway, Dad and I each took a bite off our perspective plates, looked at each other, and both of us simultaneously pushed our plates to the middle of the table. Mom exploded. Dad and I both tried to get out of there as quick as we could, and being I was a lot bigger by this time, we both got stuck in the doorway. Mom, in all of her 5 foot zero inches, was wagging her finger up at a couple of six footers, who were literally stuck between the door jambs, and telling them exactly what she thought of us not appreciating her hard work and good food. It is funny now, but she scared us both half to death then.
Did I mention Mom’s cooking and how good it is? Actually, she is a great cook.
She smoked the salmon Dad had caught, or canned it up. She cans green beans, apple sauce, peaches, and makes all kinds of jams and preserves. She is a fantastic cook for pheasant, quail and chucker. Her pies are incredible. If every wife could make gravy as well as she does, we would be a nation of hogs.
But, that all happened after I left for college. I remember two times when we got home the fire department was in the driveway. Both times she had left a pot roast on the stove, and the smoke coming out of the house had alerted the neighbors to call the fire department. A few years ago at a family dinner Mom was really upset she had burned the potatoes. I was in ecstasy. I told her they were the first decent home cooked potatoes I had eaten since I had left for college almost 25 years earlier. We all got a good laugh.
i) Fishing - One Sunday afternoon in Othello, when I was 6 years old, Dad had to
check on a concrete pour they had made the day earlier. At the project, he left me by a small pond with a fishing rod and bucket. He said “I will be back in less than a half hour. There are a few crappy in this pond so catch some and have fun”. I had fun. When he got back, the 5 gallon bucket was full to the top with crappy. He just stood there, with his hand on his forehead, mouth open and in complete amazement. He told me later he cleaned fish until 10:00 that night.
He eventually got revenge however. We would fish for trout and salmon all over the Western States and Canada from times before I can remember, right up until I moved to Mexico. At first, after a day of fishing and having a good catch, he would tell me “you need the experience, so you clean the fish”. A few years later on it changed to “you caught most of them anyway, so you clean ‘em.”
We would fish the potholes in the Othello area on weekends, and occasionally when Dad got off work. The evenings were long that far North, so we would get in an hour or so of fishing. The potholes formed in that area when they built the Grand Coulee Dam and the water table in the area rose. The evening surface bite on the fly was incredible. He used a fly rod and he set me up with a spin rod with a casting float. You filled the clear plastic float half full of water, attached a 2 pound leader to the swivel, and made the cast. It was very effective. In fact, I used that method on fishing any high country lake where the creek would enter into the lake. Cast upstream into the current, and let it drift down and over the drop off.
Some of my fondest memories of fishing were with Dad on the Blackfoot River, Glacier National Park, the Western Side of the High Sierras, and salmon in Canada. I have published a magazine article about the Blackfoot River. It is in the 2nd Appendix.
I remember a fishing trip we took one year when I was about 14 years old. We went up to Corvallis, Oregon because Ed Skoubo relocated there after the rising waters of the John Day Reservoir claimed his farm.
The two families consisted of Ed and Janet and their two kids, Dave and Janelle. We were my Dad and Mom, Elaine and I. We all went over to the Alsea River on the coast, and fished for sea run cutthroat trout in the estuary. After we had a very good catch of fish in the morning, Ed and Dad kicked back to have a beer and get caught up on the talk. Of course, Dave and I cleaned the fish. But, after we were done cleaning, Dave and I got a fire going under a huge cast iron pot. We then took the fish heads and some crab pots in a boat, and out into the bay. When we came back we had several nice Dungeness crab. What a meal it was, with fresh trout and crab.
j) Occupation - Frank Kunze was General Engineering Contractor specializing in
earthwork. In the early 1960’s he bought a 933 Cat track loader and dump truck. He did small demolition jobs and small grading jobs. He then bought a Cat D6 C dozer. From there he was able to do a bit larger projects. The market niche he was working in was perfect for the times. He was not too small he couldn’t take on a highly profitable job, and not too big where a larger company would not even consider it. Some of his projects were making 30 to 40%, and he grew fast. He formed Basin Construction, Inc. on the belief that some day he would still be able to get back up into the Columbia River basin and take on some of the lucrative Bureau of Land Management projects he was so familiar with, but his success in California was such it never happened.
He also took on a partner for Basin Construction. Frank was not a salesman, nor a businessman. He was a brilliant common sense man who could figure out a way to get the job done in a more economical way. Bob Leonard and Frank made a good team. Bob hardly had a clue about the actual mechanics of earthwork, but was an excellent salesman. Mom was the “businessman” of the office and ran a very neat and orderly operation. I can still remember being the chief estimator for them and Bob coming into the office after a meeting with a client. His confidence was so great, he would often say “make a job folder for this project and get it in the file cabinet”. Two months later, I would quietly take the “job folder” out of the file cabinet and file the proposal in the dead file.
When Dad and Mom sold out their interest to Bob, and came over to help me out with my company, Gary Clark was talking to me. Gary was the general off-site superintendant for Kaufman and Broad Homes, which was the largest builder in the Nation at the time. He was a hard nosed, old school superintendent who had a lot of years of experience. We were working on a multi-million yard earth moving project in the Anaheim Hills called East hills. We had been in a meeting on the site earlier that morning because of discrepancies, in a certain area on the plans, between the geologic soils investigation, the plans, and our contract. There were lots of representatives there from the civil engineer’s office, the soils’ engineer’s office, and the developer.
Later on, when Gary and I were going over the agreed to changes he said “Ed, do you know why I think your Dad is the absolute best? At that meeting everybody was talking at once but mostly just trying to cover their tails. They did not want to have any responsibility associated with the problem. Your Dad never said a word until the very end. While everybody was talking and pointing fingers, or just talking to hear themselves talk, he was thinking. And, when Frank did talk, he dropped a BOMB. He didn’t care about how the problem got there. He was thinking it was a situation which has to be resolved. He came up with such an easy solution, we all agreed to it in 10 seconds. He is incredible”.
iv) Edward Layton Kunze
a) Resume: Ed Kunze
Westminster High School 1964-1968
Civil Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona 1969-1974.
Sports: Little League baseball age 8-12, Pony league base ball age 12-13
Pop Warner Football age 8-12
Jr. High Football age 12-13
Westminster High Football age 14-18
Cal Poly Pomona Football age 19
1972 to 1977 – Worked as a superintendent for a asphalt paving company for two years Saddleback Paving and Grading), and chief estimator for an excavating, grading, and paving company for 4 years (Basin Construction)
1977 – 1997 – Owned and operated Kunze Incorporated, a General Engineering construction company specializing in excavation and grading. Average volume over the 20 year span was about 4 million dollars a year. Completed major projects involving master planned communities, housing projects, golf courses, sewage treatment plants, and highways.
Completed about 20 projects of over 1 million cubic yards of earth moved, and up to 3.5 million yards. Some projects had has much as 600,000 cubic yards of shot rock moved.
1985 – 1997 – Started a Civil Engineering design company with my college room mate, Ken Crawford. I retained only 10% of the stock due to my obligations of working with Kunze Inc. In 1995 I sold my stock back to the corporation when all stock was transferred to a family owned sub-chapter S corporation. I was still utilized as a consultant after the reorganization. By 1990, KWC Engineers had become a fairly large engineering design firm, with over 40 employees. It specialized in large housing subdivisions and master planned communities. From 1985 to 1997 my responsibility was to do the budgets for the projects, and trouble shoot any problems which arose.
1991 – Patented the invention “Instant Grade Kurb Hook”. A device for measuring street and parking lot grades.
1998 – Current – Moved to Zihuatanejo, Mexico with intentions of being a charter boat fishing guide. Currently, I am rated in the top 10 in the world as a fly fishing guide for sailfish and roosterfish. I have guided as an approved Orvis fly fishing guide. I am also the International Game Fish Assoc. (IGFA) representative for this part of Mexico.
2003 – Current –
Fishing is seasonal, and for a year round income, I act as an engineering consultant/project manager for construction of houses by American owners. I have also designed two 35 lot subdivisions, obtained all permits, and installed the backbone electrical, water well, and water lines and access roads for the subdivisions.
2003 – Current
I have written almost 100 articles about fishing, with most of them being published in our local magazine “Another Day In Paradise” Articles have also been written about me, most notably by Pete Thomas of the LA Times, Men’s Magazine, Gary Graham in Western Outdoors Magazine, and Gene Kira in Western Outdoors weekly paper. I have also been publishing a weekly fish report since 2001, which is published in numerous newspapers and web sites around the U.S.
2006 – Current
Author of two books - 1) “Fishing, Methods, and Incredible Stories – Fishing the West Coast of Mexico” and 2) “Build Your Home In Mexico”. 3) Working on a Mexican cook book with Rebeca titled “ The kitchens of Zihuatanejo”
a) Inventions – I remember Dad buying our first television, and then about 10
years later the shows actually came in color, and not black and white. When I was young, a computer was something that was housed in a warehouse sized room with elaborate air-conditioning systems. And now, the amount of computing power in the desktop PC I am typing this Kunze Family History on is greater than the computer that put the first man on the moon.
I remember the old wooden wall phones with party lines, but my 14 year old son Ken has never known a day in his life when the cell phone did not exist. I remember going to the local store with my Mom and a box of vacuum tubes from the TV, to place in the tester there and see which the bad one was so we could watch the Ed Sullivan show that night. Now we not only have the transistor, but Gigabyte chips you need a microscope in order to see the circuit. The word fax, gigabyte, e-mail, boot up, silicon chip, and many others did not even exist when I was in high school.
How do you describe an age from my Great Grandfather’s time when the Pony Express was the fastest way to deliver mail, to now, when a letter is delivered by a jet plane and is called “snail mail”?
GPS is something I have a lot of first hand experience with. We now use it for navigation, surveying, and even have receiving units on large earth moving equipment. This is another word that did not even exist when I was in school.
I remember buying one of the very first electronic calculators ever made when I was in college. It was a Sony but, it could only add, divide, multiply and subtract. It was about two inches thick, eight inches long, and five inches wide. We had been using slide rules, with the “Use of a Slide Rule - 101” being the first course I had in college. Without a calculator, try keeping track of a decimal point someday when you need accuracy to 4 places. You will soon appreciate the invention.
Electronic calculators led to better accuracy and faster computation, which led to the personal computer, which has taken us into the computer age. I can’t even imagine the future inventions this will lead to.
c) Hunting: One of my earliest memories made so much of an impression on me, it is probably the reason I never was very interested in hunting big game. It was my recollection of sitting in a duck blind in the Potholes Region of Othello with my Dad, and actually seeing a great Northern migration in full flight. The ducks and geese, by the tens of thousands, flew over our heads for hours. Dad never fired a shot at the lower flying local ducks which were attracted to his decoy spread. We just sat back and watched.
It is true that in California, I never had any close by opportunities to hunt big game like Elk, bear, and moose, but I believe this experience with waterfowl determined the path I would take. I was only 6 years old at the time. It was very true with my dad also. I do not remember when he shot his last deer. He has taken elk, bear, numerous deer, etc. but I really think he changed after the war. His primary loves were the pheasant and the chucker. Chuckers were taboo to me. They required a lot of work.
For years he would go up into the high country of the Snake River, just outside of Richland, Oregon, to hunt chucker. I have seen the photos of where he used to hunt. The Snake River was just a small pencil line down below. But, he and the Brittany spaniel he always had when he hunted did well.
But, I loved to hunt ducks and geese. And, I was good. I always had a black lab, and they were exceptional. Even though I never put my labs in a field trial, they hunted better than the best of the best.
When Dad and I and a trucking business associate / friend (Ray Hornbeck) hunted pheasants in Tule Lake one year, we had to let Ray’s Weimariner out of the truck a full mile before we got to the field we wanted to hunt. The idea was to let the dog follow behind the truck so the big gray s.o.b. would wear down a bit. Not a chance. The dog was off and running and covered the 80 acres in about 2 minutes. Pheasants were popping up everywhere. Ray was screaming at his dog, and never even loaded his gun. We were on the California / Oregon border and the dog was in the next state by the time we finished working the field. We finally found the dog late that evening. A huge smile on his face and trying to tell us what a great day he had.
When the S.O.B. took off, Dad and I did not even hesitate. Ray’s high priced, high strung pedigree field trial dog did not faze us a bit. My lab, Buck, and Dad’s Brittany spaniel, Brit II, just went to work. We knew the hens were the first to flush, and the wise old roosters just squatted down and waited until the big grey S.O.B. passed by. The two dogs never worked more than 30 feet in front of Dad and I. When they got scent of a bird, Buck’s tail was like helicopter about to take off. Brit would lock up on point, and Buck would jump the bird on my command. If a bird started running on up ahead, the dogs would look back at Dad and I, and hold the 30 foot distance. Incredible!
Dad and I were completely limited out in less than a half hour. Ray was so mad his $2,000 dog was off to “who knows where”; he actually had foam coming out of the corners of his mouth.
The next day the S.O.B. stayed in the truck, and we all limited out. I do not remember the dog’s name. All I remember is Ray calling out “You Son Of A….”
The original “Brit” had to be the most awesome pointing dog there ever was. Dad and I hunted with Brit from 1955, until he drowned in an irrigation flume in the Imperial Valley in 1966. We were hunting doves, he was hot, and got sucked into the current of a weir when he went down to cool off..
Buck was the best retriever dog I have ever seen. Buck’s real name was Cole Black Buck, and the son of a national champion field trial father. But, the father was also a hunter. I bought buck for $100. He retrieved his first dove for me when he was 2 months old. He retrieved his first duck for me when he was 3 months old. When he was 5 months old he dove under the water and came back up with the wounded mallard I had shot. After that, I never lost a duck which dove under the water.
When he was only a year old, he retrieved his first wounded Canadian honker…against a swift current in the Colorado River. The goose was pissed and pecking at him all the way…I had stripped out of my clothes to get ready to jump in and help him back, but he brought the goose to my hand.
In either a duck blind or goose blind, I would always have Buck facing the opposite direction I was facing. He would whine and shiver when it was time to shoot. I would just stand up and turn around and there they were…20 yards out. I never had to move an eyelash to know what was going on.
It was about 1974, when Roberta and I had borrowed Mom and Dad’s motor home to go up to Tule Lake to hunt geese. We stopped to watch the “firing line” as the geese came off the refuge. The geese would gain altitude, fly off the refuge, and head out to feed in the nearby fields. The idiots on the fence line were actually shooting at geese 100 yards high. When you are shooting a 10 gauge with 00-buck, or maybe even slugs, out of the 50 idiots shooting, at least one or two would get lucky. This is a pure waste of ammunition at best, and a waste of our geese. Almost every goose wounded would make it to somewhere and die, or become coyote food. When shot, the goose would rarely fold up, and dropped down on the firing line. (And, what a joke that was…fights actually broke out over who had killed the goose).
My Charles Daly (made in Italy) side by side was only a couple of months old. I bought it in a Big 5 store close to where we lived in Pomona, CA. for $150.00. It was still in its case when we pulled up to the firing line, and remained there. Buck and I got out of the motor home to stretch our legs. He saw the geese flying over 100 yards high, but was not interested. He was interested in the shooting however, and kept looking up and wondering “what the Hell is going on?” I started talking to one of the idiots with a 10 gauge, trying to pump him for the latest information about the geese. At that time he connected on a wing tip of one of the geese, which locked up and floated about a half mile into the wheat stubble of the farm on the other side of the fence line.
Buck saw it lock up and whined. I said to the idiot “my dog has a lock on that bird. Do you want him to bring it back for you?” The reply was “it is over on private land and we can’t cross, but is way too far for any dog to get”…….I only said “BUCK!…FETCH!” And off he took. Every one of those 50 idiots locked their eyes on Buck. It was so damned far out, all we could see was puffs of dust as he ran out to where the goose was standing straight up, and boy was the goose pissed. Buck hit him like a runner about to have a close call at the plate and trying to bowl over the catcher on a throw from the left field. From there on it was just dust. The dog would emerge from the dust and the goose was chasing him, then the dog would go back into the cloud and the goose was being chased. After a few more moments more, Buck came out of the cloud of dust with a very angry goose in his mouth. He was pecking at Buck around the eyes, so Buck dropped him and grabbed him by the ass. And Buck brought him all the way back. Fifty idiots clapped and cheered Buck when I had to grab the neck and ring it so he could let go. I was offered a thousand dollars for him. But, I am not going to sell out family to a bunch of idiots.
Later that evening, while scouting around for a place to hunt the following day, we witnessed an event even more spectacular than I experienced with my dad in that duck blind in Othello. We saw so many hundreds of thousands of ducks and geese lift off Tule Lake to go feed in the surrounding fields, it actually blocked out the sun. There were an estimated 4 million ducks and geese on the refuge at that time.
I never hunted geese with more than a 12 Gauge shotgun or a 2 ¾” Federal magnum shell loaded with copper coated No.6 shot. I never shot at a goose which was more than about 30 yards away. And I never would lose any birds. Two years after Larry Smith accidently shot me, which is another story, I hunted with him again. He never even put a shell in his gun. When the geese started flying into my decoys, I took 9 geese in 9 shots in about 9 minutes. (But, it took me 2 hours to clean them).
When the steel shot law came into effect, I was usually hunting on private land in Richland, Oregon. I always kept a couple of steel shot shells in my pocket in case I was checked. I never was. I stayed with the No. 6 copper coated shot always. Even when I took my nephew Ryan over to the Cibola Federal Refuge on the Colorado River in California for a Thanksgiving goose one year, the guns were loaded with No. 6 shot. The local hired guides were calling and raising all sorts of a ruckus. It was my first time there and we only scouted that previous afternoon. But, we got more geese than the guide’s clients, on their home territory. They simply could not wait for the geese to come into a proper range….of about 10 feet. Then you stand up and take them in the tail as they are flying away. There is many a time they have landed right next to me. I look them in the eye and say “Boo” before I stand up and get ready to shoot.
One time between Christmas and New Year, when Ron was only about 13, we went up to Richland and hunted geese, mallards, and quail. The first morning we set up in a field that had been holding only a few geese, but we arrived late and did not have much time to scout around. When the small flight of about 8 geese came in, they were talking and I answered back on the call. It was almost too easy, because they locked up and started gliding in. Then they flared, and took off. I got back on the call…. real hard. They turned, locked up and came back. They landed about 10 feet in front of us. After we stood up, they took off and we bagged our limit. One of the most cherished things I have ever heard in my life was when Ron said, “Dad, you actually talked to them. How did you do that?”
On that 4 days of actual hunting trip we shot 10 geese, a dozen green head mallards, a dozen quail and a couple of Hungarian partridges. We would shoot geese in the morning, pick and clean them and then take showers. By 10:00 we would go and have a late breakfast. Then we would put my 28 gauge and the 20 gauge in the truck and scout around the valley for the next morning’s goose hunt. We would get mallards sitting in the irrigation ditches, quail crossing the road, and an occasional chucker or Hun.
The year before, Ron’s first mallard came the day before an Arctic Express swooped down from the North. The mallards knew it was coming and were trying to find any open water they could to sit the cold weather out. We were hunting geese near an artesian spring fed pond less than 100 feet across. It was open year round. And the ducks were pouring in. We got our geese, exchanged our 12 gauges for the 20 and the 28, and then went over to the pond. I told him to not shoot as they take off, because they will come back. I was thinking they would come back in ones and twos, but it did not happen that way. They came back in 10s, to 20s and even 50s. We were standing up in the open and shooting green heads only, from only about 15 yards away, plus we picked our shots so they would land on dry land and not in the pond. After a dozen, I said let’s get back and get a shower. It was the best duck hunting 15 minutes of my life.
When the Arctic Express hit the next morning, with the wind howling about 30 miles an hour, we tried to set up for geese again. But it was so cold it was dangerous. I told Ron we have had a good hunt, let’s go home and see the New Year’s Day football games. We showered, ate breakfast and packed up. We gassed the truck up at exactly noon, and the wind had stopped blowing. The thermometer was in the full force of the sun at the gas station, and it read 4 below. On the drive back, when we were alongside Walker Lake in Nevada, it was about 10 or 15 below and the sun was just starting to peak above the mountains to the East. A fog mist was raising off the lake because of the warm water Vs cold air effect. The instant the sun hit the mist, the whole world turned to a multi colored rainbow, as the mist turned to ice and started falling back to the earth. We were driving through a fairyland. It was beautiful.
We got back to Riverside in time to see the games. But while we were unpacking the Ford Bronco truck, even though the truck’s heater was on high all the way down from Oregon, from inside the truck, snow and ice was falling out of the decoy bags and our hunting gear. We had strapped the game up on top the truck’s cargo rack in duffel backs, and it was still frozen solid.
Larry Smith was an old school friend of my Dad’s from Boardman. Larry had left Boardman and went to Alaska after the war. In Anchorage, he and his brother did very well running a sand and gravel operation. Larry retired and bought a house in Richland Oregon, near the Snake River, and the Brown Lee reservoir. Larry knew all the farmers, so instead of trying to compete against the idiots on the refuges in California, I hunted private land in Richland. One morning just before Thanksgiving in 1979 Larry, Thorny (who owned the local general store and small hotel I would stay at), a friend of Thorny’s, and I set up in a corn field. Our blind was the tall standing corn, with the decoys spread out along the knockdown row 10 yards in front of us. Thorny and his friend were positioned about 20 yards to Larry and my left. A knock down row is made when the tractor and chopper for making the silage for the cattle feed must first knock down a row for the cutter to get started on the other rows. The ears of corn are still on the stalk, and the geese love it.
At exactly 7:00 AM a flight of about 75 geese lifted off the Brown Lee Reservoir and I got on the call. They locked up and came only a few feet over our heads. I told Larry “take ‘em”. It was cold that morning and he had gloves on. A long leaf of the corn stalk got between the pistol grip of the gun and his hand. Larry was squatted down, so he rose up to shoot. When he got to the end of the leaf, his gun went off. I took the shot from about three feet away up through my shoulder and into the back of my head, lifting me off my feet. I landed about 5 feet away. Larry kept shooting at the geese. He did not even know he shot me. I asked him if he got one, and he said he did. I said “well, I think you got me too”.
They got me into town and to the only medical facility they had, an ambulance. The nurse got in the back with me. Larry had gone ahead to tell Roberta, who was 7 months pregnant with Ron. As Roberta was stepping out of the motor home, showered and ready to enjoy the day, Larry pulled up and said “Ed is OK. I shot him, and the ambulance will be here any second, but Ed is OK”…..All Roberta could register was “ambulance?…shot?…he’s OK?...UH?”
She got in the front seat of the ambulance and we took off for Baker on the narrow twisting ice covered road which follows along side the Powder River. Roberta said at times the speedometer was at 90 miles an hour. I never went into shock, because when the nurse tried to strap me down, she leaned over me and I could smell whisky on her breadth. I exploded. I cussed her all the way to Baker.
b) Fishing –
One of my favorite trout fishing holes was Castle Lake in the high Sierra Nevadas. You drive up to Bishop on old highway 395, and then on up to Mammoth Lakes. From there you went to Red’s and Agnew Meadows. Devils Post Pile national Monument is nearby and consists of columns of basalt standing vertical. The east fork of the San Joaquin River is in the valley, but it was fairly well fished out even back in the mid 60s. I was first told about Castle Lake by my elementary school fishing friend, Darryl Gleason. Dad I went up there first, then I went with the Explorer Scout Troop, then Rodger Bachman and I, and finally with Roberta while we were in college. It is about 9,000 feet in elevation, and I would get a trout on every cast…but mostly after the ice broke up in late June and early July. I got brook trout out of the stream, and golden trout from the higher lakes. I used Castle Lake as my base camp.
John Pearson, a friend from high school, and I used to go to the jetty near the Seal Beach electric generation plant. The warm water attracted 2 to 4 pound bonito at night. We threw Roostertail spinners and 2 pound test line. We had a blast. In about 1978, a pair of motor cycle cops used to give a lot of tickets on a downhill stretch in Riverside, just before it got to a school with a 25 MPH limit. I used the road almost every day, but never got a ticket. However, I felt it was a speed trap, and took pity on the drivers who did get tickets. One night I went back to the jetty and put a lot of bonito I caught in a gunny sack. I then threw the gunny sack into the cactus patch alongside where the cops used to sit and wait for their prey. I never saw them again in that location.
I was first introduced to bass fishing when I was back in Arkansas. Roberta, her Mom and I drove back there to visit their family. I believe this was about 1973. Going across Oklahoma, we were pulled over by a State Trooper, and I could not figure out why. I guess he saw the California plates on the El Camino, and me smoking a corn cob pipe. He got up to us and said “Whatcha got in the pipe Boy?” “Huh?” Was my reply….”OH! Here, check it for yourself” Everything was fine and off we went.
In Arkansas, Roberta told me stories about racial segregation she experienced while growing up there. Refrigerated water fountains for the white kids in school, and old fashioned porcelain ones for the black kids was one of them.
Another experience I had was when we were with friends of hers, Janice and Wayne. Wayne wanted to take a motor cycle back up to his folk’s house, and my El Camino was perfect. It was dark when we were coming back and we drove through a small community consisting of mostly black people. Wayne actually rolled the window up on his passenger side and locked the door! I asked him “at 40 miles an hour, do you think they are going to just jump in here and gets ya?”
The next day, Wayne took my El Camino to go pick up something, so Janice asked me to take the young black women, who had been helping her clean, home in their car. I got in the drivers seat, and she got in the rear seat of the car. That made me feel real funny and I asked her to jump up in the front seat…”Oh no Mr. I can’t do that!” I found out a little later the whites would have torn me to pieces if I allowed that.
Anyway, we then went and visited Vicky and Ralph. Ralph was a bass fisherman and owned a bass boat. I got to go along with him one day and we fished the swamps some where on the Arkansas River near lock 7. We got bass, and I was hooked. Plus, Ralph had brought along some of the local moon shine. It was incredibly smooth going down, until it hit bottom. Then it took the top of your head right off. At one point, the boat got hung up on a log in less than 3 feet of water. I was about to step out and push us off. Ralph said “Uh, I don’t think you want to do that”, and I looked at him to ask why? Right at that instant, a 6 foot long alligator gar rolled only about 2 inches under my foot. We poled the boat off the log.
By 1974 I also owned a bass boat, a 16 foot Ranger, with an 80hp engine. I had conventional ABU Garcia 5,000C reels, and Lew Childre Speed Sticks. I entered bass tournaments and fished from Clear Lake in Northern California to Roosevelt Lake in Arizona. This was the infancy of the bass tournaments. In the team tournaments, I had a partner named Ernie. In October of 1979 we went into the finals at Lake San Antonio in 5th place in the West, and placed 5th. The next month I was shot in my right arm, ending my competitive bass fishing.
After a year of recovery to get back decent use of my arm, I started fishing on three days trips out of San Diego on the 90 foot party boat Cortez, with Captain Dean Adams and a limited load of guys who I new from the duck club out at San Jacinto. There were different trips where the 14 of us caught 350 yellowtail, 300 albacore, 200 big yellowfin tuna, etc.
I originally developed my taste for raw tuna when I was the mate on the 51 foot Mystic owned by Kaz Katayama in 1983 and 1984. We only fished weekends, and the captain was Jim Regan, Kaz’s general superintendent. With Kaz, Shozo and Allan (and a banker along for the ride for the tax write off), we got tuna…lots of them. For the two years I fished on the yacht, we were the high boat in the fleet between all 6 pack charters and private yachts in San Diego.
An interesting note about these three Japanese friends is when world War II broke out, Kaz was in college at UCLA. He and his family were sent to the Lone Pine detention camp on the Eastern side of the Sierras. Al was pumping gas, and Shozo was setting pins at a bowling alley. Being they were not students, and therefore not suspected of be spies, they were drafted. Go figure.
Both were highly decorated in the war, with Shozo making all the beach landings of the Marines in the Pacific Theater, and Al being in the Japanese unit which led the way at Anzio Beach in Italy. Al’s unit was the most decorated unit in the war. Shozo was an interpreter, saving hundreds of lives of Marines and Japs alike by getting them to come out of their pill boxes, caves, and entrenchments.
All three went on to be very successful businessmen.
The 442nd RCT became the most decorated unit in U.S. military history for its size and length of service, with its component 100th Infantry Battalion earning the nickname “The Purple Heart Battalion” The 442nd RCT received 7 Presidential Unit Citations (5 earned in one month), and its members received 18,143 awards, including 21 Medals of Honor.
The 442nd is commonly reported to have suffered a casualty rate of 314 percent, informally derived from 9,486 Purple Hearts divided by some 3,000 original in-theater personnel. U.S. Army battle reports show the official casualty rate, combining KIA (killed) with MIA (missing) and WIA (wounded and removed from action) totals, is 93%, still uncommonly high.
When Ron was about 13, I got a call from guide Gary Harrison of Castaic Lake. He had located big fish. Ron and I were there the next morning. I considered Castaic as my “home” lake, and had many a 100 fish days there. That day we only caught 7 bass, releasing all. But the total weight was 63.7 pounds, for a 9.1 pound average. The smallest fish was 7.5 pounds, with a 15 pound fish being the largest. Ron got his first 10 pound plus bass, and I had a fiberglass mount made for him.
The Castaic lake trip was in 1992, and I believe that was the last time I fished for bass, other than a couple of times fishing with Ron in Arkansas after his mother remarried and they moved back there. I flew back there a couple of times to watch Ron’s high school football games. Roberta, her husband George, and I all remain good friends to this day.
I still hope to get up to one of the lakes north of here in Mexico and fly fish for the bass in those incredible fisheries. But that probably will not happen for a couple of more years.
Rebecca and I have lived together this last 6 years in Zihuatanejo. Her family is from way back up in the Sierra Madres, where the people live not much unlike when my Fredrick Kunze was in his prime. Rebecca’s Mom was at the house and I had been asking her about the trout they have up there. I could not believe there were trout, because they have to be native, and maybe a new species. I got out my book on fish identifications, and she turned the pages and pointed at a rainbow. This got my blood going, and hit a stone wall. It was the summer time and the middle of the rain season. The roads are impassible up there. Plus, Rebecca said she never wants to go back and visit her family ever again.
Rebecca’s argument is sound. The drugs being raised in the area make it too dangerous for an outsider to go there. She said when she was there they kept the stacks of dollars in the area they usually store the fire wood for cooking. The out buildings, where they store the marijuana, reeked of the stuff, and that is the only place to sleep….there are no hotels within a six hour drive. The people only bathe once a week, if that. They have a lot of money, but will not leave their life in the mountains, or lifestyle. When you did bathe, the stream has blood sucking leaches in it. The people never eat the trout, but rather the fresh water shrimp. Even the pigs learned how to up turn rocks and eat the shrimp. The people mostly eat what they catch, shoot, or from crops they raise. Javalina, deer, shrimp, corn tortillas, etc. It sounds like Garnet.
My arguments are sound also (almost). I told her we could take her Mother, which would be our security clearance. She could visit her aunts, uncles, and cousins. (Rebecca’s grandmother comes down out of the sierras for about 4 months a year to stay with them, so I cannot use “see your grandmother” against her). And, I could catch trout like I used to on the Blackfoot River. I have as yet to prevail, but I am still working on it.
One fishing “incident” with Rebecca proves hiring a local guide and adapting to the local methods means everything, but maybe this example is a bit extreme. She grew up near the river coming out of the Sierras and ends up in the ocean near Petalan, about 30 minutes south of Zihuatanejo. We went fishing close to her family’s home, and I was really hoping to get some fresh water fish after all these years. The smallest fly rod I have is an 8wt, but I took it. I had, between the rod, reel, and fly line, close to $1,000 of gear. She had her “gear”, which she keeps at her Mom’s house. It was an investment of maybe thirty cents. She had a beer can (empty), about 15 feet of 20 pound line, and a No. 8 hook with a split shot about 6 inches above the hook..
I had never fished the river before, and she told me to fish over there on those rocks. While I was using a 325 grain shooting head on my fly line, and probing the deep holes in front of some huge boulder formations. She was a bit upstream and overturning rocks. Soon she had caught a shrimp, and cut it into three pieces. Running back to the rocks where I was, she asked me how I was doing. “Not a bite.” She said “you are fishing in the wrong place”. I could not believe she said that. “You told me “over on those rocks”, and this is beautiful water in this hole in front”. She did not answer, but just dropped her bait straight down between a crevice in the rocks, and instantly pulled up a very nice fish. In about three minutes, and three different crevices, she had three fish and no more bait. She said “This will be perfect for Mom and Dad’s dinner”. I ate humble crow that night.
This reminds me of a trip Ron and I took to Alaska: He was 12 years old. Anyone who is a fisherman must take a trip to Alaska. Plus, take the family, because it is not all about fishing. The mountains, bright red salmon in the streams and rivers, glaciers, and animal life are an incredible wonder. I have been to Jackson Hole and the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park several times, and even though they are probably the best thing in the lower 48 states, there is no comparison to Alaska.
In late July, the sun really does not set in Alaska. We went for a drive to get breakfast at 2:00 one morning. I could have turned on my headlights on the rental van, or not used them. Either way would have been legal. When we got done with breakfast, the sun was glowing bright again. This came about after I woke up around 1:00 in the morning, and Ron was not in his bed. I just knew he took off and was fishing alone in the swift current of the Kenai River, and I was scared to death. I ran down to the river, and there he was, fishing and having a blast with a couple of other guys. One of them was the lodge’s workers and had even cleaned Ron’s fish for him. It was his responsibility to watch the late night fishermen. The salmon were sockeyes, which the locals call Reds. They are the best eating of all the salmon species.
We flew out of a lake near Soldotna and crossed over the Cook Inlet on a Beaver Havilland pontoon plane. There were six of us, with the two guides and another couple of clients in the second plane. All the way over the other fishermen were talking about their Orvis this, and their Orvis that. Ron looked at me and said “Gee Dad, they have a lot of money and expensive gear, they are going to catch a lot of fish”. I told him “do not worry, we will catch our share”.
When we arrived near the inlet of the river, the tide was coming in strong. Apparently the other guys had been there before and had been there and done that, because they got out of the plane and took off, with one guide tagging along, whose apparent sole function was to help keep the bears away. (I did take a photo of a brown bear’s fresh paw print in the river bank. It was as big as a dinner plate). I took the time to ask the other guide as to the best methods, and where. He told me the best method and “fish right out there on that sand bar. You only have a couple of hours, because when the tide is in, the bar is covered completely.” That is where Ron and I went. On the flight back, Ron, in his exuberance of youth, said “Dad, you were right! We completely limited out and of all the rich guys, they only caught one other fish!” …The Beaver Havilland is a very noisy plane, but you could have heard a pin drop. We ate well that night.
In my 10 years of guiding experience, about 30% of my clients are fresh water fishing guides from Alaska to Tennessee. It makes sense. Their season is usually from the spring until the late fall. Ours, here in Zihuatanejo is 180º different. It is a late fall, through spring fishery. The guides love to fish, so when choosing a much needed vacation location, they want it to be on an affordable tropical beach setting (warm), with decent fishing. They do not have a clue as to fly fishing in the ocean, but would love to learn. On the boat, I really dig it into them how they have S.O.B. clients, and I have none. Even though it may be the very same client he had, he is not a S.O. B. when he fishes with me. The reason is salt water fly fishing is relatively new. His client had probably drifted the guide’s river 5 times before. And, the client knows everything there is to know….What a joke. He will be rude to the guide when he does not get his way; and very demanding as to the best way he feels what is proper as to how to fish the river, no matter the guide’s input. The client will be his true self: an idiot. He feels he paid money for the guide to put him on fish in order for him to fish the way he wants and had caught fish in the past, and when the client fails to catch fish, it is the guide’s fault.
This is not a problem on the salt water, and it is fortunate, because some clients would be swimming home, or I will no longer guide. The reason I am able to tease the guides who fish with me is because salt water fly fishing is still a relative new sport, and the client has not been there and done that. The panga, fishing on the back side of the waves for roosters, or a lit up sailfish only three feet off the stern of the boat, is a whole new experience for the client. But, it is my office. This makes for quite an equalizing factor.
I do not fish any more for roosters, tuna, sailfish and marlin. This may be a shock to you, but I get more enjoyment out of teaching a client the way to catch the fish, teasing it to the boat, and watching the client hook up. When teasing a fish with a hookless bait, I sometimes have to catch it 5 times before the hook up by the client. This is my ultimate thrill, and because of the client’s learning curve, a potential problem for future salt water guides.
Most of my other fishing stories have been accounted for elsewhere in this Family History, in my Ramblings (below), or are in my book, “Fishing, Methods, and Incredible Stories – Fishing the West Coast of Mexico”.
c) Ramblings (remembering stories and happenings) –
The Seal Beach Jetty in Southern California was also named “Ray Bay” for the sting rays which were attracted to the warm water. I used to surf whenever I could, with the Huntington Beach pier being a favorite for my friends and I. When I was 16, I fell off my surfboard at Ray Bay, and landed on one. My foot had a hole in it like a volcano.
Also that year, I was helping Craig Greenman, another high school friend, clean out his garage for the parts we needed to rebuild his new 1956 two door Chevy Belair. On a dirt road, a rock or branch had cut the brake line when we were hunting in Lake Elsinore. He completely lost his brakes and coming down onto the 4 lane highway 395, the only cop squad car in the town of Lake Elsinore was completely totaled as it slammed into Craig’s car. We salvaged what parts we could, including the engine, transmission, etc. and stored them in his garage at his house. Craig then bought another junked ’56, and we transferred the parts from the wiped out vehicle into the new one. It ran great. While getting the parts assembled to put into the new chassis, I reached behind a steering pump, and got bit by a black widow spider. I got sicker on the antidote they gave me at the Westminster Hospital than the actual bite. I found out 10ccs of an injection is about the size of your arm.
I was playing football, and had been for several years. I got my front two teeth chipped badly in a game. Dr, Arakawa put in two caps, which I still have today. The problem was, I was immune to cortisone, and that was the only pain killer we had at the time. I had a lot of dental work done over the years, and all without pain killer. I can’t even imagine why I do not like dentists today, even though they now have pain killers which actually work for me.
Mostly I had a lot of work done on my teeth because I got measles when I was about 18 months old. I was kept in a darkened room to not damage my eye sight, but it did damage my teeth. The kids were merciless when I was young. They called me “corn cob teeth”, etc. They were yellow and in very poor condition. My adult teeth were a little better, but not a lot.
A Jr. High School friend of mine, Dan Bauer, was given a 1932 Model “A” Ford when he was 12 years old by his dad. We always stayed in touch, even though he went to Marina High School in Huntington Beach. His dad’s logic was for Dan to rebuild the Model A completely, and he would learn how to work on vehicles, etc. We worked on it for hours and hours. When I was 16, Dan called me over to help put the last coat of paint on. He had 14 coats of black on the fenders, top, and back. This was to be the last coat of yellow for the body. We got it all done about midnight and went to bed. We left the lights on and the garage doors open to let the cool air in to cure it out. Tomorrow, we were going to drive it to the pier. That did not happen. Sometime shortly after we went to sleep, a black knat hatch happened. When we woke up, the car was almost 100% black.
The lessons I learned from working on that Model A was the reason I bought the 1955 Ford pickup for Ron when he was 13. And, he learned well.
My 16th year of life was a bad year for me physically, because, in addition to all the above, I was helping Dad limb some trees with a chain saw on a clearing job he had. Dad had the saw, and I held the branch. The bar jumped up and grabbed my hand. They put in 75 stitches in my left hand.
When I was 18, Jim Moe, Tom Lowery, and I would have to work on all three vehicles we individually had on Saturday, to be able to go out on dates and enjoy the weekend. The repairs, involving clutches, brakes, distributor, etc, would usually last until the following Friday, but we had a football game, so we would do the work on Saturday. We were all big and strong. We never used a jack. Two of us would lift Tom’s VW up, while the other put the blocks under it. We would “bench press” the engine out, and have it all back together in less than two hours. It was not much different for my small Austin Healy Sprite. Two hours maximum. Once, with the help of several of our other big friends, we put a VW on the roof of one of the classrooms at school. They had to get a crane to get it down.
College football was a lot of work. Fun is taken out of the equation, unless you are a super star. I played against some of the best, and they went on to great professional carriers. I always did well against them, but really felt it the next day; whereas they probably went out and had fun. Sometimes it took a couple of days for me to get over a concussion I got in a couple of games. One was very severe, and happened near the end of the first half of the Cal State Long Beach game. I played the entire 4th quarter, and do not even remember a thing. Nor anything else for the next two days, other than I guess I stayed at my parent’s house for the weekend. I think Dad came to the school and picked me up Saturday afternoon, and then took me back on Monday. I only remember what I saw on Monday afternoon on the film of the game, and I did very well. On the last game of my freshman season in college, Dave Atkinson, an ex-high school team mate of mine, broke my arm. I understand he went on to become a lawyer and the Assistant District Attorney for Eugene, OR. My left arm got between his helmet and the running backs legs while Dave was trying to make the tackle. My arm snapped like a toothpick, and to this day the wrist has nothing holding it together except some ligaments. That ended my football career.
Always remember, unless you are a super star, that girl over there swatting a tennis ball is getting the same scholarship as you. Baseball, tennis, golf…they all pay the same, so take the sport which will allow you to advance and actually participate, and do not let an ego get in the way. If I would have concentrated on baseball, instead of wanting to be the “big man on campus” and playing football, who knows to where it would have led to? And, even high school super stars may sit on the bench in college for 4 years, because everybody is at least as good as you physically, or better. It is in the heart that will help make the difference. Remember, sports are strictly a business situation when you get to college.
Do not get me wrong about sports. Just understand every time you go to the next level, the competition is tougher, and the pressure to perform is greater. Every child should be in as many sports as possible, until they find what fits. You will then have a better class of friends, and your life will be more memorable. Do not be like some people I know who never strived to be better, nor participated in sports. Their crowning moment of glory was high school and that is what they re-live over and over. It gets a bit old hearing these long ago friends talk about high school, especially after you heard it all several times before, and you are over 50 years old.
Mark High was a very good friend of mine in high school. We used to double date with our girlfriends (his was Debbie, and mine was Cherie), and go skin diving and surfing together. I had not seen Mark after high school and then a couple of years ago (2005) he e-mailed me here in Zihuatanejo. He was coming here to vacation and saw my name on the internet. We got together several times and he has been here in Zihuatanejo three times now. Mark changed his name to Mark Brandon as a stage name. He now lives in Vancouver, B.C. He is an actor and teaches acting. Most of his work has been bit parts in shows and movies, but he enjoys his work.
And, we do not sit around all day reminiscing about high school.
v) Ronald Frank Kunze –
Education: Grades 1-8 Riverside, California
High School – Magnet Cove High School, Magnet Cove, Arkansas
2004 College – Henderson State, AR – Degree in Business Administration
2005 Mechanics School – Universal Technical School, Ontario California.
2006 BMW Mechanics School, Universal Technical School, Orlando, Florida
Sports: Youth Football soccer age 12-14
Football – 4 years - Magnet Cove High School. Defensive play caller – 3 years
Football – 1 year – Henderson State (Arkansas)
Soccer – Three years – Henderson State
2006 – present BMW master mechanic – Littlerock, AR
2nd Appendix (Published articles by Ed Kunze)
i) The Art of Cooking
My family is a little unique. I am only the third American born male in my family; but we go back over 180 years. My great-Grandfather was born in Germany in 1820, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1852. Because of the relative few generations, as compared to the time span, we are a family which retained a lot of the old country cooking concepts. To this day, my mouth still waters when I think of my grandmother’s head cheese, sausage, chicken and dumplings, and home made noodles.
A few years after my grandmother passed away, I remember my Dad commenting about how the “art of cooking” has almost vanished in the United States. Like many emigrant American families, we were a family of hard working people who tried to make a living off the land, on small family sized farms. Each generation was faced with the shortages of either the Civil War, the two Great Wars, the Great Depression, or the whims of nature that can be very cruel to a farmer trying to provide for his family. But, they ate well. The women knew the “art of cooking”. To provide the nutrients and diet required for their hard working men, on a very limited budget, the women had to be innovative. When it was available, they could not only make a choice cut of meat melt in your mouth, but they could also make outstanding wholesome and rich meals out of the lesser body parts.
The “art of cooking”, as my Dad defines it, is to take the entire animal and utilize almost every part to be a rich, wholesome and excellent tasting meal.
How does my family’s background impact me in Mexico? Because, even though my Dad may be right about the situation up North, the art of cooking is not lost here in Mexico. Partially due to economic necessity, or lack of choice cuts of meats in a given locale, and partly due to tradition, all Mexicans really love good old fashioned cooking. In Mexico, the methods and recipes are being passed on from Mother to daughter in almost every part of the country.
Most average Americans and Canadians today would turn up their noses at such traditional Mexican dishes as pancita or menudo (a soup using the stomach lining and feet of a cow), queso de puerco (head cheese), tripes (fried intestines of a cow), sesos (brains), and lengua (beef tongue). I truly believe this is because, in an age of fast food take outs and precooked frozen dinners, families have changed. Women voluntarily started on their own career paths, men moved off the small family farms into the city (and then these farms were consumed into large corporations), and technical gains for an easier life now come at the push of a button. The old ways died out. With the knowledge of the “art of cooking” vanishing, the stigma of what is considered to be acceptable cuts of meat have become more narrowly defined.
Even though most Americans readily agree carnitas (pork meat, deep fried in the fat of the butchered pig) is excellent, they would shudder if they knew the best parts of carnitas, to a Mexican, are the stomach (called buche), tongue, liver, and heart. These are cooked with the regular meat, but taken out and eaten first.
Pickled pig’s feet are a great snack when eaten with a hot sauce and lime. Pickled pork skin, called cueritos, make fantastic tostadas when spread with sour crème and topped with lettuce and queso fresco (a white cheese that crumbles). Another appetizer, chicarrons (fried pork skins, and often called pork cracklins in the States), salsa, lime and beer can’t be beat. When heated in a salsa of green or red tomatoes, chilies, garlic and onion, chicarrons become very soft, making an excellent main course meal with rice, beans, queso fresco and tortillas. Both crisp and softened chicarrons make a great sandwich using our outstanding Mexican bread rolls (bolillos).
Chorizo and longaniza are the spicy Mexican sausages a lot of Americans have come to love. But, did you know they are made like the sausages of old, and are stuffed in a pig’s intestines?
Soups in Mexico are outstanding. Using all fresh vegetables, herbs, and meats with no preservatives, the true flavors are brought out. Do not pass up a chance to savor the delicate flavor of chicken feet soup. Sopa de tortilla is made from the chicken broth of the skin and carcass, cut up fried tortillas, with a little shredded chicken meat is often added.
Tough and lesser cuts of beef can be sliced very thin into two foot long and four inch wide strips. Salt is added, and the strips are then air dried. The resulting jerky is called cesina. It can be either flash cooked over coals or in a skillet, and when accompanied by beans, rice, hand made tortillas, and queso fresco, it makes for an awesome Mexican steak dinner. When shredded and cooked with scrambled eggs and a salsa, cesina becomes a breakfast called aporriadillo.
Barbacoa is a style of cooking lesser cuts of beef in a red sauce. Originally cooked in pit ovens, it can also be cooked on a stove top. When ordering a taco, there are two types of barbacoa: maciza and carne surtido. Maciza is pure meat, and carne surtido has the combined meat, brains, tongue, cheeks, and the snout of the head. Do not forget to get a hot cup or bowl of the juice the meat is cooked in, called consume. When you add some chopped onion, cilantro, chopped radishes, and lime, you have a distinctive side dish for your tacos.
Because I remember my grandmother’s meals were some of the best meals of my life, and eating what many consider to be the best of all the traditional Mexican dishes, was no problem for me. How you will overcome your stigma of eating the well prepared dishes, which definitely do not utilize the choice cuts, is entirely up to you. But, the “art of cooking” is a very real situation. When you visit us here in Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo maybe you should not ask for the English translation of what is on your plate. Or at the least, just close your eyes. Enjoy.
ii) Memories of the Black Foot –
Nestled among the peaks, the meadow was lush with grass and low shrubs. Formed from a clear cut logging operation, deer and elk found it as a perfect home. The meadow was high enough to avoid the pesky flies. Plus they had a bountiful smorgasbord for feeding in the early morning hours, fresh water ran through the meadow, and nearby was thick stand of saplings for a daytime bedding area.
The sun was high and the meadow's small creek meandered slowly, as if it was knowingly resting up for the turbulent downhill race to the Blackfoot River, a few miles away. At the edge of the meadow, a bald eagle was perched near the top of an old giant that had been disfigured by lightning years ago.
The grasshopper floated harmlessly out of the creek's narrow confines and into the still waters of the beaver pond. Suddenly, a streak shot out of the shadows. If I had not been intense, I would have missed it.
The 16-inch native cutthroat took the grasshopper, turned with a flash of his silvery sides, and headed back to the undercut bank. The line came taunt. At once, the cutthroat realized the easy morsel he just ambushed, had been replaced with a number 8 hook in the corner of his mouth. He exploded. Heading to the beaver's sunken winter stockpile of saplings, he managed to get the line around a limb. Miraculously, the 3 pound test leader held as the determined fish got confused and worked himself clear. Leaping twice, he unwittingly determined his fate as he charged for the open water. My blood was racing; I knew I was going to win this battle with one of the most majestic of fish. Eventually, I led him up the gentle sloping bank near the middle of the pond. As he lay there panting, forgetting caution, I raced to the water's edge and let out a whoop that had all of my young life's exuberance behind it. I knew the pond was ruined for at least another half an hour, but there were more ponds and a whole lifetime ahead.
That was 1964 and I was 14 years old, however, should I be able to recreate the events and that memorable fish, I am sure I would still throw caution to the wind, hobble down to the water's edge and croak out as exuberantly as then.
Hearing my whoop, the old man called me over to help him load up a gunnysack of pinecones. My Grandparents had a homestead on the banks of the Blackfoot River just east of Missoula, Montana. East Twin Creek bound the property on the West, the highway on the North, and the Blackfoot River on the South. I vacationed each summer in August and into early September with them. Granddad picked pinecones from the trees, dried them on large screened racks and then sold the seeds to the Anaconda Logging Company or the Montana Forest Service to be used for reforestation of the clear cut areas deforested from the logging operations.
"Get all those tamarack cones over there for me and I'll load these into the pickup. How many nice ones does that make?" Including the 16 incher, I held up 2 others of about 12 inches, all strung on a thin willow branch. "Well, there are a lot more in the creek, but you have enough to go with the dinner your Grandma is making. Let's save the rest for another day". This was way before catch and release was a necessity. To him, even though game was bountiful, it was just common sense that you only took what you could eat.
Grandma's dinners were something to look forward to. Besides the fresh fish, I remember venison steaks, spaghetti with elk meatballs, chicken and dumplings, home made bread, and we always had fresh produce from the garden.
Using one of the many logging roads that meandered throughout the backcountry, on the way back to the house we were always looking for trees ripe with seed cones. He rolled his own cigarettes, chewed tobacco and liked his whisky, but the old man knew the back trails and woods as well as most city people know their neighborhoods. We would see deer, elk, bear, bobcat, porcupines, and even once saw a cougar.
Coming upon a clearing under some high-tension wires, he commented "go and see if the huckleberries are ripe yet". The berries were ripe, but tracks and sign told us a bear had gotten there first. In their need to gorge themselves before winter, they will go through a huckleberry patch with their claws becoming incredibly efficient sieves to strain the berries off the plants before being shoveled into the mouth. I did find a few plants untouched and gathered enough for grandma to make a pie the next day. Life was good.
The "new" house was only a few years old. Money was tight and a bathroom had just been put in the year before. The plumbing was not completed in the kitchen yet so Grandma would send me to the flume to fetch a bucket of water. The ancient wooden flume was on stilts and the curved slats that formed the trough were held together with rolls of wire. From its source at East Twin Creek, the constant running water spilled into a depression just outside the old log cabin my Mom was born in. The cabin was just a single room and had a food cellar under the plank floor. At least that is what Grandma told me, in later years I was to find out it was just the right size for the two whisky barrels the old man bootlegged during the prohibition days.
The next day was Tuesday and this was always a special day of the week for me. The waters of the Blackfoot run clear, cold, and deceiving. My Mom grew up living on the banks of the river and never learned to swim because the pools safe enough for her to wade in were too small for swimming. A local friend, who was the same age as I, had lost his life to the river in just the last year. On Tuesdays, Morgan and Nellie Thick always came to the homestead for a day of fishing. They were old friends of the family, lived in Missoula, and I always got to fish with them because I was forbidden to cross the river alone. Besides me, one or two other fishermen might have fished the Blackfoot on the near shore during the past week, and Morgan did not want to fish in "used up" water.
Tuesday morning, I awoke while the stars were still shining. Grabbing a flashlight, I headed to the garden. It did not take me long to get all the night crawlers I needed and after a good breakfast, I was ready for Morgan and Nellie to arrive. The old man's Prince Albert tobacco cans were made of tin and I found them very useful. Longer, but shaped like a slender pack of cigarettes, they had a hinged lid and were great for holding grasshoppers or worms. With one stuffed full of night crawlers, I would use another as my tackle box, and they fit perfectly in the two back pockets of my Levis.
I always used a fly rod when I fished. All of my fish were caught no more than twenty feet from where I was standing and the fly rod's long reach was perfect for the Blackfoot and nearby creeks. Morgan and Nellie were fly fish purists. They had split bamboo rods, wicker fish baskets, small wooden framed landing nets, and an assortment of homemade flies that always caught fish.
Crossing the river upstream from the house, the water was within a foot of their chest waders. My T-shirt and Levis were soaked, but that is of little matter to one who envisions the large fish waiting to be caught. Once we were on the other side, we all agreed to the fishing areas we wanted to work and that we would only keep three fish each. There was a real incentive to do well and have the biggest three fish. The heaviest stringer eliminated that person from any chores and the lightest stringers meant doing the firewood and evening's dishes. Nellie usually ended up watching us work in the evenings and I was getting tired of washing dishes.
Morgan always preferred the shallow and fast riffles because that was where the feisty brown trout took the artificial offering the best. Nellie liked the smooth water just before and after the rapids, and I liked the deep pools. I rarely caught a brown trout, but the pools sheltered some of the nicest rainbows and Dolly Varden (bull trout) in the state.
My fiberglass rod had a Martin spring activated automatic reel, floating fly line, and a four-foot leader with a split shot about a foot above the hook. Pinning on a half night crawler, I cast it several feet above a large boulder and let the current drag it down to the depths on the shaded side. The night crawler's descent stopped and I could feel the quick jerks of a fish through the line held in my left hand. Flicking my right wrist to set the hook, I stood transfixed as a huge object of incredible golden hues came out of the depths shaking his head and went for the open water. After a couple of minutes, I had the largest fish of my life on the bank, an incredibly beautiful 24-inch Dolly Varden trout. Several more nice rainbows later, and keeping only two, I had washed my last dish.
On some mornings the old man had to go to town for supplies and I would choose to stick around the homestead and help grandma. She had a large garden of raspberries we would pick and she sold them from a little stand out on the highway. I am sure that I ate two seasons worth of sales for each week I was there. My mouth still waters at the thought of those sugar sprinkled berries, covering her homemade biscuits and smothered with the rich crème she would barter for in exchange for berries.
After Grandma was settled in the stand, I would grab my stuff and hike up East Twin Creek. I always carried my fly rod, but I also had a 4 inch skinning knife my Dad had given me and a 1911 Winchester pump action .22 rifle given to me by my uncle. The .22 got a lot of use when I was there. It was partially my duty to keep the pesky ground squirrels out of the gardens. I could hit a Coke bottle cap at 40 feet, ten out of ten times.
My main objective on East Twin Creek was the large trout that would come out of the Blackfoot and go up the creek to spawn. I would fish the pools with a little deep water, like those formed downstream from a culvert under a logging road. Most of the trout were only 6 to 8 inches, however I always caught a few from 12 to 14 inches. Usually, the only game I found worth shooting was a tree squirrel or a rabbit or two, but occasionally, a grouse could be heard drumming on a log near the creek. A quiet sneak and one shot in the head ensured another great dinner.
The homestead has long since been sold, but just a few years ago I passed through the area again while showing my wife the splendor of the great Northwest. My wife is a beautiful Mexican lady and we live in Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo, Mexico. I run a sport fishing charter business and have been one of the first to advocate the catch and release of the billfish in our area. As we walked down to the Blackfoot, at the mouth of East Twin Creek, she understood the beauty of the place and she understood her husband. Coming to a halt at the water’s edge, I could not but help recall the memories. After a few moments of respecting the peace and serenity, she quietly said to me, "This is where it all began".
The Blackfoot, taken just behind the old homestead log cabin.
Blackfoot, about 1960 – The flume bringing water from East Twin Creek is visible behind the fence,
with the raised stilted section visible just to the right of the tree in the center of the picture.
Blackfoot, about 1960- The new house is on the right with the raspberry patch just in front.
The old log cabin where Mother (Eleanor) grew up is just to the right of the new house.
Granny Crane with Ed and Elaine in the raspberry patch – about 1960
Note the flume on the bottom right.
Layton Crane, Eleanor’s dad, and her Grandmother, (My grandfather and great Grandmother).
iii) Article in Another Day In Paradise (Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, Mexico)
Dec. 2005
Time to meet the Captain – Captain Ed Kunze
By Paul Phillips
I met him back in 2000. I had talked with him a bit before then, figured oh, just another gringo in paradise, I was wrong. Only took one meeting, one short evening to know he was the guy, he had it together. Capt. Ed Kunze could fish, could write, and he was 100% behind saving the fishery of Zihuatanejo. He fishes conventional but his passion is fly fishing and a passion it is. He wanted fly fishing in ZIH to such a degree that he went to the deserts of Baja’s East Cape for three months to guide for Baja on the Fly and conduct a self taught school. He got an Orvis endorsement as a guide, came back to ZIH and started training captains in the boat handling and bait handling techniques to get fly fishing off the ground and running in Zihuatanejo. Run it does, four years ago you might have seen one guy with a short round tube containing a long stick on the dock, but today they are common, they fill pangas and cruisers daily. He did it, he introduced the sport to ZIH, and brought the fly fishermen here to flail their long wands with pieces of feathers on the ends.
When he isn’t fishing, he is writing. His column in this magazine, “Meet the Captains,” has been spotlighting a different tag and release captain in ZIH every month since October 2000. He doesn’t run short of captains because he is constantly convincing new Captains to get with the program to save the fishery for their children. His column has contributed much information on the captains of the ZIH fleet and he has also written on topics such as Mexican dishes and culture.
Capt. Ed is 55, his formal education is a Degree in Civil Engineering. He has lived in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico for six years. He has fished many parts of the world, including the San Diego Long Range fleet, Panama, the Mediterranean, Canada, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, the Baja Peninsula, and Mexico's mainland. He is a guide for conventional gear and fly fishing for billfish, dorado, and roosterfish. He was listed among the top ten captains in the world in last year's Tag and Brag competition for tagging billfish. Kunze is also the only non-Mexican captain licensed and permitted to fish with tourists in the Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo region and he is currently the International Game Fish Association representative for the Zihuatanejo area. Capt. Ed has trained most of the area captains in techniques for fly fishing saltwater species, and was HIGHLY instrumental in establishing the tag and release program for billfish in Zihuatanejo. He is a Salt Water Fishing author and a regular fishing columnist, who is active, with both U.S. (TBF, NOAA) and Mexican organizations (PESCA), in the conservation of the saltwater fishery in Mexico. He is now involved in establishing a roosterfish tagging program and foundation.
Many people have asked why I recommend booking fishing trips through Ed Kunze. Ed isn’t a charter broker in the sense of charter brokers, travel agents, etc. Ed lives in ZIH. He doesn’t broker charters and stay in the US, Europe, Asia or somewhere else in Mexico. He doesn’t have a “representative on the dock”, but not have anyone around to help you if needed, his representative is him. Ed is a fly fishing guide and he does assist captains with their charters, getting deposits, meeting their clients, doing language translation when required, etc. Many captains prefer and request you go through him to obtain their services. In turn he is welcomed aboard as a guide with “his” fly fishing clients.
His personal attention to detail doesn’t always mean just fishing. Ed had assisted a group from Europe in obtaining a charter from Jaime Morales, owner of the Vamonos boats and the guys were fishing on the Vamonos III. About 10:00 in the morning, Ed got a phone call from one of the wives. The women had been in a major accident, a head-on collision on the national highway, as they were heading back to Zihuatanejo. He told her he would be there in ten minutes. Capt. Ed called Capt. Ruben on the Vamonos III by cell phone and had the guys turn around and head back in. Capt. Ed not only helped coordinate with the Federal police, ambulances, hospitals and doctors, he stayed with his clients every step of the way to ensure they got the medical attention they needed. He was also there to help translate and just offer all around reassurance, giving a vote of confidence to the injured and their families who were in a foreign country, unable to speak the language and had no idea what to expect. There were X-rays, surgeries and broken bones but luckily none of the injuries were too serious and everything was taken care of. The statesman for the group gave Capt. Ed about as good a compliment as a man can get in the form of a thank you when he said, “We are just appreciative you were here to help us today.” Ed’s answer was his usual, “No problemo.”
If you want to contact Capt Ed for your next fishing trip in ZIH, he can be reached at (755) 554-4876 or For more information on Capt. Ed and his boats go to or .
Paul Phillips is the founder of Fintastic’s Tag & Release Tournament, Zihuatanejo’s first total tag and release billfish tournament held in Zihuatanejo from 1999-2003
3rd Appendix: Amelia’s Story
Author’s note – anything in small print and italics are my comments, Edward Layton Kunze.
Page 1. Fred Kunze – Born in Berlin Germany, April 30, 1820. Married to Johanna Christiana Lanya at age of 20. Fred Kunze had two brothers, Karl F. and August, and one sister Maime Dora.
Pa crossed the ocean with a wife and 5 children in a sailboat. This would be his second wife, Augusta. Was on the water 6 weeks. He landed in Texas. His wife died leaving him with 5 children, August, Henrietta, Mary, Charley, and Augusta. (Augusta Ralston is 90 years old on the 8th day of April, 1943). It appears Amelia is a bit confused as to the number of children who immigrated, and the dates. Records show Augusta born in Austin, Texas on April 8, 1863. Plus, 1943 would make her “only” 80 years old. The dates of the other children are rather specific, and she is the youngest child. So it appears Augusta’s mother died in Texas during child birth, or shortly after.
Pa lived to be 82, August -82, Charley was 82. The girls lived to be a ripe old age.
Spring of 1865, in March, he married Lucy Henderson Snow (age 30). Ten months after Mother and Pa married, I was born. Dec. 28, 1865. There were 5 children born to this union. Amelia, Dora, (Buddy died at birth), Edward and Hattie.
Pa was of German heritage and died in 1901 in Oklahoma.
Page 2. Amelia is talking about her mother (Lucy) when she was married to Snow on this short page. But, it gives you an idea of life in Texas at this time. Plus a glimpse of why her mother married a half breed.
Mother lived on the plains in Texas and the Indians often run their stock off. Also, the cows would come home with arrows in their backs. Impossible for a woman to live alone there.
Her husband, Snow, shot a panther out of a tree. There were floating clouds. It was in their hog pen and when Snow went out, it went up a tree. So he shot it.
Mr. Snow was part Indian.
Lucy Scribner was born Dec. 25, 1835. Her father, Salomon Scribner was of German birth. Her (Lucy’s) grandmother’s name was Smith.
They raised 19 children, 14 of their own and 5 orphans. Their own children: 12 girls and 2 boys.
Mother was born in Arkansas. Previous genealogy research shows she was born: Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Birth : ABT 1835 Illinois
It is very possible this information is incorrect. However, I would assume the Scribner family did originally come from Illinois. Plus, her history does not show Henderson as being a first husband. Spouse: 1st husband
Snow, Unknown
Mother married Henderson, an old man and he only lived a year.
She married Will Snow: lived a year as he was shot by bush whackers during the war. This is where it gets interesting as far as the “family legend” goes. Are they Bush Whackers, Quantrill’s Raiders, Confederate soldiers, or what? I have also heard it was carpet baggers, but that is impossible, because the carpet baggers did not even exist until after the Civil War ended in 1865. Will Snow was killed in 1864, because they were married in Feb. 1865, and “about” a year after Will’s death. I am inclined to believe it was Quantrill’s Raiders, as my Dad, Frank, told me.
The following was taken off another Page 1 she had started. There are several starts and stops, and rambling. But, I will try and keep everything in chronological order.
Mother, with several neighbors and their husbands were taken prisoners, to make them tell where a certain man they wanted was. They kept the families overnight, and then sent the women home. They told the men to run for their lives, and shot them in the back as they ran.
They tied weights to their bodies and threw them in a deep body of water. (I would assume it was a river, as I had heard from various times over the years) After the weather got warm, the rocks slipped, or a head came off, and the bodies floated to the top. (This consistent with the legend. The ground was too hard to bury the men quickly, so they dumped them in the river.) Mother, with her lady neighbors went with an ox team ten miles and got the bodies, dug the graves, and buried their men.
Willie, (the youngest son of Will Snow) was about 8 days old (when his Dad was killed).
Widowed “about” a year when she married Fred Kunze. Jan. 16, 1865.
(This leaves Fredrick with 5 children of his own:
Kunze, Henrietta
Birth : 3 MAY 1847 Germany
Kunze, Mary
Birth : 20 APR 1849 Germany
Kunze, John Charles
Birth : 24 DEC 1851 Germany
Death : 28 JUN 1932
Kunze, Agusta
Birth : 8 APR 1853 Austin, Texas
, and two of Lucy’s
Snow, Mary Jane
Gender: Female
Snow, Willie
Gender: Male)
It is possible Henrietta, at the time of Fredrick’s marriage to Lucy, was already married and had left the family. She was 18 by the time Lucy and Fredrick were married. And, even Mary, who was 16, may have been married off.
I (Amelia) was born Dec. 28, 1865 in Austin, Texas. When my parents started for the West, I was 6 months old. The road had lots of trouble with the Indians. They had a big herd of cattle. Had to make rafts to ferry the cattle and horses across. Indians often helping, and also stealing the stock. We wintered in Oklahoma, then went to Lamar, Mo. Was 6 months on the road.
Feed was very scarce and the roads bad. Had to haul the feed 40 miles (for the stock) from Fort Scott, as there was no rail road.,_Kansas – Located on the very edge of the Kansas / Missouri border, I assume she is saying they hauled feed the 40 miles to Lamar, Mo. after they got there.
At Lamar, my parents had 5 children and raised 4 to manhood. When I was about 2 years old, I remember Pa hand a dog in the shed at Lamar. When I was about 3 years old, Pa traded his property for 40 acres across Old Muddy, south fork of the Spring River. (I assume the 1st property he bought in Lamar was from the proceeds of the sale of what today is called Pisano Ranch in the Texas Hill Country). Sure gets a bender every spring, but dry in lots of places in the summer.
High water would leave drifts across the creek, or we would fall a log to cross on foot. Willie and I had to go to Lamar schools, and a rain at head (upstream) would cause it to rise. Willie and got to the creek and pulled off shoes and clothing and waded Old Muddy. It was deep, but we made it and I lost some of my garments, but went to school anyway. I sure was uneasy all day. Later they build the Ledbetter School 2.5 miles to the North.
Living in the timber (in Texas) we never knew how cold it was on the prairie. I rode old Fannie bare back. I froze my hands and knees. I was the only pupil till noon. Our teachers always treated their pupils with candy and oranges those days.
On the 40 acres was a log house. Pa built a stone house, also a stone barn. Pa was a soldier 3.5 years an apprentice at his trade, a stone mason and plasterer, 4 years. Pa could not speak English when he came to America, A man who spoke both languages got him a job to plaster one of the first churches in Austin Texas. He said he never got any money, but it made him more money as he got more work than he could do. (I assume his time being a soldier and apprenticeship was in Germany).
Brother Charley and family moved out to Colorado. I was never very healthy and strong, so they took me with them. I was 12 years old. We went to Denver, then to castle Rock. I went to the big rock, lots of wild goats up there then.,_Colorado
Castle Rock is located about 35 miles (56 km) south of Denver and 40 miles (64 km) north of Colorado Springs on the Interstate 25 corridor just east of the front range of the Rocky Mountains.
Then we moved to Kiowa, Colorado. (About 20 miles East of Castle Rock) I had a very sick spell at Kiowa. I had the Mountain Fever. I had so much malaria in my system, how I did beg for my parents, imagining them in the room and wouldn’t come near me. Brother Gusset up with me steady night and day for most of a week, never leaving me. I still carry the scars of that mountain fever.
Brother Gus took me to the town Kiowa and boarded me with a German family. I went to an English and German school and learned a few words of German, but not enough to speak it. (This absolutely mystifies me. Amelia is the oldest daughter of the Fredrick / Lucy marriage, and Fredrick had only been in the country 13 years when Amelia was born. Is it possible they only spoke English in the home?)
I was in Colorado 2 years, then I went back to Missouri alone, and got home in the fall. Brother Ed and sister Hattie had grew so much, I didn’t know them. My hair was short and curly and I was tanned, so I scared Mother when I rushed at her. As I missed Pa at Fort Scott and came on a coach alone. Got off at the corner where the cemetery now stands and walked the 2 miles home.
Children of Jesse Calvert and Amelia Kunze
Frances, Edna, Olive, Roy, Dora, Jessie
Photo taken about 1902
The spring of 1881 I met Jess Calvert, a very handsome brown-eyed boy. He came to us to rent the farm Pa never farmed as he followed his trade. He had the finest horses and carriages in the county. (I assume she means Fredrick’s trade was as a teamster and had the horses) Jess and his mother moved into the cabin, as we called the house across the ravine that Pa rented out.
We were married on the 1st of May, 1881. That was the year the grass hoppers was so thick, we couldn’t see the sun. They stopped the RR cars as they would fall on the tracks. They ate the vegetables and everything in sight.
Olive was born Sunday morning at 4 o’clock on Feb 4, 1883
Pa and the Ralstons started for Colorado when Olive was two months old. Jess and I didn’t go as they went by wagon and baby was too young to go. Jess rented the Monroe-Billings farm. We lived in ½ their house. A mad dog came one morning and bit Monroe’s dog. They tied him up and in 9 days he was raving mad (rabies). Jess shot him.
Jess killed 13 ducks at one shot at Monroe’s which was a record to mention.
Living in town we could not get fuel, as they said it was needed further west. Jess and some more chums went over to a loaded coal car that was on a siding and rolled off coal to keep us from freezing to death. I cut tiny limbs of a huge hedge to burn. Jess shoveled coal for 10 hours for 50 cents a day. That was during Cleveland’s first administration. Then we wrote Pa to send money so we could come to Colorado. He sent the money. That was in the spring of 1885. We went to Colorado. Jess worked for Pa and we lived with him.
We then moved to Peyton Colorado, about 30 miles from Colorado Springs. We homesteaded 160 acres of prairie land. Our only neighbors were Jack Cairns.
4th Appendix –Remember these? The 50’s and 60’s
Remembering back to the latest and greatest things we had in the ‘50s and 60’s were items like:
1) 33 and 45 RPM records – They were vinyl and the predecessor to CD’s. The smaller 45’s had a hit song on one side, and then another song of the artist on the other. You played the 45’s on the same record player as the 33’s, but you put in a plastic insert so it would fit on the smaller spindle.
Left – 33.5 RPM, Right – 45RPM
Spindle insert for a 45RPM Record
2) The predecessors to CD player and cassette decks was the 4 track and 8 track players. You really had a top of the line home stereo system when you had a reel to reel recorder / player.
When I was in college, I could put on a pot of coffee about 7 in the evening, and turn on the Viking Reel to Reel. While studying, I could listen to all 4 albums of the Moody Blues and a couple of others. By 11:00, the music was done, and I went to bed.
3) Green Stamps – In the late 50’s to mid 60’s I remember Mom getting S&H Green Stamps every time she made a purchase. Then Elaine and I would lick them and put them in a book. After X number of books were filled, Mom had a catalog and, at no (or minimal) cost she could claim an item at the local Green Stamp outlet catalog store.
4) Metal ice cube trays with levers –
5) Cork Pop Guns – either in a rifle version or pistol---great fun. The one pump handle compressed the air and sent a small cork about 20 feet.
6) Drive in Movies
This is the speaker we used to hang on the widow. The volume knob is in the bottom center…When the movie was over, many a person drove off and forgot to replace the speaker back on the post.
7) A&W Root Beer Drive ins – You would drive your car under a shaded area, and a girl would come out on roller skates. She would take your order and bring everything back on a tray which affixed to the door of your car with the widow partially rolled down.
8) Wash Tub Ringers – In the 1950’s, and before the spin cycle in a washing machine, clothes had to rung out so they would dry quicker. I remember mom running the clothes through a hand cranked wringer. It is now 2009, an I see a lot of this in Mexico still.
9) Fuller Brush Man – Used to sell all types of brushes door to door
10) We played with Tinker Toys and Lincoln Log cabins made out of wood, and erector sets made from tin.
11) When I was 17 (1967), we hung out at the local Mac Donald’s and Taco Bell…they were side by side. $1.00 would get you 2 hamburgers, a large fries, and a large coke, or 4 of any item on the menu for Taco Bell.
12) Gas was about $0.40 per gallon then. Gas stations were “service” stations. They washed the windows, pumped the gas, check the air pressure in the tires, and the fluid levels under the hood. They did this as a part of their job, usually by a young man working for minimum wages. We still have this in Mexico, but we tip the workers here. The workers at the service stations did not get tips. It was expected to be done as a part of their job. The Service Station also had a mechanic, tire repair and changing abilities, and oil changes.
This was also the era of the muscle cars. Here is a list of cars some of my friends had: Ron Mayeda had the best. It was a red ‘57 Bel Aire with a blue printed 327 engine and pushing 425hp. Terry Reynolds had a ’58 Impala with a 327engine and 3 deuces for carburetors, and cutouts for his header exhaust system. (A cutout was when you pulled a lever in the car, the exhaust was shutoff from going through the muffler system, and directly out the headers. It increased the horse power by about 10% and the noise factor by about 1,000%). Jim Stout had a Plymouth with headers, cutouts, twin Holly 4 barrel carbs, and a 289 hemi. My first car was a 1962 Austin Healy sprite 4 cylinder. It was real cheap on gas.
13) We used to make Jiffy Pop Corn on the stove. We did not have micro wave ovens then. And the Jiffy Pop was a lot better than when we just fried the dried corn kernels on the stove in a pan with oil.
14) In about 1962, when I was about 12, the best things I could buy for a nickel were a Coke, Crème Soda or Nesbit orange soda, a huge pickle, and beef jerky. A pack of 3 baseball cards with a stick of bubble gum in them (the same size as the baseball cards) was also a nickel.
15) In the same period of years, especially when I was from about 5 until 10 years old, marbles was a great sport. We would play for hours. Our best “shooter” was always an agate made into a marble.
16) Cameras had film and flash bulbs. One flash, and you needed to change the bulb.
17) A common commercial on television was a woman walking up to the front door of a house and: “Ding dong! Avon calling.” Avon cosmetics have come a long way since then.
18) All the guys, including me, used to use a bit of Brylcreem in our hair in the late 50’s and early 60’s. The Beatles changed all of that in 1962. The commercial sang out “Brylcreem, a little dab will do ya, all the girls will love ya”. It gave the hair a shiny wet look, but it was also oily. The dry look took over, but I understand now the oily (wet) look is coming back in some areas.
19) Movie Classics
a) American Graffiti is a 1973 coming of age comedy-drama film co-written/directed by George Lucas, and starring Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Cindy Williams, Candy Clark, Mackenzie Phillips and Harrison Ford. Set in 1962 Modesto, California, American Graffiti is a study of the cruising and rock and roll cultures popularized amongst the Post-World War II baby boom generation. The film is a nostalgic portrait of teenage life in the early 1960s told in a series of vignettes, featuring the story of a group of teenagers and their adventures within one night.
The genesis of American Graffiti came from Lucas's own teenage years in early 1960s Modesto. He was unsuccessful in pitching the concept to financiers and distributors, but finally found favor at Universal Pictures after United Artists, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Paramount Pictures turned him down. Filming was initially set to take place in San Rafael, California, but the production crew was denied permission to shoot beyond a second day. As a result, the majority of filming for American Graffiti was conducted in Petaluma.
American Graffiti was released to universal critical acclaim and financial success, and was nominated the Academy Award for Best Picture. Produced and marketed on a small $1.27 million budget, the film has turned out to be one of the most profitable movies of all time. Since its initial release, American Graffiti has garnered an estimated return of well over $200 million in the form of box office gross and home video sales, not including merchandising. In 1995 the United States Library of Congress deemed the film culturally significant and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.
b) Clint Eastwood – The Spaghetti Westerns (made in Italy) The Good, Bad, and the Ugly, A Few Dollars more, A Fist Full of Dollars - With Lee Marvin in Paint your Wagon
c) Robert Redford – Jeremiah Johnson, With Paul Newman in the Sting, and directed A River Runs Through It.
20) The golden age of music – the 50’s and 60’s
Wolman Jack - Robert Weston Smith (January 21, 1938 – July 1, 1995) was a gravelly-voiced, American disc jockey who became world famous in the 1960s and 1970s under the stage name of Wolfman Jack. In 1962, Smith took his act to the border when the Inter-American Radio Advertising's Ramon Bosquez hired him and sent him to the studio and transmitter site of XERF-AM at Ciudad Acuña in Mexico, a station whose high-powered border blaster signal could be picked up across much of the United States. In an interview with writer Tom Miller, Smith described the reach of the XERF signal: "We had the most powerful signal in North America. Birds dropped dead when they flew too close to the tower. A car driving from New York to L.A. would never lose the station."[
Dick Clark - Richard Wagstaff "Dick" Clark (born November 30, 1929). American Bandstand was a major success, running daily Monday through Friday until 1963, then weekly on Saturdays until 1987. In 1964, the show moved from Philadelphia to Hollywood. A spin-off of the show, Where the Action Is, aired from 1965 to 1967, also on ABC. Charlie O'Donnell, a close friend of Clark's and an up-and-coming fellow Philadelphia disc jockey, was chosen to be the announcer, which he served for ten years. O'Donnell was one of the announcers on the 1980s versions of Clark's Pyramid game show. To this day, he continues to work with Clark on various specials and award shows.
Casey Kasem - Kasem, whose radio career started in the mid-1950s in Detroit at WJBK, developed his rock-trivia persona from his work as a disc jockey in the early 1960s at KYA in San Francisco and KEWB in Oakland, California. He also worked for several other stations across the country, including WBNY (now WWWS) in Buffalo, New York, and KRLA 1110 in Los Angeles (1963-69), before launching the national show American Top 40 on July 4, 1970.
KRLA – The best Rock and Roll radio station in all of L.A. In those days, the way we got stereo was when, in our car, we pulled up along side another car. We always had the same station and got a “stereo” effect.
A Summer Place .......................... Percy Faith '60
A White Sport Coat And A Pink Carnation . Marty Robbins '57
Ain't That A Shame ...................... Fats Domino '55
All I Have To Do Is Dream Dream Dream ... Everly Brothers '58
All Shook Up ............................ Elvis Presley '57
Angel Of The Morning .................... Merrilee Rush '68
April Love .............................. Pat Boone '57
Aquarius ................................ The Fifth Dimension '69
Are You Lonesome Tonight ................ Elvis Presley '60
At The Hop .............................. Danny & The Juniors '57
Bad Moon Rising ......................... CCR '69
Battle Of New Orleans ................... Johnny Horton
Be My Baby
BeBop A Lula ............................ Gene Pitney '56
Big Girls Don't Cry ..................... Four Seasons '62
Bird Dog ................................*The Everly Brothers '58
Black Is Black ..........................*Los Bravos '66
Blue Bayou .............................. Roy Orbison '63
Blue Moon ............................... The Marcels '61
Blue On Blue ............................ Bobby Vinton '63
Blue Suede Shoes ........................ Elvis Presley '56
Blue Velvet ............................. Bobby Vinton '63
Blueberry Hill .......................... Fats Domino '56
Boney Marony ............................*Revels
Book Of Love ............................*The Monotones '57
Born Free ............................... RogerWilliams '66
Both Sides Now .......................... Judy Collins '68
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do ............... Neil Sedaka '62
Build Me Up Buttercup ................... Foundations '68
Bus Stop ................................*Hollies '66
By The Time I Get To Phoenix ............ Glen Campbell '67
Bye Bye Love ............................ Everly Brothers '57
C. C. Rider .............................*Elvis Presley '58
Cab Driver ..............................*The Mills Brothers '68
Calendar Girl ........................... Neil Sedaka '60
California Dreaming ..................... Mamas & Papas '66
California Girls ........................*Beach Boys '65
Can't Help Falling In Love, With You ....*Elvis Presley '61
Cara Mia ................................*Jay & The Americans '65
Carol ...................................*Chuck Berry '58
Carrie Anne ............................. The Hollies '67
Catch Us If You Can ..................... The Monkees '57
Cathy's Clown ........................... Everly Brothers '60
Chances Are ............................. Johnny Mathis '57
Chapel Of Love ..........................*The Dixie Cups '64
Chantily Lace ...........................*Big Bopper '58
Charlie Brown ...........................*The Coasters '59
Cherry Cherry Neil Diamond
Cherry Pie ..............................*Skip & Flip '60
Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White ..... Perez Prado '55
Classical Gas ........................... Mason Williams '68
Come A Little Bit Closer ................ Jay & The Americans '64
Come Go With Me ......................... The Del Vikings '57
Come Softly To Me ....................... Fleetwoods '59
Cool Jerk ...............................*The Capitols '66
Crazy ................................... Patsy Cline '61
Crimson And Clover ...................... Tommy James & Shondells '68
Crocodile Rock ..........................
Crying .................................. Roy Orbison '61
Crying In The Rain ...................... The Everly Brothers '62
Crystal Blue Persuasion ... Tommy James & The Shondells '69 (50 sec. intro)
Da Doo Ron Ron .......................... The Crystals '63
Dancing In The Street ................... Martha & The Vandellas '64
Day Oh .................................. Harry Belafonte '56
Daydream Believer ....................... The Monkees
Delilah ................................. Tom Jones '68
Diana ................................... Paul Anka '57
Do That To Me One More Time ............. The Captain & Tenille
Do The Twist ............................
Do Ya Love Me ........................... The Contours '62
Dominique ............................... The Singing Nun '63
Don't Be Cruel .......................... Elvis Presley '60
Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue ........ Crystal Gayle
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood ........... Animals '65
Donna ................................... Ritchie Valens '58
Down On The Corner ...................... CCR '69
Do Wah Diddy Diddy Manfred Man ‘65
Downtown ................................ Petula Clark '64
Dream A Little Dream Of Me .............. Mama Cass '68
Dream Baby .............................. Roy Orbison '62
Dream Lover .............................*Bobby Darin '59
Duke Of Earl ............................ Gene Chandler '62
Dungaree Doll ...........................*Eddie Fisher
Earth Angel ............................. The Penguins '55
Easy ....................................*Commodores
Ebb Tide ................................ The Platters
El Paso ................................. Marty Robbins '59
End Of The World ........................ Herman's Hermits
Every Day ............................... Buddy Holly
Fancy ................................... Bobbie Gentry '69
Ferry Across The Mersey .................*Gerry & The Pacemakers
Fever ................................... Peggy Lee '58
Fly Me To The Moon ...................... Tony Bennett '65
Flying Purple people eater Sheb Wooly ‘58
Folsom Prison Blues ..................... Johnny Cash '56
For Your Precious Love .................*Jerry Butler & The Impressions '58
Fun Fun Fun ............................. The Beach Boys '64
Gentle On My Mind ....................... Glen Campbell '67
Girl From Ipanema ....................... Getz/Gilberto '64
Girl You'll Be A Woman Soon ............. Neil Diamond '67
Good Golly Miss Molly ................... Little Richard '58
Good Luck Charm ......................... Elvis Presley '62
Good Night My Love ...................... Jesse Belvin '56
Good Vibratons .......................... Beach Boys '66
Goodbye Cruel World ..................... James Darrin '61
Green Back Dollar Kinston Trio
Great Balls Of Fire ..................... Jerry Lee Lewis '57
Green Green Grass Of Home ............... Tom Jones '66
Green Onions ............................ Booker T & The MG's '62
Green River ............................. CCR '69
Greensleeves ............................ Mason Williams '69
Handy Man ............................... Del Shannon '64
Hanky Panky Tommy James and the Shandels
Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen ............ Neil Sedaka '61
Happy Happy Birthday Baby ............... The Tune Weavers '57
Heartaches By The Numbers ............... Guy Mitchell '59
Hello Mudda Hello Fadduh - Camp Granada . Allan Sherman '63
He’s So fine ………..Chiffons
Hello Walls ............................. Faron Young '61
Help Me Rhonda .......................... The Beach Boys '65
Hernando's Hideaway .....................
Hey Good Looking ........................ Hank Williams
Hey Paula ............................... Paul & Paula '62
Hoplessly Devoted To You ................ Everly Brothers '58
Honeycomb ...............................*Jimmie Rodgers
Hound Dog ............................... Elvis Presley '56
House Of the Rising Sun Animals ‘64
How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You ...... Marvin Gaye '64
Hurts So Good .......................... Little Anthony & The Imperials '65
I Fall To Pieces ........................ Patsy Cline '61
I Get Around ............................ The Beach Boys '64
I Got You Babe .......................... Sonny & Cher '65
I Heard It Thru The Grapevine ........... Marvin Gaye '68
I Only Have Eyes For You ................ The Flamingos/ Lettermen '59
I Say A Little Prayer ................... Dionne Warwick '67
I Started A Joke ........................*Bee Gees '69
I Think I Love You ...................... The Partridge Family
I Will Follow Him ....................... Little Peggy March '63
I Wonder Why ............................ Dion & The Belmonts '58
I'm A Believer .......................... The Monkees '66
I'll Be There ...........................*Bobby Darin '60
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry ............. Hank Williams '56
I'm Sorry ............................... The Platters '57
If I Were A Carpenter ...................*Four Tops '62
In My Room .............................. The Beach Boys '63
In The Ghetto ........................... Elvis Presley '69
In The Midnight Hour ....................*Wilson Pickett '65
In The Mood .............................
In The Still Of The Night ............... The Five Satins '56
It's In His Kiss ........................ The Marvelettes '64
It's My Party ........................... Leslie Gore '63
It's So Easy ............................*Buddy Holly
It's Only Make Believe ..................*Conway Twitty '58
Jailhouse Rock .......................... Elvis Presley '57
Jambalaya ............................... Hank Williams '56
Johnny B Goode .......................... Chuck Berry '57
Kansas City ............................. Wilbert Harrison '59
Kawliga ................................. Hank Williams
Kentucky Woman Neil Diamond
King Of The Road ........................ Roger Miller '65
Kiss Me Goodbye ......................... Petula Clark '68
Knock Three Times ....................... Tony Orlando & Dawn
Kokomo .................................. The Beach Boys '55
Labamba ................................. Richie Valens '58
Last Dance or Last Date ................. Floyd Cramer '60
Last Kiss ............................... J Frank Wilson '64
Last Train To Clarksville ............... Monkees '64
Laughter In The Rain .................... Neil Sedaka
Leaving On A Jet Plane .................. Peter Paul & Mary '69
Let It Be Me ............................ The Everly Brothers '60
Let's Twist Again ....................... Chubby Checker '61
Light My Fire ...........................*The Doors '67
Lightning Strikes Again ................. Lou Christie '65
Little Darlin ........................... The Diamonds '57
Little Devil ............................ Neil Sedaka '61
Little Duece Coup ..Beach Boys
Little Old Lady From Pasadena ........... Beach Boys '64
Little Red Riding Hood ..................*Sam The Sham & The Pharoahs '66
Locomotion .............................. Little Eva '62
Lonely Bull ............................. Herb Alpert '63
Looking Out My Back Door ................ CCR
Long Tall Sally .........................*Little Richard '56
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing ......... Four Aces '55 (60 sec. intro)
Love Is Strange ......................... Mickey & Sylvia '56
Love Letters In The Sand ................ Pat Boone '57
Love Me Tender .......................... Elvis Presley '56
Love Potion Number Nine ................. The Clovers '59
Lucille ................................. Everly Brothers '60
Luie, Luie………. The Kingsmen ‘63
Mama Said ...............................*The Shirelles '61
Mary Lou ................................ Ronnie Hawkins '58
Maybe Baby ..............................*The Crickets '57
Mellow Yellow ...........................*Donovan '66
Memphis Tennessee .......................*Chuck Berry 58
Michael, Row The Boat Ashore ............*The Highwaymen '61
Midnight Hour, In The ...................*Wilson Pickett '65
Misty ................................... Johnny Mathis
Moments To Remember ..................... Vogues '55
Mona Lisa ............................... Nat King Cole '59
Monday Monday ........................... Mamas & Papas '66
Monster Mash ................*Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers '62
Mony Mony ...............................*Tommy James & The Shondells '68
Moon River .............................. Henry Mancini '61
Most Beautiful Girl In The World ........ Bobby Vinton
Mr. Blue ................................ Fleetwoods '59
Mr. Lonely .............................. Bobby Vinton '64
Mr. Postman ............................. The Marvelettes '61
Mr. Sandman ............................. Chordettes
Mrs Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter .. Hermans Hermits '69
Mrs Robinson ............................ Simon and Garfunkel '65
Mustang Sally ........................... Wilson Pickett.mid '66
My Blue Heaven .......................... Chubby Checker '56
My Boyfriend's Back ..................... The Angels/Chiffons '63
My Cherie Amour ......................... Stevie Wonder
My Girl ................................. The Temptations '65
My Guy .................................. Mary Wells/Sister Sledge '64
My Prayer ............................... Platters '56 (40 sec. intro)
My Special Angel ........................ Bobby Helms '57
Nel Blu Depinto Di Blu .................. Domenico Modugno '58
Never My Love ...........................*The Association '67
Never On Sunday .......................*Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass '61
Nights in White Satin Moody Blues ‘67
Ode To Billy Joe ........................ Bobbie Gentry '67
Oh Boy .................................. Buddy Holly
Oh Carol ................................ Neil Sedaka '59
Oh Lonesome Me ..........................*Don Gibson '58
Oh My Papa ..............................
Oh What A Night ......................... Frankie Valli & Four Seasons
On A Carousel ........................... The Hollies
On Broadway ............................. Drifters '63
One Fine Day ............................ The Chiffons '63
One Tin Soldier ......................... Original Caste '69
Only The Lonely ......................... Roy Orbison '60
Only You ................................ The Platters '55
Orange Blossom Special ..................*Johnny Cash '65
Our Day Will Come ....................... Ruby & The Romantics '63
Palisades Park .......................... Freddy Cannon '62
Peggy Sue ............................... Buddy Holly '57
Peppermint Twist ........................ Joey Dee '61
Pinball Wizard ..........................*Who '69
Please Mr. Postman ...................... The Marvelettes '61
Poison Ivy .............................. The Coasters '59
Pretty Little Angel Eyes ................*Curtis Lee '61
Pretty Paper ............................ Roy Orbison '63
Pretty Woman ............................ Roy Orbison '64
Proud Mary .............................. CCR '69
Puff The Magic Dragon ................... Peter Paul & Mary '63
Puppy Love .............................. Paul Anka '6
Put A Little Love In Your Heart .........*Jackie DeShannon '69
Put Your Head On My Shoulder ............*Paul Anka '59
Que Sera Sera ........................... Doris Day '56
Rag Doll ................................ Frankie Valie / Four Seasons '64
Reach Out - I'll Be There ............... The Four Tops '66
Return To Sender ........................ Elvis Presley '62
Rhythm Of The Rain ...................... Cascades '62
Ring of Fire Johnny Cash ‘68
Rock And Roll Music ..................... Chuck Berry '57
Rock Around The Clock ................... Bill Haley
Rockin Around The Christmas Tree ........*Brenda Lee '58
Rockin Pneumonia And Boogie Woogie Blues . Johnny Rivers '57
Rockin Robin ............................ Bo Diddley '58
Roll Over Beethoven ..................... Chuck Berry '56
Ronnie .................................. Four Seasons '64
Route 66 ................................ Natalie Cole
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town ...... Kenny Rogers '69
Run Around Sue .......................... Dion & the Belmonts '61
Run Away ................................ Del Shannon '61
Running Bear ............................ Billy Preston '59
Save The Last Dance ..................... Drifters '60
Sea Cruise .............................. Frankie Ford '59
Sea Of Love ............................. Phil Phillips & Twilights '59
Sealed With A Kiss ...................... Brian Hyland '62
Secret Love ............................. Doris Day
See Ya Later Aligator ................... Bill Haley & The Comets '55
Sha Boom ................................*Crew Cuts '55
Shake Rattle And Roll ................... Jerry Lee Lewis
She's Sixteen ...........................
Sherry Baby ............................. The 4 Seasons '62
Shout …..Isley Brothers
Silhouettes ............................. Herman's Hermits '57
Since I Don't Have You .................. The Skyliners '59
Since I Met You Baby .................... Ivory Joe Hunter '56
Sincerely ...............................*The Four Seasons '64
Sixteen Candles ......................... The Crests '58
Sixteen Tons ............................*Tennessee Ernie Ford '55
Sleep Walk .............................. Santo & Johnny '59
Sloop John B. ........................... Beach Boys '66
Sloopy, My Girl .........................*The Vibrations '64
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes-1 ............... Platters '58
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes-2 ............... Platters '58
Slippin' and Slidin' ....................*Buddy Holly '63
Sock Hop ............................... Jerry Lee Lewis
Soldier Boy ............................. Shirelles '62
Solitary Man Neil Diamond
Somewhere Beyond The Sea ................*Bobby Darin '60
Spanish Flea ............................ Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass '66
Spanish Harlem .......................... Ben E King '60
Splish Splash ........................... Bobby Darin '58
Stand By Me .............................*Ben E. King
Sugar Shack .............................*Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs '63
Sugar Sugar ............................. Archies '69
Sukiyaki ................................ Kyu Sakamoto '63
Summer In The City ...................... Lovin' Spoonful '66
Summertime Blues ........................ Eddie Cochrane '58
Surf City ...............................*Jan and Dean '63
Surfer Girl ............................. The Beach Boys '63
Surfin Safari ...........................*The Beach Boys '62
Surfin The USA .......................... The Beach Boys '63
Surfs Up ................................ The Beach Boys
Suspicious Minds ........................ Elvis Presley '69
Susie Q .................................*Dale Hawkins '57
Sweet Caroline .......................... Neil Diamond '69
Sweet Dreams ............................ Patsy Cline '62
Tammy ................................... Debbie Reynolds '57
Taste Of Honey .......................... Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass '66
Teddy Bear .............................. Elvis Presley '57
Teenager In Love ........................ Dion & The Belmonts '59
Tell Laura I Love Her ................... Ray Peterson '60
Tequila ................................. The Champs '58
Tenderly, The Evening Breeze ............*Rosemary Clooney '55
That Old Black Magic ....................*Louis Prima & Keely Smith '58
That'll Be The Day ...................... Buddy Holly '56
The Air That I Breathe .................. The Hollies
The Beat Goes On ........................*Sonny and Cher '67
The Great Pretender ..................... The Platters '55
The Lonely Bull Herb Alpert and the TJ Brass
The Lion Sleeps Tonight The Tokens ‘61
The Stripper ............................ David Rose '62
The Stroll .Diamonds
The Wanderer ............................ Dion & The Belmonts '61
The Wayward Wind ........................ Gogi Grant or Polly Bergen '56
Then He Kissed Me ....................... Crystals '63
These Eyes ..............................*The Guess Who '69
This Guy's In Love With You ............. Herb Alpert '68
This Magic Moment ....................... Jay & The Americans '60
This Magic Moment ....................... The Drifters '60
Three Coins In A Fountain ............... Elvis Presley
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport .............. Rolf Harris '63
Tijuana Taxi ............................ Herb Alpert '65
Tiny Bubbles ............................ Don Ho '66
To Know Him, Is To Love Him .............*The Teddy Bears '58
Tom Dooley .............................. The Kingston Trio '58
Too Much ................................
Travelin' Man ...........................*Ricky Nelson '61
Try A Little Tenderness ................. Otis Redding '62
Turn, Turn, Turn ........................*Byrds '65
Tutti Fruiti ............................ Little Richard '55
Twilight Time ........................... Platters '58
Twist And Shout ......................... The Beatles '64
Twisting The Night Away ................. Sam Cooke '62
Typewriter Song .........................
Un-Square Dance .........................*Johnny Rivers '65
Unchain My Heart ........................ Joe Cocker
Unchained Melody ........................ The Righteous Brothers '65
Under The Boardwalk ..................... The Drifters '64
Up On The Roof .......................... The Drifters '62
Venus ................................... Frankie Avalon '59
Volare .................................. Bobby Rydell '60
Wake Up Little Suzy ..................... The Everly Brothers '57
Walk Don't Run .......................... Ventures '60
Walk On By .............................. Leroy Van Dyke '61
Walking After Midnight .................. Patsy Cline '57
Waltzing Matilda ........................
Wasted Days And Wasted Nights ........... Freddy Fender
We'll Sing In The Sunshine .............. Gale Garnett '64
Wellcome To My World .................... Jim Reeves
What's Your Name ........................ Don & Juan '62
When Sunny Gets Blue .................... Johnny Mathis
When Will I Be Loved .................... Everly Brothers
Where The Boys Are ...................... Connie Francis '61
Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On .............. Jerry Lee Lewis '57
Why Do Fools Fall In Love ............... Teenagers '56
Wichita Lineman ......................... Glen Campbell '68
Wild Thing .............................. Chip Taylor or The Troggs '66
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow ......... The Shirelles '60
Winchester Cathedral .................... The New Vaudeville Band '66
Windy ................................... Association '67
Wipeout ................................. The Surfaris '63
Witchcraft ..............................*Frank Sinatra '58
Wives And Lovers ........................*Burt Bacharach '63
Working My Way Back To You .............. The Four Tops '65
Wouldn't It Be Nice ..................... The Beach Boys '66
Yaktysax ................................ Boots Randolph '63
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini ................. Brian Hyland '60
You Are So Beautiful To Me .............. Joe Cocker
You Can't Hurry Love ....................*The Supremes '66
You Light Up My Life ....................*Debbie Boone
You Really Got A Hold On Me ............. Smokey Robinson '64
You Send Me ............................. Sam Cooke '57
You’re Sixteen Johnny Burnette ‘60
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling ......... The Righteous Brothers '64
Young Girl .............................. Gary Pucket & Union Gap '68
Young Love ..............................*Sonny James '56
5th Appendix - Kunze Family Recipes and their Origins:
By Ed Kunze
Prologue: Too many times family recipes have been lost, because no one took the time to write them down. Hopefully, this will be a start for us with each family member adding more as the years go by, and then pass it on to the next generation.
Barbeque Sauces / Marinades –
a) Concentrated mango juice with chipotle, brown sugar, salt, pepper, and mustard
b) Concentrated orange juice “ “ “ “ “ ”
c) Tomato sauce, mustard, honey, brown sugar, Worcestershire, salt, pepper, chipotle (This is my oldest recipe. Ken Crawford and I developed it when we were roommates in an apartment in college in 1970).
d) Lime juice
e) Lemon and butter and garlic salt
f) Italian dressing – an incredibly versatile marinade
g) Teriyaki
h) Marinade with ½ cup of soy sauce, ½ of a chopped onion, 1 cup of water, and two pieces of garlic. Put in a blender and marinade meat over night. Great for pork, chicken, lamb chops, or leg of lamb.
Note: Barbeque sauces, like the red sauce, orange juice or mango sauce, and teriyaki should always have enough left over to be able to reheat in the microwave oven and use as a dipping sauce at the table.
Canned chili chipotle are smoked ripe (red) jalapeño chilies. They are blazing hot, so a little goes a long way, but they really add a flavorful smoky accent to all sauces.
Beef Stew – I buy the cheaper pieces of meats for this. Brown the meat in a skillet. In a large pot, start the water boiling. Add pepper, and 3 cubes of beef, chicken or tomato bullion, but only 3: not 9. Also add a can of tomato sauce to the water. Let the bullion cubes break down completely in the heating water. Add the meat to the water and boil for about an hour until almost tender. Then add 1 chopped onion, 2 stalks of diced celery, ½ a bell pepper, chopped parsley, 2 potatoes cubed, and 3 or 4 sliced carrots, fresh green beans, and a cup of frozen corn. When the veggies are done, the meat should be tender and ready to serve. The less water used, or by taking off the lid while cooking the veggies; the thicker the stew. Serve with corn bread.
Chicken Soup (Tortilla soup) – If you can’t buy the packaged Tiritas de Tortilla, then cut corn tortillas into thin strips, lightly fry in oil, drain and set aside. The strips should be about ¼” wide and 1½” long.
Start water in a pot and add 2 tomato bullion cubes and 1 of beef or chicken. After the cubes have broken down, add pepper, but no salt. Add ½ of a diced onion, ½ of a bell pepper, 3 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, some diced fresh parsley. Brown and cook the chicken until almost done in a separate skillet, using Montreal Seasoning or just salt and black pepper rubbed on the meat before cooking. Drain the meat and set aside. Use all of the chicken except the breast. Boil the veggies until almost done, add the chicken and finish cooking. Serve with the tiritas in the bowl and ladle soup on top.
Save the breast for the barbeque. White meat in soup is too dry. Another variation is to cook extra wide noodles or curly noodles in a
separate pot, rinse, drain and set aside. Add them, and the chicken, when the soup is almost done. I do not use potatoes or tortilla strips with this option.
Chicken Breasts – Whenever I cook chicken in soups, tacos, fajitas, enchiladas, or even fried, I always save the breast out and put it in the freezer. One of the reasons is they have different cooking times than the dark meat and will dry out, or are not suited for that type of a meal. However, chicken breasts are a special meal in themselves. The main thing is to not overcook them.
a) Stovetop: Skin and fillet from the bones and fry in butter. Season with salt and pepper or Montréal Steak Seasoning.
b) Bar-be-que: Place on the grill with skin on and bone in. Baste with lime and salt.
Chicken and garlic – This is a new recipe. Rebeca and I first had it at the same place we like to go for ribs, and about a ½ hour South of Zihuatanejo. We just tried it at home last week (4/3/2010), and it is fantastic. This recipe uses only salt, pepper, a little water, and garlic. Even people who do not normally care for the taste of garlic, as the flavor is mild, find this is a great tasting meal.
Ingredients – For 4 servings
* Prepare 4 complete chicken legs and thighs by slicing length-wise along the bones and butterfly the meat completely off one side of the bone. Or, butterfly the meat off 4 chicken breasts – scoring the fillets lengthwise to allow the marinade to penetrate.
* 1/2 teaspoon of salt or sea salt
* 2 tablespoons of water
* 2 medium cloves of garlic
* A few dashes of black pepper
Run the garlic through a garlic press and add to a small shallow bowl or plate. Add the salt and water and a dash or two of pepper. Roll the chicken in the mixture and marinate 5 to 10 minutes. As the meat is butter-flied out, it cooks fast. Place directly over the coals and turn often.
Chicken Pot Pie – Rebeca made the pie dough (see deserts).
I fried the chicken legs and thighs in a large skillet using just a bit of canola oil, salt and pepper. When it was done, setting aside the chicken, I added a couple of cups of water to help me get some broth, and skimmed the fat off the top. Then I shredded the chicken when it had cooled.
For the pie filling, I just put the broth and a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup in a blender, and then put it back in the skillet. Then I added the shredded chicken, frozen corn, salt and pepper, and frozen mixed veggies and simmered them about 10 minutes. I did add a bit of flour to thicken it a bit. Put it the pie and then cover with strips of crust. Bake until the crust is golden.
Chicken pot pie and spinach salad, and the ever present bottle of habanera
sauce (for her…not me) Note the pan of corn bread, which is just off to the
right of the photo.
Chinese –
a) Stir fry veggies with pork and chicken and bean sprouts
b) Or, fried rice combination by frying rice with soy sauce in a large wok
c) Fry cooked spaghetti pasta in soy sauce and sesame seed oil for fried noodles in a large wok. Fry till it starts to crisp and sprinkle on a few sesame seeds just before it is done.
d) Egg fu yung - Make an omelet out of two eggs in a small pan using a bit of diced onion, bell pepper, celery, salt and pepper added to the egg yolks when beating the eggs. Add bean sprouts to the mix. Pour everything in a 9” pan and cover. Turn once and do not fold over like an omelet. Serve with packaged brown gravy over the top (cooked in a small separate pot).
e) Top Ramen – Shred pre-cooked or left over chicken. Boil some water and add a couple of stalks of diced celery, and 1/4 of a diced onion. Cook a couple of packages of Top Ramen chicken flavored pasta once the water boils and after the veggies have cooked a bit. Add the seasoning packet. When almost done, add the chicken and some greens. Bok Choy and Swiss chard work best.
Clam chowder – Start with a base stock of a couple of cans of Snows Clam Chowder or Campbell’s hearty meal – add milk and a lot of butter, a little salt, and lots of black pepper. Simmer on low, stirring often.
In a separate pan cook 1 stalk of diced celery, 1 diced medium sized potato, onion, parsley, and ¼ of a diced bell pepper in bacon grease and bacon bits. Add to chowder when almost done. The chowder will finish cooking the veggies. When the veggies are done, add a large can of baby clams (from Costco), octopus pieces, cubes of fish, and shrimp (or vary with what is available). Let it all heat up and serve.
Corn bread –
2 cups cornmeal
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup sour cream
3 tablespoons baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup cream corn
A little salt
1/2 cup bacon grease
Mix till well blended, Add enough milk to make it pour easily. Place in greased baking dish. Place in 400 degree oven until golden brown about 20-30 minutes.
Deserts – These first 3 items are what Rebeca and I have been perfecting this last 7 years here in Zihuatanejo.
1) Pumpkin (yellow squash) pie – We rarely get pumpkins here in Zihuatanejo, but all kinds of yellow squash are available. I found out I actually can’t tell much of a difference in taste between the pumpkin and yellow squash pies. I only know the final recipe we have settled on is the best I have ever eaten. We do NOT use canned pumpkin.
Cut a pumpkin or large squash up into about 4 to 6 inch chunks, clean off the seeds and fiber strands. In a large pot of water, boil until a fork penetrates easily (about 45 minutes after the starts boiling). Pull out with tongs, drain and cool. Slice the meat from the hard skin and discard the skin. Place the squash in a colander and drain, pushing slightly to get rid of excess water. Place in a large mixing bowl. Freeze, in a plastic bag, additional squash not needed.
Ingredients –
• 2 cups of cooked and drained squash
• ½ cup of brown sugar
• ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
• 1 cup of liquid whipping cream
• 2 beaten eggs (with a fork)
• 1 pack of Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened in the microwave
• 1 tablespoon of vanilla
Mix all ingredients in the bowl with the drained squash and beat until smooth with an electric hand mixer. Place on top the pie crust and cook for about 50 minutes.
Rebeca’s pie crust – use it for pies and chicken pot pie meals.
Note: the rich golden brown color of the cooked crust is obtained by brushing fork beaten egg yolk on the crust. When it is golden, the pie is done.
Ingredients –
* 2 cups of sifted flour (a fine mesh colander works well for this)
* 1 teaspoon of salt
* ¾ cup of butter (melted)
* ¼ cup of cold water
In large mixing bowl, mix the salt and flour with your hand. Little by little, add the butter, mixing with a hand held electric mixer on slow speed (or use a whisk). Then slowly add water, mixing with the hand mixer. Enough water needs to be added for the mixer to be able to work, but no more.
On a large flat and sturdy surface, sprinkle flour and spread. Place the dough on the flour. Knead the dough for a couple of minutes, and spread it out, adding more flour to the table as needed.
Roll the dough out with a rolling pin, and carefully place in the pie dish. This is best accomplished by rolling the dough around the rolling pin, and then unrolling it over the pie pan, which has been coated with a pat of butter. Use a fork and punch a few holes in the dough on the bottom and the sides of the dish. Trim a bit around the edges, allowing for shrinkage of the dough when it cooks. The trimmings can be put back with the unused dough for the strips on top after the filling is placed.
2) Cheese cake pie – This cheese cake is not as “incredibly rich” as some cheese cakes I have eaten, and it is a bit on the light side. But, it won’t last 24 hours if all of it is not eaten at the first sitting.
For the crust – Buy a packet of vanilla wafer cookies, break up and chop lightly in a blender to make 1¼ cups. Warm ¾ of a cup of butter on the stove and use another pat of butter to coat the glass pie dish. In a bowl, mix the cookie crumbs with the melted butter, and place evenly on the sides and bottom of the pie dish. Do not press to hard, as it will be hard when you cut it.
Ingredients –
• 1 pack of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
• 8 tablespoons of sugar
• ½ cup of sour crème
• 1 tablespoon of vanilla
• 1 cup of liquid whipping crème
• 1 can of cherry or blue berry pie filling (for the topping)
Put all ingredients, except the topping, in a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Transfer to the pie dish and cool in the fridge two hours. Place the pie filling on top, cool another hour, and serve.
3) Hot Chocolate – And you thought you have had good hot chocolate before…Ha! For the richest hot chocolate you have ever experienced in your life, try this easy recipe of Rebeca’s (Mexican) hot chocolate.
Remember, the Cacao bean, which chocolate is made from, is native to the southern parts of Mexico, and has been used, combined with vanilla and honey, as a drink since even before the Aztecs. The Cacao bean grows on trees, appearing in its raw state as pineapple sized pods on the 40-60 foot tall trees known botanically as "Theobroma cacao," and known to the Maya as "food of the gods." Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also known as cocoa beans.
Degree of difficulty – More work than adding a premixed packet to water or milk, but it is still fairly easy. For the traditional way to make the hot chocolate you will need to purchase a molinillo hueco grande, a hollow wooden whisk. A standard metal whisk can also be substituted, and spun back and forth between the palms of your two hands.
Molinillo Hueco
Ingredients – for 3 cups
* Purchase a small carton of Chocolate la Abuelita (grandmother’s chocolate) – each carton has 6 tablets – use 1
* 1 can of Carnation Evaporated milk
* ½ cup of crème
* ½ a teaspoon of pure vanilla
* 1 tablespoon of sugar
Cut up a disc of Abuelita chocolate into 5 or 6 pieces and place in a pot of warming milk on a fairly low heat. Stir a couple of times to keep the milk from sticking to the pan. Once the chocolate starts to melt, turn up the heat a bit and use the molinillo to whisk the milk until all is melted and a froth starts to form.
Add additional sugar per taste (the tablet already has some sugar and cinnamon in it).
4) Jell-O – Ken’s mom, Cuquis, is who showed me (in about 1990) how to make an incredible tasting light desert. Buy two packs of your favorite, with cherry working the best. Instead if using the amount of water on the instructions, use ½ the amount. When the boiled Jell-O is transferred to a large glass baking pan, add a large can of mixed fruits, with the drained juice boiled with the water and Jell-O. Basically you are using 2 cups of water and almost 1 cup of juice to boil the powdered Jell-O. Chill and serve.
5) Fried bananas - A common Mexican desert. Slice a couple of bananas lengthwise into three sections. Fry lightly in canola oil, and drain on a paper towel. Serve by covering them with Carnation condensed sweet milk.
Enchiladas – A great meal when you have leftover chicken….Especially if you also have leftover mashed potatoes.
Fry a small amount of chopped bacon in a bit of oil and add ¼ of a diced onion and 2 stalks of diced celery. Salt and pepper. Make sauce in same pan with ½ carton (or can) of Guajillo sauce, and add 1 box of fried tomato sauce (a regular can of tomato sauce in the States). Add 1 packet of Chili and Bean (or enchilada) seasoning and water. Warm tortillas in a fry pan with sauce added, but not too much sauce. Turn over once and fry tortillas just enough to coat both sides with sauce. Add shredded chicken, sliced zucchini (lengthwise), and mashed potatoes to individual tortillas and place in a Pyrex dish. Cook the zucchini in butter al dente so it just needs to be warmed up with the cheese to be perfect. Cover with balance of sauce, diced onion, and cheese. Warm in the oven long enough to melt the cheese, or use plastic wrap and warm in the microwave.
Below left to upper right – Monterey jack cheese, onion, sauce, cheese, zucchini, Shredded chicken (thighs and drum sticks), potatoes, corn tortillas in wrapping paper.
This is a huge meal in the making, and most of it will be concentrated to one pan and will go in the freezer.
Note: The real Mexican flavor of enchiladas comes through the spice Cumin. Even though the packaged mix has a bit of cumin in it, add a little more to the sauce to enhance it. A couple of shakes will do.
Fish –
a) Marinate in Italian dressing and place on the grill. Use a rack or a small meshed grill on top the normal wide spaced grill top.
b) Brown garlic in a pan and add onion. Cook fish to almost done on one side. Turn over and add bottled Mexicana salsa. The bottled salsa is the mild kind, the one you use as a dip for chips.
c) Al mojo de ajo - Butter, oil, garlic, onion and salt– if using whole fish, score sides (slice with a knife) and rub salt into openings.
d) Breaded – thin filets cooked in oil. Add a bit of grated parmesan cheese and a little chopped fresh parsley to the bread crumbs for a unique flavor. Store bought packaged bread crumbs work best.
Note: When cooking any fish fillets, it is best to cook a two person serving. When you think it is getting close to being done, cut it half for two 1 person servings and check it out. Do not over cook fish.
f) Buttermilk pancake mix with beer and coat the fillets. Fry in oil until brown.
g) BBQ Tuna – From Craig Matlock in about 1986 when I lived up at Big Bear Lake. (This will also work for salmon)
Basting Sauce - Use ½ butter and ½ mayo, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoon of minced garlic, and garlic salt. Sauté garlic the in butter and take off the stove. Add mayo and mix in the rest until blended.
Cooking - Baste tuna steaks (about 1.5” thick) and BBQ directly over the coals, usually about 3 minutes to a side. Do not over cook and baste continuously.
Smoked lettuce - cook just prior to the tuna. After it is done, set the head of lettuce off to the side in the BBQ to stay warm.
Use ¼ a head of lettuce and BBQ round side down with wet smoke chips on the coals until the top is turning brown and the lettuce is wilted. The bottom leaves will burn, but that is OK because they are still tasty. Prior to serving the lettuce, in a skillet brown some chopped walnut pieces and sprinkle on top the lettuce. Sliced cucumbers and tomatoes make a good bed to place it on. Cover the whole thing with a blue cheese dressing and serve with the tuna.
h) Smoked Fish: (From Mom – she makes the best smoked salmon I have ever had.) When her and Dad would go up to Montana every year in the motor homer, while Dad was out fishing for Kokenee with Gerhart, Mom would be canning and smoking the fish from the previous day.
The recipe is very basic and also works great for other types of fish.
Use 1 gallon of water, ½ pound of salt, 1 lb brown sugar, 2 big table spoons of pickling spice, and 1 cup of honey. Boil and let cool down. Soak the fish over night, and then dry on racks all day. The fish will get shiny with glaze. Fill smoker with wet chips and smoke fish all night. Use less time for smaller fish.
i) Sashimi - Having lived in Zihuatanejo for 12 years now, about 50% of the fish I eat is cooked, and 50% is raw. It does not matter if it is tuna, dorado, bass, snapper, etc. It is all excellent raw. I realize for some of you, raw fish is about like limburger cheese to me, but instead of your eyes and brain being your taste buds, try it…you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I originally developed my taste for raw tuna when I was the weekend mate on the 51 foot Mystic owned by Kaz Katayama in 1983 and 1984. He was a tuna fishing fanatic. Kaz once told me he had reached the pinnacle of Japanese wealth…he could “eat raw fish 365 days a year”.
1) I have gotten fairly adept to using a bamboo mat, nori (small sheets of sea weed), and short grained rice to make great sushi. Just follow the instructions when you buy the ingredients.
2) Nothing beats just sliced thin raw fish, soy sauce, and a little pickled ginger. Make rice balls from the sushi rice, and eat together.
3) Another great method, from this coast here in Mexico, is called tiritas (strips). Slice very thin sections from the fillet, and cut to be about 1” long. Add a little chopped onion, cilantro, and tomato, and squeeze a couple of limes over the whole thing. The lemon or lime juice will “cook it” in about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
When serving, divide the tiritas onto three separate plates. Mix one with ketchup, another with soy sauce, and the third as is. Eat with saltine crackers or chips. Try and figure out which one is best.
This method works great for any fish. We often eat black skipjack tuna on the boat this way, and they are usually feed to the cats. Almost every captain here carries at least a bottle of soy sauce on the boat.
4) However, if we catch a dorado or yellowfin tuna, it will have barely finished flopping, and I will be chewing on a nice loin section I had filleted off.
Game – Rabbit, quail, duck, etc.
a) Crème of mushroom soup, two stalks of celery, onion, salt, pepper, bell pepper, parsley. Brown meat first, and then simmer. Serve over rice or wide noodles.
Note: This also works very well for chicken.
b) You get a less gamey taste if you soak the meat in milk overnight.
c) Stuffing for duck, quail, etc: Packaged Wild Rice-a-Roni with fresh mushrooms and diced green apple.
d) Quail – Baste with lemon juice with a strip of bacon across the breast and held in place with a toothpick.
e) Mom’s recipe – She made the best tasting pheasant and chucker you have ever eaten with this recipe.
Roll each piece of pheasant in flour with desired salt.
Sauté them in bacon grease, preferably in a heavy skillet
Add chicken broth (enough to simmer for 45 minutes or so)
Add 3/4 cup of Port Wine and a couple of Bay leaves.
Add a tsp or so of yellow mustard (not dry mustard)
Cover and simmer until pheasant is done and tender.
Sauce: Remove pieces of pheasant and add 2 or 3 T. of
Currant jelly (actually any jam will do). Stir well and pour into Sauce Boat or serving dish to be spooned over pheasant.
f) Dove or quail: Put on the barbeque and baste with teriyaki. Save some heated teriyaki for dipping.
Giblet Gravy – This is the gravy Roberta used to make. I first had it in about 1972 and I have been using it since. Boil your giblets from a turkey, duck, chicken, etc. for at least 45 minutes, and cut them into small pieces. I do not use the liver, just the heart, gizzard, and neck. Boil up a couple of eggs and slice the whites. Mix the giblets and egg whites into your brown gravy or chicken gravy. It also is great on toasted bread (SOS), especially when you add a bit of leftover meat to the gravy.
Ham – Slice all fat off a leg of ham and stick about 5 cloves in the meat at various locations. (Remove cloves when carving) Baste with the orange glaze sauce on the barbeque. Make enough sauce for spooning over the ham at the table.
Mac and Cheese - Use only Kraft Original. To make it richer, add Philadelphia Crème Cheese to the milk when you start to make the sauce. For the powdered cheese to melt easier, put the packet of cheese sauce in only after the milk has warmed up.
Another way to make it richer is to use Carnation evaporated milk instead of whole milk.
Meatloaf (Mom’s basic meatloaf) - Into 1.5 pounds of ground beef, add 2 beaten eggs, ¼ cup of fine bread crumbs, 1/2 of a small well diced onion, 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon of dried mustard, ¼ teaspoon of pepper. Mix and bake. When almost done, drain off juice and layer catsup over the top. Place back in the oven and let it sit for a couple of minutes in the off position.
Mushrooms – Slice or quarter and simmer in butter. Add a bit of salt. Cook for a while covered until it boils, then uncovered until the butter clears and serve. Too easy, but the best way to cook them.
Omelets – Two eggs and a small amount of milk (about the equivalent of another egg – the milk makes it more fluffy – or just add another egg), add salt and pepper and beat with a whisk.
Fry, in butter, your ingredients in a separate pan. I fry ham, mushrooms, green pepper, and onion. I fry the ham first and get it almost crisp on the edges, then add the others. Set aside and start cooking your omelets, later adding a bit of the ingredients to each one.
In a 9” skillet, put in some canola oil and a bit of butter. Practice will tell you the balance and how much. I prefer a little more butter than oil…and not much of either. Add the whipped eggs and cover.
When almost cooked, turn over. Add the ingredients and cheese and fold in half. Cook uncovered and flip again. Put on a plate and place more cheese on top.
Pork and Beans – Separate beans, checking for small stones, and wash in a colander. In a large pot fry, several strips of bacon cut into pieces. Remove the bacon pieces and set aside. Add water to the pot and the beans. Cook a couple of hours. Then add celery, onion, bacon pieces, salt and pepper, a smoked ham hock (or smoked turkey leg) and cook until the meat falls off the bones. Serve with corn bread.
Pork chops – In a skillet, brown the chops in Canola oil and remove and drain all grease. Add a bit of butter to the same pan and fry sliced garlic until browned. Add slices of onion, salt and pepper, and tomato sauce. Adding a clove (clavo) is good also. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil and add some brown sugar just before adding the pork chops. Reduce the heat, then add the chops to the sauce and simmer until done.
Potatoes -
a) Baked Potatoes – bake in oven until done. Remove and let cool a while. Split top and use fork to loosen. Add pepper, salt, cheese, bacon bits, parsley, etc. Put back in oven until the cheese is melted.
b) Sliced Baked Potato – Slice a whole potato into thin slices, but do not cut all the way through. Use the handle of a spoon to stop the knife. Put the potatoes in a baking dish and fan them slightly. Drizzle butter onto the potato, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and herbs. Bake until almost done, then sprinkle cheese over the potato. Place back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes to melt cheese.
c) Potatoes au gratin – use Velveeta cheese on diced parboiled potatoes or baked potatoes from the night before. In a separate pan, fry a few bacon pieces, bell pepper, a bit of onion and celery. Combine all and heat in the microwave to mix. Do not add salt.
d) Potatoes O’Brian: Slice or cube potatoes and fry in bacon bits and a little canola oil. Add ½ a diced onion and ½ a diced green pepper. Salt and pepper to taste and add some diced fresh parsley. Fry uncovered until potatoes start to brown and crisp.
For a great breakfast, blend a few eggs in a separate bowl and add to the potatoes when they are done. Cover and turn once to thoroughly cook the eggs, but not scorch them.
e) Diced Potatoes in the Oven: Dice the potatoes into about ½ to 1 inch thick squares and rectangles. In a mixing bowl add olive or canola oil enough to coat the potatoes. Add a packet of Lipton’s onion soup mix, and stir. Place the potatoes in a Pyrex dish or on a flat cookie sheet. Bake in the oven, turning once or twice with a spatula, until they start to crisp.
f) Mexican Tortas de Papa – Ever wonder what to do when you still have a couple of pounds of left over mashed potatoes? Just add grated white cheese in and mix it up. A few well diced onion pieces can also be added along with the cheese. Shape the mashed potatoes similar to a good old fashioned thick hamburger, but not too large in diameter (about 3 inches in diameter, and at least 1inch thick). Coat the outside with a bit of flour to keep it from sticking, and fry them a thin layer of hot oil in a pan. When they start to brown, they are done.
g) – Hash browns go great with omelets. If you are cooking baked potatoes the night before, cook a couple of extra and set in the fridge uncovered all night. Or par boil a few, and leave in the fridge a couple of days uncovered. I do not peel the potatoes; I just grate them and pull the larger skin peelings out. Fry on a two burner skillet with butter flavored Pam and a little butter. Brown on one side and turn. Add a bit more Pam and butter to the top side before turning. Always use as little butter as possible without them drying out too much. Brown this side and leave on the skillet, with the burners off, until all the omelets are on the table.
Ribs -
a) Pork - Marinade overnight in lime juice and salt. No need to baste
when cooking. Use large meaty and fatty pieces and score crosswise before marinating. Cook directly over the coals, turning often.
This method comes from a small Mexican restaurant I eat at on
Sunday mornings, about ½ an hour South of Zihuatanejo. I have been eating there since 2000.
b) Pork - Use the red sauce, mango glaze, or orange juice glaze
c) Beef – Par boil until tender. The meat will almost be ready to come
off the bone. On the barbeque, baste with the red sauce until glazed.
d) Beef – Brown in a skillet and simmer in a salsa verde until the meat is
ready to fall off the bones. Serve with tortillas.
Salads –
a) Spinach Salad: Boil three eggs, peel and slice the whites only. Fry several slices of bacon for bacon bits, adding a little oil or olive oil. …once crisp, add a little diced onion and cook. Add water, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper, and heat. Add egg whites, brown sugar, and a lot of washed spinach leaves. Toss, and drain in a colander. Let sit about three minutes and serve. The spinach cooks way down if cooked too long, so try and maintain a cooking time where it is well coated yet still leafy fresh.
b) Ensalada de Nopal (Cactus Salad) – Take the spines off the cactus with a knife. The smaller and younger (light green) leaf of the cactus plant, the better. Dice the flat leaf of the cactus into about ¼ to ½ inch squares. Boil in water for about 30 minutes, rinse well and drain. Set aside in the fridge. Dice up some tomato, a little onion, a couple of radishes, and cilantro. Mix all together in a bowl; add salt and the juice from two limes (or 1/2 a lemon). Serve cold.
c) Mexican Salad – to be used as a compliment for meat tacos or carne asada. Thinly slice, or fine chop, some purple cabbage and place in a bowl. Add some diced tomato and onion. Squeeze a few limes or a couple of lemons over the salad. Add salt and mix everything together. Serve at room temperature.
d) Tomato Salad –I had my first experience with this salad on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Slice a couple of tomatoes about ¼” thick, and place as one layer on a platter or large plate. Sprinkle Italian dressing over them and coat both sides. On top the tomatoes, add a little black pepper (optional), and salt. Then place thinly sliced white cheese on each tomato slice. Sprinkle a little parmesan cheese and chopped fresh parsley over everything, and chill in the fridge for about 15 minutes before serving.
e) Broccoli Salad – I got this from Mom, who in turn got it in about 1978 from her German friend Mia Gerhardt. Cut broccoli flowerets into bite sized pieces and rinse. Add brown sugar and equal parts of Ranch dressing and Italian dressing in a two cup measuring cup and mix all together. The larger sized cup allows you to mix the brown sugar better, until it is dissolved. (For an average size salad, start out with ¼ cup of each). Add golden raisins and the dressing to the broccoli and let stand a couple of hours or more in the fridge, stirring a couple of times.
f) Tostadas - On a hot day, for a great refreshing lunch, make up a batch of either tuna or chicken salad with lettuce, tomato, a small amount of diced celery, and mayo salad dressing. Spoon it on a tostada and you will be surprised as to how fast they disappear.
Salsas –
a) Salsa Verde – in a pot boil 6 or 8 tomatillos (green tomatoes) and 1 green Serrano or Jalapeño chili until very soft. In a separate pan brown a couple of sliced pieces of garlic in canola oil and add ¼ of a diced onion. Put the boiling water, tomatillos, the 1 chili, and a couple of cloves in the blender and pour into the pan. Brown the meat ahead of time and simmer in the sauce until done. The sauce should not be too watery, so if you used too much water, simmer the meat with the lid off.
b) Red Sauce – The same as above but use red tomatoes.
c) Hot Sauce – I like to have a combination of red and green. If you want just one or the other, eliminate the red tomato or green tomatillo.
On a dry (no oil) comal (skillet) put the tomatillos, a couple of green chilies, red tomatoes, and pieces of garlic. Cook and turn over until soft. You should get at least a couple of sides blackened on the tomatoes. In a blender, add a bit of water, oregano, and olive oil. Add the tomatoes and blend a short while. (We do not use a blender, but rather a mocajete – mortar and pedestal) Pour into a serving dish and add finely diced onion and fresh chopped cilantro.
Seafood Cocktail – A full meal by itself
All over Mexico you can order a seafood cocktail. They are absolutely delicious and more filling than the small appetizers called shrimp cocktails most people are used to. I start out with shrimp to get my liquid stock to be used for the “campechanos” (several different things mixed together). While you are cleaning and peeling the shrimp as normal, get a couple of quarts of water boiling on the stove.
When the water is boiling, place the shrimp in it for just a couple of minutes. They will turn red and be done quickly. Remove the shrimp out of the water with a perforated ladle and into a colander to drain and cool. Set the water from the boiled shrimp off to the side to cool. This will be your liquid stock.
Now, you can let your imagination go to work. Do you want shrimp, clams, oysters, or calamari? Do you want conch, abalone, octopus, or scallops? Heck, why not mix a little of each? If you mix several different sea foods together, you have “cocktail companchanos”
What I like the most is caracole. It is the meat of the conch shell and tastes very similar to abalone. Mixed in with the caracole, I like to add calamari (squid) and octopus. I dice all of them up and, because of the different cooking times to get tender, I boil each of them in different pots. As each item becomes tender, pull it off the fire, strain and rinse it and let it cool.
It is definitely a lot of work, but well worth it. While the various items are boiling, you now have time to dice up tomatoes, cilantro, onion, and slice a couple of avocados and limes. After everything has cooled, put your various items in a very large sturdy glass. I like to use an old-fashioned milk shake glass with a short stem. Every person has their own personal taste, so you can mix and match. Add your cilantro, onions, salt, tomatoes and avocado to taste and pour in a little of the shrimp (base stock) liquid. Top it all off with a few squeezes of lime and several shakes with a bottle of catsup.
Enjoy with a spoon and/or saltine crackers.
Shish Kabobs (Brochettes) – It really does not matter what type of meat you use, because these meals on a stick are delicious on the barbeque.
1) For shrimp brochettes, I skewer medium to large peeled shrimp from the back through the underbelly so they lay flat on the barbeque. I put several on each stick. I then only baste them with lime, butter and salt. I put them directly over a small amount of coals. When the coals flare, I turn them over and switch their locations a bit. A hot pad and tongs help to keep from getting burned too bad. The flare-up gives the shrimp the flavor. Only cook one or two minutes a side and serve immediately. You will need to have all other things ready on the table before you take the brochettes to the grill.
2) Beef Brochettes: I use only New York steak, rib eye, or fillet. Skewer equal amounts of onion, bell pepper, alternating with the meat. Baste the veggies with Italian dressing. A bit will get on the meat also, but it is not a problem. I do not cook the mushrooms on the skewer. I cook them in butter separately on the stove and pour over the meat when removed from the skewer.
3) Chicken Brochettes: Because of the different cooking times, cook the dark meat from the thighs and legs on one set of skewers, and the breast meat on another. Baste everything with Italian dressing, using the same veggies as above.
Spaghetti or Lasagna sauce – 1 can of Hunts Traditional Spaghetti sauce, and 1 can of tomato sauce. Add salt, pepper, 3 bay leaves, 1 stalk of diced celery, diced onion, 2 diced and ripe tomatoes, ½ of a diced green pepper, chopped parsley, a teaspoon of Italian spices, and a bit of dried oregano. Fry ground beef in a separate pan, drain and add to the sauce a couple of minutes before everything is ready to serve.
Joe Genovese was also a roommate with Ken Crawford and me in college. I usually did most of the cooking, but Joe always cooked the spaghetti when we had it. He was a nephew of Vito Genovese, the infamous Mafia Don. Joe was very intelligent and was majoring in electrical engineering, but he sure had a short man’s temper and Napoleon attitude. Years later, while guiding on the East Cape, Gary Graham’s son-in-law came down with Vito, and stayed with me at Gary’s house for three days. The Son-in-law ran a half way house and Vito was sent there after he finally got out of prison. Vito fished with Gary, but he sure told some interesting stories at dinner each evening.
Spaghetti – A new red sauce recipe I first tried in Nov 2009. I borrowed Catherine Krantz’s idea (the owner/editor of Another Day In Paradise) from the spaghetti she cooked up, using green olives stuffed with anchovies, at the 10 year celebration party with the contributing writers.
Cook 1 pound of ground round in a skillet, add a little salt and pepper to the meat before cooking, drain and set aside.
In a bit of olive or canola oil cook up 3 chopped up tomatoes, ½ a green pepper, ½ a onion, 1 stalk of celery, 1 chopped clove of garlic, parsley, a couple of bay leaves, some Italian spices, and a little salt for about 5 to 10 minutes. To the veggies, add 1 can of tomato sauce, several green olives stuffed with anchovy (which I slice in three portions), a small can of sliced red bell pepper (pimiento) and several capers (about a tablespoon). Cook about 30 to 45 minutes, add the meat back in for a couple of minutes to heat up, and serve.
Spaghetti – This is a new recipe I came up with and made it the first time in March of 2010. I cooked 1 pound of ground round in a skillet, drained, and set aside. Then in a bit of olive oil I cooked up 3 chopped up tomatoes, ½ a green pepper, ½ a onion, 1 stalk of celery, parsley, and a little salt for just 4 or 5 minutes. Add 1 cup of water, 1 can of tomato sauce, and ½ pack of taco seasoning sauce. Simmer ½ hour, add the meat to warm up, and serve. I actually like this better than all the others.
Spaghetti – pesto sauce. Using lots of butter and a bit of olive oil, fry a couple of pieces of sliced garlic, small amounts of diced onion, diced celery, diced green pepper, and fresh parsley for a short while. In a separate fry pan, cook in a small amount of water, cleaned and cut into strips calamari (squid). Rinse the squid and drain. Combine the squid and the cooked and drained thin spaghetti into the pan with the veggies, oil and butter. Reheat, and serve. You can also substitute shrimp for the calamari.
- Cannelloni’s - Round tubes of stuffed pasta. In one pot, cook the normal spaghetti sauce, with no meat.
In another pan, cook up some ground beef, adding only salt and pepper. Set aside and drain. In the same pan, briefly cook small amounts of onion, parsley, bell pepper, diced celery, and some oregano in a small amount of olive or canola oil. .
Remove about 1/4 of the sauce from the pot and mix with the veggies and meat. It should be just enough sauce to coat everything.
In a separate large pan, boil water and cook sheets of lasagna pasta. Remove with a spatula and drain.
Add the meat lengthwise to the sheet of pasta, and roll into a tube. Place the tubes in a Pam coated Pyrex dish, cover with the remaining sauce, and cheese. Bake (covered) in the oven or plastic wrap in the micro wave to melt the cheese. Serve with a green salad.
Squash –
a) Zucchini: Marinade slices of about ¼” thick with Italian dressing and place on a rack over coals.
b) Acorn squash (cut in half - length wise), spaghetti squash, or large yellow squash pieces: Clean out seeds and add butter, honey, brown sugar, and salt. Bake until done.
c) Round Zucchini: Cook up meatballs. Cut the top off the squash and scoop out the inside. Put in a bit of parmesan cheese, some spaghetti sauce, and a cooked meat ball. Place in a baking dish. Add the scooped out portion to the same dish, mounded up to cook at the same time. Serve as the veggie for spaghetti.
d) Round Zucchini: Cut off the top and scoop out the inside. In a separate dish, mix a portion of the scooped out insides with tuna fish, salt and a little black pepper. Stuff the tuna mix back into the zucchini and bake. You could also do this with regular Zucchini cut in half.
Tacos –
a) Fry well salted ground beef and serve with fried tortillas, cilantro, onion, lettuce, tomato, cheese, etc.
b) Cook ground beef or simmer stew meat until tender. Add a packet of taco seasoning, water and tomato sauce.
c) Pierna – pork meat from the leg -
d) Carnitas – pork meat fried in its own fat (manteca or lard). Drain most of the fat off when golden, and add lime juice and salt and stir. Ladle out and let drain and serve while hot.
Tuna Casserole – 1 large can of Campbell’s crème of mushroom soup. Add milk and simmer (slow). In a separate pot, boil curly noodles or wide egg noodles. The thicker the better with either choice of noodles.
In a third pan; fry 2 stalks of celery, ½ an onion, parsley, and fresh mushrooms in canola oil or butter.
When the soup is boiling, add the veggies and 4 cans of drained tuna. Use only a very good grade of tuna in the can. Loin of yellowfin is best.
Put the pasta in a covered casserole dish, and ladle in the soup and tuna mixture. You will probably need two dishes - one for eating now and one for freezing. Mix in a lot of grated white cheese, and then add grated yellow cheese to the top. Cook in the oven on fairly high until bubbles show, and then take the top off until the top starts to brown. Also makes fantastic left overs.
Chicken can be substituted for tuna with excellent results.
Turkey – There is only one way to cook a turkey and that is on a Weber. I started out doing this about 1970. I do not know how many Webers I have literally worn out.
I remember a Thanksgiving dinner at the Riverside house up on the hill in 1995. My nephew Ryan and I had shot some geese at the Cibola refuge on the Colorado River a few days before, and Dad, Elaine, and I had got some salmon at Avila Beach the week before.
Cuquis and I had 22 family members (mostly her side of the family) at the dinner, and I did all the cooking. I had a huge 4 foot diameter Webber for a turkey and goose (stuffed with Wild Rice-A-Roni and diced green apples), a barrel smoker for a whole 20 pound salmon, and a regular Weber for a large ham. All but the ham was basted with lemon and butter, with the ham basted with the frozen concentrated orange juice sauce.
Everything came off the cookers at the same time, carved, and was cooked to perfection. To this day, I am still amazed there were no left overs….Nothing. Not even to make a small sandwich with.
Veggies -
a) Cabbage: As with the spinach salad, fry bacon bits, but cook more diced onion (about ½ a small onion), salt and pepper, then add red wine vinegar and a bit of water. Cook cabbage leaves, stirring and tossing a lot to coat each leaf. Once it has cooked down, serve.
b) Corn on the cob: fresh corn on the cob should not be boiled….it looses its sugar and flavor. The best way to keep the fresh flavor is to line the bottom of a big pot with the silk and inner leaves from when you shucked the corn. Put in a lot, because it will also cook down. Add only enough water so the corn is not sitting in it. Put in the corn, cover with a lid, and steam.
c) Potatoes or zucchini squash – Slice lengthwise and marinade in Italian dressing and place on grill. A rack works best when it comes time to turn them.
Note: I always remember how people in Arkansas used to tell me how to fry fish, make fritters, etc. It did not matter what recipe, they always started out by saying “ya get the grease real hot”.
d) On the Bar-be-que – Cut up a carrot, potato, some zucchini squash, a little celery and onion, and place on a piece of aluminum foil which has been sprayed with Pam. Add a wedge of butter, salt and a little pepper. Fold over and seal the aluminum foil. Set on the grill, off to the side of the coals, and the veggies will be done when the meat is done. Each pack is great for two people.
. How to Make Homemade Tortillas – I have included this article as I once had made a comment to Cuquis about it being the time for Ivonne to learn how to make tortillas. Ivonne was about 13 at the time. As Cuquis did not make tortillas for us at home, her answer was basically “that is what her grandmother is for.” Again, this is how family traditions and recipes are lost.
(Reprint of an article published in the December 2003 edition of Another Day In Paradise)
By Ed Kunze
Tortillas have been used as a staple food source in Mexico since at least the days of the Aztecs. Corn (maiz) is native to the Americas, with wheat and other grains not arriving until after the Europeans. It is well documented how the Aztec Indians would boil the corn kernels, add a little pulverized limestone to release the hard shelled skin from the surface of the kernel, and then grind them to make flour. The flour, called harina (ah-reena), was then mixed with water to make a dough, called masa. Other than mass production with machines, today’s methods have changed very little.
From this masa you can make what we call “tortillas” (derived from the Spanish word Torta - meaning a small round cake). Also, from this same
A typical small tortilla factory, which can be found in every neighborhood in Mexico.
The tortilla making machine has a large hopper on top, which the masa is placed.
A worm drive gear measures out the correct amount from the bottom of the hopper and feeds it to a device to flatten the masa into a tortilla. From there the conveyor belt takes over, sending the tortilla through a gas fired flame and onto the discharge hopper.
Note the large bags of whole kernel corn on the left.
masa, you can make tamales (masa wrapped in corn or banana leaves and steamed) and sopes (masa made into a smaller diameter, yet very thick, and fried).
North of the border, the tortilla is gaining a lot of popularity. Even though most Americans and Canadians prefer the flour tortilla, corn and flour tortillas are more popular than any other ethnic bread, such as bagels, English muffins, and pita bread. A recent article in the L.A. Times stated the tortilla industry in the U.S. has a 9% annual growth. That is warp speed in the bread industry. In Mexico, the flour tortilla’s popularity is mostly confined to regional preferences in the Northern Mexican Border States and the Baja Peninsula. The average Mexican views a flour tortilla as you would compare a slice of white Wonder Bread to a good French bread
The corn tortilla is a basic food staple in Mexico, with over 300 million a day being consumed in the Republic. The corn tortilla is high in nutritional value (especially calcium, potassium and fiber) and, combined with some rice and beans, may be the only nutrition many very poor families eat for several days running. Most small towns, and all of the cities, have a small neighborhood factory which mass produces corn tortillas by machine. They sell them by the Kilo (2.2 pounds), or a fraction thereof. You can always spot one of the small tortilla factories around dinner time, because there will be a long line of kids who have been sent to get the fresh hot tortillas, just before Mom places the food on the table.
However, in many parts of Mexico, especially in the rural areas, there are no machines to make tortillas. To make tortillas by hand is a daily occurrence. Plus, there is not a single Mexican who will tell you a hand made tortilla is inferior in taste to a machine tortilla. In the cities, wives who make their tortillas by hand are revered and respected. Restaurants that serve hand made tortillas do a better business than one who has just as good of food, but the tortillas are not hand made. Hand made tortillas simply taste better, and are very much a part of the Mexican’s life.
For you, in your kitchen north of the border, it is not difficult to make very good tortillas in your home. Most supermarkets today carry a line of Mexican foods, and corn flour is stocked in most of them. Quaker makes a decent corn flour called Masa Harina, but usually corn flour is packaged as “harina de maiz”. Be sure you use corn flour, because corn “starch” or corn “meal” will not work. A regular iron skillet or griddle is just fine. Tortillas are best made when using a higher heat than you would normally cook with. With a lot of use, the higher heat will eventually warp a thin Teflon coated griddle, so a thicker metal one is better. The griddle that works best is one like Rebecca Ambriz has been making tortillas on since she was 6 years old. She prefers a wood burning chimenea (clay stove) with a porcelain comal (griddle). It takes a higher heat for the clay comal to get hot, but unlike the metal comals, no oil is needed to keep the tortilla from sticking. Her family has a unique recipe, handed down for a few generations, which combines the flavor of both the flour and corn tortillas. Rebecca’s family recipe and way the way she makes her tortillas (delicious, outstanding, etc, etc.) are as follows:
For 6 tortillas (or 5, if you like them a little thicker)
* 1 cup of water, with a little salt dissolved in it
* 1 cup of harina maiz (corn flour)
* ½ cup of regular wheat flour
Add all the ingredients together and knead the masa to make a consistent dough. Then make about 6 small balls and set them aside.
The sales counter at a small neighborhood tortilla factory. Note the young woman has also made up and sells chicharrón in a plastic bag, refried beans, and salsa in plastic cups.
The tortilla press is a very simple device made of aluminum, steel or
wood. It has two flat surfaces and a handle to press down on the upper surface. A sturdy, yet inexpensive tortilla press can be bought (for around $4.00) in several supermarkets north of the border, and in all mercados in Mexico. Rebecca cuts two circular pieces of plastic out of a couple of clear plastic bags. One piece goes on the bottom surface of the press, then place one of the small masa balls, with the second plastic sheet on top. Just push the lever down on the top of the press a couple of times and a perfectly round tortilla will be between the plastic sheets.
Be sure to pre heat the comal till it is hot. If you are using a metal or non Teflon griddle, put a little salad oil on a paper towel and lightly wipe the surface for the first one, and then for every third or fourth one thereafter.
It is almost an art in itself to place the tortilla on the comal so it will lay absolutely flat, or not fold over onto itself. The pressed tortilla will be in the palm of Rebecca’s left hand. She will peel the plastic off and transfer the tortilla to her right hand. Then, she more or less sweeps the back of her hand over the comal. The lower edge of the tortilla catches the comal, and the resistance helps pull the rest of the tortilla off her hand, as she follows through with the sweep and rolls her hand away at the same time. It will take a couple of times for you to get it right, but Rebecca has been doing it for 22 years, and has developed a very smooth and fluid motion. The tortillas are done when they start to get a little browned on each side. The first time you turn them, like a hotcake, if they want to tear, just wait a little longer for it to cook more. Place the cooked tortillas in a container made to keep them hot, or wrap them in a towel. Serve and enjoy.
(Traditionally, corn tortillas were made by soaking corn kernels in a lime/water solution to remove their skins, and then grinding them into corn dough (masa). A golf ball size piece of dough was patted down by hand into a thin pancake shape. It was then placed onto a hot griddle (comal) and cooked on both sides. This tortilla-making process is still used today in the southern area of Mexico. The name for the process is Nixtamal).
Rebeca - 2009
6th Appendix - Additional research:
Kunze, Fredric
Birth : 30 APR 1820 Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Preussen
Death : 22 FEB 1901 Shown in record submitted by LDS member
Gender: Male
Marriage: ABT 1838
Lanya, Christanna
Birth : ABT 1822 Germany
Death : ABT 1857 Austin, Texas
Gender: Female
Marriage: 15 AUG 1845 in Germany
Unknown, Agusta
Birth : Prussia
Death : AFT 1953 USA
Gender: Female
Kunze, August
Birth : 15 AUG 1845 Germany
Gender: Female
Kunze, Henrietta
Kunze, Mary
Kunze, John Charles
Kunze, Agusta
Marriage: 16 FEB 1865 in Travis County, Texas (near Austin)
Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Kunze, Amelia
Kunze, Dora Belle
Kunze, Fred
Birth : 11 APR 1870 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 11 APR 1870 Lamar, Missouri
Gender: Male
Kunze, Edward
Kunze, Hattie Lee
Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Birth : ABT 1835 Illinois
Death : 1910 Ada, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Gender: Female
Marriage: BEF 1864
Snow, Unknown
Gender: Male
Snow, Mary Jane
Gender: Female
Snow, Willie
Gender: Male
Marriage: 16 FEB 1865 in Travis County, Texas (near Austin)
Kunze, Fredric
Kunze, Amelia
Kunze, Dora Belle
Kunze, Fred
Kunze, Edward
Kunze, Hattie Lee
Kunze, Dora Belle
Birth : 17 JAN 1868 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 3 NOV 1902 Lamar, Missouri
Gender: Female
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Marriage: 1882 in Lamar, Missouri
Magee, Charles
Gender: Male
Marriage: 1888 in Lamar, Missouri
Geivet, William Henry
Gender: Male
Rivet, Iva
Gender: Female
Marriage: 1918
Kunze, Edward
Birth : 1 APR 1875 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 19 JUL 1959
Gender: Male
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Kunze, Hattie Lee
Birth : 10 FEB 1877 Lamar, Missouri
Death : 2 MAY 1964 Puyallup, Washington
Gender: Female
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Scribner, Lucy Henderson
Edmundson, Howard Henery
Death : 27 DEC 1952
Gender: Male
Edmundson, Howard Lee
Marriage: 28 JUN 1894 in Monument, Colorado
Wall, Joseph Andrew
Birth : ABT 1870
Gender: Male
Father: Wall, James
Mother: Nerren, Sara
Wall, Leo Edgebert
Wall, Clyde R
Wall, Lucy Opal
Kunze, Mary
Birth : 20 APR 1849 Germany
Gender: Female
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Unknown, Agusta
Harkless, Unknown
Gender: Male
Harkless, Aberham
Burnham, Unknown
Gender: Male
Burnham, Maud
Burnham, DeKalb
Burnham, Maggie
Wall, Lucy Opal
Birth : 12 MAR 1899
Death : ABT 1947
Gender: Female
Father: Wall, Joseph Andrew
Mother: Kunze, Hattie Lee
Cox, Unk
Gender: Male
Cox, Evelyn Elain
Birth : 29 NOV 1917
Gender: Female
Cox, John Edward
Birth : 4 MAY 1919
Death : ABT 1935
Gender: Male
Farr, Jerome
Gender: Male
Farr, Jean Darrell
Birth : 1 FEB 1924
Gender: Female
Farr, James Homer
Birth : 17 JUL 1925
Gender: Male
Farr, Daughter
Gender: Female
Farr, Daughter2
Gender: Female
Kunze, John Charles
Birth : 24 DEC 1851 Germany
Death : 28 JUN 1932
Gender: Male
Father: Kunze, Fredric
Mother: Unknown, Agusta
Kunze, John Fredrick
Kunze, Addie May
Birth : 11 FEB 1873 Lamar, Barton, Missouri
Gender: Female
Kunze, Robert Esall
Birth : 11 JAN 1875 Lamar, Barton, Missouri
Gender: Male
Kunze, Charles Franklin
Birth : 22 MAY 1877
Gender: Male
Kunze, Mary Etta
Birth : 26 JUL 1879
Gender: Female
Kunze, Christanna
Birth : 11 MAY 1882
Gender: Female
Kunze, Laura Agusta
Birth : 4 MAR 1884
Gender: Female
Kunze, Kate Maud
Birth : 8 AUG 1887
Gender: Female
Search for the following : Children and grandchildren of John Charles Kunze:
2 John Charles Kunze 1851 - 1932 b: 24 Dec 1851 in Germany
.... +Margaret Hendricks m: 03 Jul 1870
... 3 John Fredrick Kunze 1871 - b: 01 May 1871 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
..... 4 Eva Kunze 1898 - b: 1898 in Monument, Colorado
..... 4 Alice Lillian Kunze 1900 - b: 04 Mar 1900
..... 4 John Fredrick Kunze 1906 - b: 09 Jul 1906 in Crested Butte, Colorado
..... 4 William Kunze
..... 4 Charles Monrow Kunze 1904 - b: 23 Mar 1904
..... 4 Patrick Kunze
..... 4 Michael Kunze
... 3 Addie May Kunze 1873 - b: 11 Feb 1873 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
... 3 Robert Esall Kunze 1875 - b: 11 Jan 1875 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri
... 3 Charles Franklin Kunze 1877 - b: 22 May 1877
... 3 Mary Etta Kunze 1879 - b: 26 Jul 1879
... 3 Christanna Kunze 1882 - b: 11 May 1882
... 3 Laura Agusta Kunze 1884 - b: 04 Mar 1884
... 3 Kate Maud Kunze 1887 - b: 08 Aug 1887
Fairview Cemetery (Stone Cemetery)
Smith County, Kansas
Kunze, Clara B., d. 15 Dec 1892, aged 13y8m15d
Kunze, Edna M., b. 1897, d. 1898, daughter of F.H. & S.F. Kunze
Kunze, Ferdinand H., b. 20 Jan 1856, d. 10 Jul 1908
Kunze, Franklin B., d. 26 Nov 1888, son of H. & R.J. Kunze
Kunze, H. Leroy, b. 2 sep 1902, d. 8 sep 1903
Kunze, Minnie L., d. 25 Nov 1888, aged 8y2m12d, daughter of H. & R.J. Kunze
Kunze, Susie F., b. 27 Jan 1857, d. 20 Feb 1936
KUNZE, Michelle Marie
Paine, Rachel E.
1893 1958 Kunze Rachel E.
Kunze, Derek Earl
Kunze, Dustin Franz
Kunze, Stefanie Jo
Kunze, Sylvia Faye Rost
Kunze, Ernest John 30-Dec-1984 M
Kunze Gerald L. 1956
Kunze, Delma Apr 4, 1859 Jan 31, 1916 4
Kunze, Theodor G. 1876 1953 4
Kunze, Mary G. 1894 1983 4
Kunze, Katie G. Jan 24, 1888 Feb 6, 1914 4
Kunze, Jennie Dec 21, 1898 June 28, 1923 4
Kunze, Henry Mar 28, 1874 May 1, 1941 4
Cedar Hill Cemetery
Woodmen of the World Burials
Delta County, Colorado
KUNZE, CHARLES E. 2 10X B 1877 - 1959 2NameStone
KUNZE, EDWARD 2 10X F 1903 - 1960 2NameStone
KUNZE, LOUISE 2 10X E 1907 - 1958 2NameStone
KUNZE, MARY F. 2 10X A 1885 - 1958 2NameStone
KUNZE, PHILLIP F. 2 10X C 1909 - 19770328 1NameStone
Elbert County, Colorado
Total Matches: 7
Name Cemetery County Updated
KUNZE, Adolph
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert 2008-05-14 00:48:00
KUNZE, August F.
Elizabeth Cemetery
Elbert 2005-06-22 22:11:34
KUNZE, Emil E.
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert 2008-05-14 00:47:51
KUNZE, Jessie Tee
Elizabeth Cemetery
Elbert 2005-06-22 22:11:23
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert 2008-05-14 01:03:48
KUNZE, Mary E.
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert 2008-05-14 00:47:56
KUNZE, William C.
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert 2008-05-14 00:47:42
Adolph KUNZE
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
1882 - 1948
1874 - 1954
August F. KUNZE
Elizabeth Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
1851 - 1923
1845 - 1926
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
1909 - 1911
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
Wife of A. Kunze
Born Aug. 23, 1844
Died Jan. 28, 1897
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
1882 - 1948
1874 - 1954
William C. KUNZE
Elbert-Kiowa Cemetery
Elbert County, Colorado
1915 - 1947
22. Jesse Thomas Calvert was born on Feb 23 1861 in Ponee, Sangaman County, Illinois. He died on Sep 24 1939 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington. He married Amelia Kunze on May 1 1881 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri. Jesse was born on Feb 23 1861 in Also as Pawnee, Sangmon, Illinois. [Parents]
23. Amelia Kunze was born on Dec 28 1865 in Austin, Travis, Texas. She died on Jun 30 1955 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington. Amelia was counted in a census in 1880 in Shown at home, single, 14yo. [Parents]
44. George W. Calvert was born on Sep 17 1810 in Bourbon, Kentucky. He died in 1873 in Pawnee, Sangamon, Illinois. He married Amanda Calvert in 1843 in Of, Trimble, Kentucky. [Parents]
45. Amanda Calvert was born in 1812 in Kentucky. She died on Jul 22 1893 in Dennis, Labette, Kansas.
46. Fredric Kunze was born on Apr 30 1820 in Berlin Stadt, Brandenburg, Preussen. He died on Feb 2 1901 in Oklahoma. He married Lucy Henderson Snow nee Scribner on Feb 16 1865 in Travis County, Texas (near Austin). Fredric died on Feb 22 1901 in Shown in record submitted by LDS member.
47. Lucy Henderson Snow nee Scribner was born in 1835 in Illinois. She died in 1910 in Ada, Indian Territory, Oklahoma.
22. Jesse Thomas Calvert
In the Calvert Family Book, George Calvert, son of Roy, son of Jesse andAmelia mentioned they moved to Washington State in the Leahy region about1904 or 1905. When they left Leahy, it is stated that Jesse owed JimLeahy $160 on a store bill. He couldn't afford to pay, so gave Jim the deed to the family farm they had homesteaded.
23. Amelia Kunze
One record also shows birthdate as 28 Dec 1865 in Austin, Texas.Submitted by Mercy Derry, Shawnee, OK. Disk #51
11. Dora Grace Calvert "Dee Dee" was born 1 on Nov 29 1898 in Lamar, Barton, Missouri. She died 2 on Apr 28 1979 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington. The cause of death was Heart Failure. She was buried in Spanaway, Pierce, Washington. [Parents]